





4.6/582 評價


時代廣場 紐約|距離市中心5.31km
入住前一天,我打電話給前台,讓酒店知道我們將慶祝我女兒的21歲生日,我們還要求提前入住和房間升級,如果在我們的Bonvoy Gold Elite會員資格中包括在內。我以爲是酒店經理Andrew的大要求,直到我們到達Edition和Vlad的前台,誰給我們辦理入住告訴我們可以提前入住我們升級的套房,他還提到工作人員知道我們正在慶祝生日。他還說我們可以享受下午2點的退房。套房很壯觀!這是31樓的一個角落房間,有超級舒適的特大牀,美麗的燈光設計,客廳區有巨大的電視,可以免費訪問Netflix,Pandora,HBO等。套房還設有一個巨大的陽台,俯時代廣場華麗的紐約終極景色。浴室包括一個巨大的浸泡浴缸,我希望我們有時間使用。大量的存儲,蓬鬆的長袍和Le Labo產品。酒店的工作人員,從門衛到前台和管家都超級友好,提供了優質的服務。首先,退房時,一旦走出我們的房間,我們的女兒意識到她把紐約的鹹菜放在了房間裏的冰箱裏。行李員幫我們提行李(我很抱歉我忘了他的名字,但他真的是一顆寶石!)說他會很高興地爲她取回泡菜,以便當我們最後離開城市時,她會得到它(我們用我們的裝備儲存了我們的裝備)。下午的行李員)。當我們回到酒店拿東西時,行李員用冰袋把女兒珍貴的泡菜遞給我們!多麼親切多麼甜蜜的手勢!下次我們在城裏肯定住那裏。
4.3/5167 評價


時代廣場 紐約|距離市中心5.2km
位置很好,岀門就是時代廣場位於45與46街之間,但前台服務態度是我住過的萬豪最差的一家。首先,不管是checkin or out,幾個服務窗口都至少排隊等10分鐘以上,簡直堪比入境過邊檢還慢,加上reception 高高的玻璃窗口櫃枱,客户體驗感非常差。等了15分鐘後輪到我,我問為什麼每個住客人辦理個check in 都要那麼長時間,前台old-aged直接回懟我“your watch is too fast ! ”,哈哈,你難道不應該是“sorry,讓你久等了嗎?” ,這樣的人上崗前確認是被培訓過的?巧合的是,退房時正好又是這位啞叔,不出我意料,磨磨唧唧十多分鐘後拉出一張帳單,上邊顯示每天收我幾十刀城市税,我講所有費用都是預付給agent了,這個是重複收費,他然後又打電話給經理折騰確認後講錯了,又重新拉帳單給我。我就納悶了,你們萬豪酒店訂房系統都是假的麼?客人房費情況電腦系統情況看不出來要靠蒙?你以為這就結束了?NO,我check out 第二天,我手機短訊提示美國銀行信用卡又被這家酒店扣了994.02刀,對帳單顯示消費,不是pending ,這就真的莫名其妙了,房費每天360刀是早預付的,每天按金也就100刀,住4天已被扣了400刀還沒返回我卡上,我都已經check out了,這994.02刀數據是怎麼來的?憑啥扣的?這麼隨意的?要不是我關注一下對帳單,這錢就白送了?這個錢到現在還在追索中。
4.1/566 評價


中城西區 紐約|距離市中心5.86km
Upon entering, it gives a small boutique hotel feel due to the size of the lobby, but the rooms are anything but! Overall, a great relaxing stay that I wish was longer. This was one of the largest rooms I have had in a NYC hotel. Check-in by Cynthia was welcoming and seamless. The room was beautiful, Queen 1 BR suite that was nicely appointed with a small foyer that had a small, padded bench, comfortable living room with TV and large double doors leading into the BR. Make sure you open cabinets to find your mini-bar, and Nescafe coffee maker or you will miss it. But I liked that it was tucked away neatly. I would have loved a separate refrigerator to store my own beverages or any leftovers. If it was available, I did not see it need it this trip, but would inquire for a future stay. The room also had a walk-in closet/dressing room with a wide full-length mirror, and nice sized bathroom with glass walled walk in-shower. The bathroom wasn't large, but it the vanity was large enough for 2 people to store their toiletries, also with the walk-in closet right outside of the bathroom door, there was extra storage if needed. The bed was one of the most comfortable hotel beds I have slept in. My room was in the middle section of floors available, my views were nice enough but nothing to write home about. It you are looking for a beautiful NYC Skyline view ask for a higher floor, or room with a view, I did not request it, but I believe they would have done their best to accommodate if I had. There is an on-site restaurant Dabble. The food (breakfast) was good (not spectacular), but convenient given my stay, pricey $25-50 per person - but it is Manhattan, and this is a 5-star hotel, so I wasn't surprised at the price- you pay for convenience and or you eat there because you may have credits given your level of rewards membership which was my experience. I was happy to have that as an option and did appreciate the convenience. I would definitely return and will recommend to friends looking to elevate their NYC hotel experience.



4.3/5214 評價


法拉盛 紐約
住過這個酒店幾次,感覺蠻好。可是這次出了點不愉快。入住前台服務員態度很好,領了房間卡進入房間後我太太就用洗手間,可是衞生間玻璃門關不上,湊活用完玻璃門又打不開了,人出不來,我馬上下樓找服務員,但服務員打電話找維修人員 可是夜裡11點多維修工程師下班了,不知怎麼辦,後來找了一個男服務員和保安到房間,廢了半天勁才打開門,我太太才從衞生間出來,從進去到出來整整40分鐘。我們坐飛機16小時,從jfk一下飛機到酒店已經夜裡11點了,本想入住後馬上出去吃點東西,可是被關在衞生間40分鐘,前台承諾明早吃早飯時會叫維修人員修理好,叫我們晚上上衞生間先別關門了。可是第二天早上我們吃完早餐還沒有人來修理,又找到前台,前台打電話,等了一會兒來了一個人看看後回去拿工具,一會兒來了,可修理一會兒也修不好,我們還要出去,於是找到酒店經理要求換房,開始説沒有房間了,我説現在你們修不好,不能總讓我們開着門上廁所吧?我強烈要求換房,不換房就給補償。經理進去一會出來同意換房了,原來維修工程師沒來,來的人修不好。換好房已經快11點了,真是不愉快。耽誤不少時間。不過換了房總算解決了問題。不過,酒店人員都沒有道歉。請看照片,我太太在衞生間坐等40分鐘。



4/592 評價


肯尼迪國際機場地區 紐約







4.5/5115 評價


華爾街/金融區 紐約|距離華爾街0.1km
我在住宿初期發布了一篇評論,但由於此住宿已經結束,我想對其進行跟進。 底線-這個地方是純金!除了我之前提到的小障礙,我們的住宿還算完美。在曼哈頓的酒店房間中擁有空間真是太好了!雖然白天/傍晚的街道噪音很大,但夜晚一點也不差。此外,酒店還為我們的輕便睡眠者提供耳塞和白噪聲機。而且我沒有聽到其他套房的任何噪音,無論是相鄰的還是上方/下方的。很棒的舊建築! 高質量的床單和側桌/擱板可提供出口和USB端口,這床令人難以置信。 浴室美觀實用,在鏡子後面設有大型內置式櫥櫃,可彌補櫃檯空間的不足。 Malin&Goetz的洗髮水,護髮素和沐浴露聞起來很香,感覺很豪華。 我們有一間帶兩間浴室的一居室套房,當我和我女兒同時準備時,這是一個不錯的功能。 當您走進套房時,有一個小型餐桌椅,但這不是超級方便,也沒有窗戶,所以我們衹是不使用它而浪費空間。 電唱機非常適合我們,因為我們是乙烯基迷。到達時對音樂的選擇非常適合使我們起步。 其他精彩細節:  -帶精美配件的酒吧車,包括紅酒開瓶器,倒酒器,塞子等。  -茶几頂部有提起裝置,因此您可以在看電視的同時吃飯  -Fello Stagg電熱水壺倒入-裝有Sey咖啡的咖啡系統-我以前從未使用過該系統,而被吹走了!難以置信-太不可思議了,我一回到家就買了一個!  -也提供很多茶  -一對扔毯子和坐墊凳,使套房在看電影的整個夜晚都非常舒適  -抵達時,套房內有2箱水和一些巧克力-覆有杏仁的杏仁在等着我們 在同一建築物的樓下就有一個巨大的市場,可以搶購一些物品來存放廚房,如果您願意的話,酒店實際上會為您服務! 米其林還有一家很棒的餐廳-游牧民族背後的主廚。很棒的食物和飲料。 輕鬆步行至各種地鐵線。我們花了大約15-20分鐘才能到達市中心。因此,我們發現位置非常理想。 如您所知,我們喜歡這個地方!我經常訪問紐約,並計劃將70 Pine的歌詞作為家外之家。





4.5/586 評價


上東城 紐約|距離第五大道0.21km
This is my third review of The Carlyle over the years (across probably 25 stays), and, sadly, the first one where I didn't feel I could give the hotel five stars. Although this is specifically about a stay in November 2022, it relates more generally to the renovated rooms at The Carlyle -- and here, the 11/22 stay was our third in a renovated room. Two were in Superior Suites, and one was in a Rosewood Suite. First, the good: The service continues to terrific, and greetings from the staff are genuine and caring. Across the board, when I raised an issue, someone tried to make things better. Housekeeping did not miss a beat. The bedding and linens are top notch. I found the beds in all three rooms terrific. And, the renovations fixed what had been a tendency for the HVAC to be spotty, depending on the room. The renovated systems worked flawlessly. And, the rooms are quiet -- no street noise or noise from adjoining rooms. In the Superior Suites, the bathrooms are small. In one of the two we stayed in, we had a half bath, which made things a bit better. But, if you want a big bathroom, then look elsewhere. I find the baths adequate, and the showers delightful (as they have been across 30 years). Now, the not so good: The lighting the renovated rooms is atrocious. In the living rooms of all three suites, there wasn't enough light to read in the evening, other than in the one chair that they equipped with a reading light. The desk lamp -- while stylish -- gives off about the equivalent of a 40 watt light bulb. Who does that? There are wall mounted sconces -- with the equivalent of 15 watt bulbs in them. One room had a ceiling unit that had 3 bulbs with the equivalent of 40 watt bulbs. Why? The traditional Carlyle had great lighting -- three way bulbs with up to 150 watts in total in each of 3 or 4 lamps in the room. In this version, I feel depressed in the rooms in the evening. And then there's the bedroom. While there are lamps on the end tables next to the bed, they are on one switch. Either both are on, or neither. Why? Why not have them separately switched? There's a spot-like reading light on each side of the bed -- but that's a poor substitute from the warmth of the bedside table light. Why would anyone design a hotel room this way? I suppose if all one does in a hotel room is look at one's phone or computer, or watch TV, the lighting will suffice. But if you want to read? Forget it. And then you get to storage. In each of the three suites there was no storage at all for your things (I've seen reviews that show some rooms having dressers). Each of the living room and bedroom had shelving, but the room designers filled the shelves with design stuff that serves no purpose, leaving those unavailable to the guest. Even the closets lack usable shelving, other than a high shelf above the hanging clothes. The old Carlyle rooms had vast amounts of storage space in large dressers. It's almost as if the room design
3.4/5115 評價


上西城 紐約|距離第五大道1.03km
抵達后一切順利。我們已經預訂了2張; 1晚3晚,最後預訂1晚,因此我們可以使用溫德姆獎賞計劃。接待處的布萊斯說,整個時間都呆在同一個房間裏沒有問題。昨晚下午5點左右,布萊斯打電話給我們,說我們必須將房間搬到另一個房間,有點生氣,我們收拾東西搬走了。到達新房間后,我們看到它衹有一張床-我們是3位成人,我當然沒有和父母共用一張床!我們在接待處給布萊斯打電話,衹是讓他說他“不知道我們有3個人”-他檢查了我們!當我們要求另一個房間時,他接著說:“沒有一個房間,他無法移動我們”,因為那是經理告訴他的。我們要求與“不可用”並過夜的經理交談。我問布萊斯我該在哪裡睡覺,他不敢說“我們可以給你一張摺疊床,但要額外收費”。就像地獄一樣,我們要再付一張床!我們已經預訂了一間可容納2張床的房間,可睡3位成人! (我們有確認這一點的確認)。再次被問到我要在哪裡睡覺時,布萊斯說:“他不在乎這不是他的問題”。最後,他免費給我們提供了可摺疊床,這當然不適合房間,因為房間很小(它在紐約如此預期),所以我把我們放在床邊的床墊上(附照片)。我們從未有過如此糟糕的服務! !溫德姆(Wyndham)一直都有如此出色的酒店和員工,他們的水準很高,而且還不符合要求。老實說,我什至不推薦這家酒店給任何人。除了frm,就是這樣的位置。



4.5/586 評價


上東城 紐約|距離大都會藝術博物館0.56km
This is my third review of The Carlyle over the years (across probably 25 stays), and, sadly, the first one where I didn't feel I could give the hotel five stars. Although this is specifically about a stay in November 2022, it relates more generally to the renovated rooms at The Carlyle -- and here, the 11/22 stay was our third in a renovated room. Two were in Superior Suites, and one was in a Rosewood Suite. First, the good: The service continues to terrific, and greetings from the staff are genuine and caring. Across the board, when I raised an issue, someone tried to make things better. Housekeeping did not miss a beat. The bedding and linens are top notch. I found the beds in all three rooms terrific. And, the renovations fixed what had been a tendency for the HVAC to be spotty, depending on the room. The renovated systems worked flawlessly. And, the rooms are quiet -- no street noise or noise from adjoining rooms. In the Superior Suites, the bathrooms are small. In one of the two we stayed in, we had a half bath, which made things a bit better. But, if you want a big bathroom, then look elsewhere. I find the baths adequate, and the showers delightful (as they have been across 30 years). Now, the not so good: The lighting the renovated rooms is atrocious. In the living rooms of all three suites, there wasn't enough light to read in the evening, other than in the one chair that they equipped with a reading light. The desk lamp -- while stylish -- gives off about the equivalent of a 40 watt light bulb. Who does that? There are wall mounted sconces -- with the equivalent of 15 watt bulbs in them. One room had a ceiling unit that had 3 bulbs with the equivalent of 40 watt bulbs. Why? The traditional Carlyle had great lighting -- three way bulbs with up to 150 watts in total in each of 3 or 4 lamps in the room. In this version, I feel depressed in the rooms in the evening. And then there's the bedroom. While there are lamps on the end tables next to the bed, they are on one switch. Either both are on, or neither. Why? Why not have them separately switched? There's a spot-like reading light on each side of the bed -- but that's a poor substitute from the warmth of the bedside table light. Why would anyone design a hotel room this way? I suppose if all one does in a hotel room is look at one's phone or computer, or watch TV, the lighting will suffice. But if you want to read? Forget it. And then you get to storage. In each of the three suites there was no storage at all for your things (I've seen reviews that show some rooms having dressers). Each of the living room and bedroom had shelving, but the room designers filled the shelves with design stuff that serves no purpose, leaving those unavailable to the guest. Even the closets lack usable shelving, other than a high shelf above the hanging clothes. The old Carlyle rooms had vast amounts of storage space in large dressers. It's almost as if the room design
3.4/5115 評價


上西城 紐約|距離大都會藝術博物館1.27km
抵達后一切順利。我們已經預訂了2張; 1晚3晚,最後預訂1晚,因此我們可以使用溫德姆獎賞計劃。接待處的布萊斯說,整個時間都呆在同一個房間裏沒有問題。昨晚下午5點左右,布萊斯打電話給我們,說我們必須將房間搬到另一個房間,有點生氣,我們收拾東西搬走了。到達新房間后,我們看到它衹有一張床-我們是3位成人,我當然沒有和父母共用一張床!我們在接待處給布萊斯打電話,衹是讓他說他“不知道我們有3個人”-他檢查了我們!當我們要求另一個房間時,他接著說:“沒有一個房間,他無法移動我們”,因為那是經理告訴他的。我們要求與“不可用”並過夜的經理交談。我問布萊斯我該在哪裡睡覺,他不敢說“我們可以給你一張摺疊床,但要額外收費”。就像地獄一樣,我們要再付一張床!我們已經預訂了一間可容納2張床的房間,可睡3位成人! (我們有確認這一點的確認)。再次被問到我要在哪裡睡覺時,布萊斯說:“他不在乎這不是他的問題”。最後,他免費給我們提供了可摺疊床,這當然不適合房間,因為房間很小(它在紐約如此預期),所以我把我們放在床邊的床墊上(附照片)。我們從未有過如此糟糕的服務! !溫德姆(Wyndham)一直都有如此出色的酒店和員工,他們的水準很高,而且還不符合要求。老實說,我什至不推薦這家酒店給任何人。除了frm,就是這樣的位置。



3.9/5114 評價
Everyone was amazing. My connecting flight home (after a LONG flight from Eastern Europe) was cancelled. I booked on the app and checked in within an hour. My room was so comfortable. I was too exhausted to go out to get food so I got something from downstairs. It was delicious! Special thanks to Michelle who got me sorted out at check in and to George for picking up my bags and taking me back to the airport. Highly recommend!
4.2/5102 評價
4.1/5103 評價
I have lived in NYC 20 years, and occasionally, we like to play tourist in our own city. My husband and I decided to stay a night at the Moxy LES in celebration of my 40th birthday. I even talked another couple who were celebrating with us into getting a room too. I chose this location as I saw the beautiful roof bar advertised and thought it’d be fun to start our night with a cocktail on the roof with a few friends before setting out to my main celebration elsewhere. Having stayed at several other similar hotels in town like Sixty LES, I never had an issue grabbing a cocktail at the rooftop bar. This was not the case here. I arrived with a group of 7 to head to the Highlight Room at around 7pm (wayyy before the nightlife rush!), and was told I had “priority” as a guest of the hotel, but first I had to commit to spending $350 for us to come up. Don’t advertise your bars as an amenity of the hotel if they are not freely accessible to guests. What if my friends just wanted a nice lemonade and to check out the view?? I guess they’re not welcome or that’s a lot of lemonade we’d have to buy! Just to note: Loosie’s, the club in the basement of the hotel with the “no-attitude dancefloor” — to quote the hotel website — is notoriously snooty at the door, and guests of the hotel are not prioritized for entry there either. We had other plans that night so didn’t even bother, but word to the wise. As for the room: Yes, they’re small. Expected in NYC, and was fine for us since we were only staying 1 night, but I would not want to stay here longer than a couple days. There is no real closet. Just a few hangers on a bar on the wall (some under the television!) so your clothes kind of have to hang flat against the wall. There are cubbies under the bed for storage. Not ideal in such a tight space. I stubbed my toe on them more than once. Maybe I’m clumsy or maybe it’s just a bad design! The light situation is super weird. I don’t know if our lighting was accidentally installed incorrectly, but in order to turn the bathroom light on, you had to have the main room light on. The main room light could be turned on separately. So basically, if you needed to go in the middle of the night, you either had to pee in the dark or turn on the lights of the whole room while your partner is sleeping! (Possible we didn’t see another light switch somewhere but I’m pretty sure the only switches were 2 by the door.) Toiletries: The shower had 2 pump bottles (sustainable. I respect that!) — but one was filled with a shampoo/body wash combo — and the other conditioner. I would expect something a bit more luxe even for a 4 star hotel — and certainly a separate shampoo and body wash! There was no lotion, which is usually standard in even the Holiday Inn. There was one small bar of soap for hand washing. No places to hang towels. I had to throw mine over the top of the shower door. Towels were pretty scratchy too. They do have a steamer and hair dryer. Bless! There was no fridge
紐約拉瓜迪亞機場 SpringHill Suites 飯店
4.1/598 評價
4.3/593 評價
4.3/5113 評價
我們住的一晚總體來說還不錯,但我將這家酒店評爲“平均”是因爲:-在辦理入住手續時,佩吉沒有承認我們是希爾頓榮譽鑽石會員。-我們的房間(1011)形狀很糟糕。地板很粘。傢俱都流淚了,破舊不堪。天花板上有許多水漬,牆壁在一些地方也受到水的損壞。淋浴沒有熱水,當你把它調到熱水時,冷水出來了,你不得不讓它流一會兒(浪費了很多水)來加熱,至多是溫水。然而,我們的整體住宿還可以,因爲:-很高興看到我們使用的回收桶...。-感謝往返機場的免費班車。-享受免費早餐-選擇很多。- 我們從10樓的房間可以看到城市的美景。這家酒店靠近拉瓜迪亞機場。除了走廊噪音外,它很安靜。我們沒有車,所以我無法評論酒店的停車位。前台有大量的菜單提供墨西哥、中國和意大利食品。



最高價格TWD 191,247
最低價格TWD 3,649
平均價格 (平日)TWD 16,606
平均價格 (週末)TWD 18,253



紐約是美國繁華的大都市之一,也是熱門的旅遊城市,這裡不僅有風靡全球的百老匯歌劇、數不清的博物館與美術館,還有來自全球各地不同文化的特色美食,其中最受遊客歡迎的地區為曼哈頓,幾乎所有你所熟知的著名紐約景點都在曼哈頓。準備來趟紐約旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門紐約景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開紐約之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往紐約機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。紐約當地交通發達,旅客可選擇搭乘 MTA 地鐵(進站刷卡,出站不用刷)、Path 捷運(往返紐約與紐澤西之間)遊玩各大紐約景點。




1. 帝國大廈

2. 大都會藝術博物館

3. 自由女神像


還沒安排紐約自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的紐約飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿曼哈頓飯店等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂紐約住宿!若預計前往紐約周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如地鐵站附近,旅行更便利省時。
