
3.9/568 評價
非常有效的位置,可以找到附近的一切。对于观光旅游,地铁1号线就在不远处。占领该地区的人口非常非洲化,但绝对安全。生活在街头,所以街上总是挤满了人。 我读到房间里有一个电热水壶,但我不得不要求它并得到了一个很脏的电热水壶,就像一个干煎鸡蛋。接待员告诉我它生锈了,它没有杀死!欢迎来到那不勒斯! 我用小苏打清洗过,污垢很好,但确定它没有生锈。但是,这项服务仍然没有达到标准,即使它是热情和宽容的。您可以随时将披萨带回家,即使是凌晨 3 点!
Best Western Hotel dei Mille
4/555 評價
我們喜歡這家酒店。 它位於一條非常繁忙的街道上。 如果你打開窗戶,就會很吵。我們沒有打開它。 但附近有咖啡館和商店。早餐是10歐元,不是trip.com上描述的8歐元。早餐很好。 所有東西都一點點:香腸、冷盤、起司、水果、羊角麵包、雞蛋、茶、咖啡、堅果、花生醬、優格、曬乾的番茄等。房間裡有小冰箱和迷你吧,都包含在房費裡了,非常好! 友好的工作人員。 我唯一不喜歡的是通風的嗡嗡聲。也許只有我們房間是這樣?
4.1/563 評價
Disgustingly dirty hotel. Shower floor is filthy and stained with black mold-like substance and nasty white stains. Shower was clearly not cleaned, so that calls into question the cleanliness of the entire room. Laura, the hotel manager, proudly said all rooms are like this and offered no recourse when we requested a remedy (no other room, alternative BW property). We decided not to stay at this hotel. Upon attempting to check out (within an hour of arriving), Carlo, the desk clerk, was rude and unhelpful. He left us standing at the desk waiting for him to complete our checkout whilst he helped multiple other guests with check in. When we finally asked what was taking so long, he told us there was nothing for him to do and refused to provide any check-out receipt/documentation. He looked at us surprised like we were standing at the desk for fun. Staff here is probably some of the worst in the industry. Best Western should be ashamed at this property. I was apprehensive booking a BW hotel, but the pictures seemed nice. I wholly regret my decision to attempt to stay here. We found another property in the Spanish Quarter which was an amazing bed and breakfast, so at least some good came of this terrible experience. I'm quite shocked how this hotel has such high marks from other travelers. If commuting by train, you'll need to cross a walking bridge down a sketchy alley. I read in other reviews that other hotel guests were mugged at gunpoint on this bridge. I can 100% see this happening. This area looks run down and unsafe. If you decide to book this hotel, ... good luck


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