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探索我們在Billboard Publications附近的熱門飯店








正在尋找Billboard Publications附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/5103 評價
I have lived in NYC 20 years, and occasionally, we like to play tourist in our own city. My husband and I decided to stay a night at the Moxy LES in celebration of my 40th birthday. I even talked another couple who were celebrating with us into getting a room too. I chose this location as I saw the beautiful roof bar advertised and thought it’d be fun to start our night with a cocktail on the roof with a few friends before setting out to my main celebration elsewhere. Having stayed at several other similar hotels in town like Sixty LES, I never had an issue grabbing a cocktail at the rooftop bar. This was not the case here. I arrived with a group of 7 to head to the Highlight Room at around 7pm (wayyy before the nightlife rush!), and was told I had “priority” as a guest of the hotel, but first I had to commit to spending $350 for us to come up. Don’t advertise your bars as an amenity of the hotel if they are not freely accessible to guests. What if my friends just wanted a nice lemonade and to check out the view?? I guess they’re not welcome or that’s a lot of lemonade we’d have to buy! Just to note: Loosie’s, the club in the basement of the hotel with the “no-attitude dancefloor” — to quote the hotel website — is notoriously snooty at the door, and guests of the hotel are not prioritized for entry there either. We had other plans that night so didn’t even bother, but word to the wise. As for the room: Yes, they’re small. Expected in NYC, and was fine for us since we were only staying 1 night, but I would not want to stay here longer than a couple days. There is no real closet. Just a few hangers on a bar on the wall (some under the television!) so your clothes kind of have to hang flat against the wall. There are cubbies under the bed for storage. Not ideal in such a tight space. I stubbed my toe on them more than once. Maybe I’m clumsy or maybe it’s just a bad design! The light situation is super weird. I don’t know if our lighting was accidentally installed incorrectly, but in order to turn the bathroom light on, you had to have the main room light on. The main room light could be turned on separately. So basically, if you needed to go in the middle of the night, you either had to pee in the dark or turn on the lights of the whole room while your partner is sleeping! (Possible we didn’t see another light switch somewhere but I’m pretty sure the only switches were 2 by the door.) Toiletries: The shower had 2 pump bottles (sustainable. I respect that!) — but one was filled with a shampoo/body wash combo — and the other conditioner. I would expect something a bit more luxe even for a 4 star hotel — and certainly a separate shampoo and body wash! There was no lotion, which is usually standard in even the Holiday Inn. There was one small bar of soap for hand washing. No places to hang towels. I had to throw mine over the top of the shower door. Towels were pretty scratchy too. They do have a steamer and hair dryer. Bless! There was no fridge
4.2/5102 評價
下次還會選擇這家有190年歷史的酒店,個人很喜歡,就是房間太小了,行李箱根本沒法打開,其它沒什麼好挑剔的,位置鬧中取靜,早餐一般,有四種選擇,我連續吃了一周的燕麥粥,其它口味 都不喜歡
紐約聯合廣場W 飯店
4.2/598 評價
牀很舒服,訂的是奇妙房,大牀,前台還客氣的問要不要加牀。 旁邊有超市,很晚了也可以買東西吃 收的100刀美金待三天就退回來了
紐約市東村 Moxy 飯店
4.3/5107 評價
住在莫西東村很棒 !位置理想,靠近聯合廣場車站,它有很好的連接,可以旅行市中心和市中心。酒店本身是現代而充滿活力的,我喜歡他們在我的房間裏慶祝我的生日的個人觸摸。屋頂隔壁很可愛,工作人員很友好和樂於助人。大聲喊西爾維婭和薩布里娜!唯一有點煩人的是電梯在我逗留的最後兩天似乎出了故障,這意味着電梯非常慢(在11樓的時候不太理想!)
4.2/5102 評價
簽入時,我們詢問是否有任何可用的升級。接待員給我們提供了一個“角房”,可以俯瞰庫珀廣場,但是那會更貴。不幸的是,他們在出售“轉角房”方面相當自由。是的,它的房間確實有一個角落,兩邊都有窗戶,但其中一面正直望5英尺外的另一個“角落房間”。 在結帳並與經理(非常有禮貌)交談後,他為誤會道歉並糾正了情況。 至於房間本身,很好。小而舒適的床,便利設施有限(沒有咖啡)。
4.4/5108 評價
總的來說,這是一家非常堅實的酒店,前台工作人員非常熱情和樂於助人。房間大小適中,適合紐約,並配備了必需品。 至少一個晚上,我印象深刻,甚至有夜牀服務。 淋浴花了大約一分鐘的時間才有適當的水流,儘管壓力從來沒有那麼大。 我很感激房間裏有 Nespresso 機和豆。 我總是很高興入住這家酒店,特別是因爲我非常喜歡這個位置,不是在旅遊區的中心,但仍然有很多很棒的吃飯的地方,地鐵連接很好,基本的購物方便。




紐約是美國繁華的大都市之一,也是熱門的旅遊城市,這裡不僅有風靡全球的百老匯歌劇、數不清的博物館與美術館,還有來自全球各地不同文化的特色美食,其中最受遊客歡迎的地區為曼哈頓,幾乎所有你所熟知的著名紐約景點都在曼哈頓。準備來趟紐約旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門紐約景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開紐約之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往紐約機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。紐約當地交通發達,旅客可選擇搭乘 MTA 地鐵(進站刷卡,出站不用刷)、Path 捷運(往返紐約與紐澤西之間)遊玩各大紐約景點。




1. 帝國大廈

2. 大都會藝術博物館

3. 自由女神像


還沒安排紐約自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的紐約飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿曼哈頓飯店等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂紐約住宿!若預計前往紐約周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如地鐵站附近,旅行更便利省時。
