

4.3/562 評價
我們在這裏度過了一個可愛的住宿。酒店的主要資產是工作人員,即使在季節結束時,也非常友好和禮貌。酒店在海邊地理位置優越。自助餐非常好,特別是甜點 - 廚師每晚都做了令人難以置信的工作。我們有幾個小問題溝通不暢(例如,我們不知道我們可以在半板的佐巴斯餐廳吃飯);在我的食物中發現一大塊塑料,餐廳經理似乎並不煩惱;羽絨被實際上是髒的紅色污漬,真的很可怕。我不得不多次嘗試獲得延遲退房,我認爲70歐元很貴。另一個家庭告訴我,由於他們有問題,他們的房間被放棄了。酒店一般有點累,需要升級 - 沙發等看起來很舊 - 但一般的氛圍和娛樂意味着你沒有注意到那麼多。在離開時沒有要求反饋,這對於一個大連鎖店來說是不尋常的。很多德國和法國客人。儘管有少數問題,我們還是度過了一個可愛的假期。
4.3/546 評價
As a package holiday first timer, our experience at Creta Marine was just brilliant. We were welcomed into a fantastic resort and location by friendly and helpful staff. We stayed in a family waterfront bungalow and it absoluely blew me away. Gorgeous views from the balcony and right above the best swimming cove. The apartment was comfortable and spacious for 2 adults and 2 teenage boys. The rooms were kept beautifully clean and housekeeping was very flexible in their visit times, allowing us to relax in the room when we wanted. I really appreciated the fresh towels and linen each day. The beds were comfortable and there were thoughtful touches all around the accomodation. The balcony was my favourite place, day and evening. The village style layout of the bungalow complex was absolutely charming. The landscaping and planting add extra enjoyment and the opportunity to enjoy native plants. We enjoyed snorkelling in each of the coves, lots of fish to see! Comfortable loungers at every location and refreshment options too. The resort is so large and has so many facilities, even as it filled up, it never felt crowded. Lots of space around the main pool (which is gorgeous) and around the many smaller pools and areas. We visited in October so it was still comfortably warm. The water was cool, but we're Cornish and a bit hardy so that didn't faze us. The land train to nearby Panormo was charming, lots of options for eating and shopping in that little village. Rethymnon is an easy bus ride away, stopping right outside the resort. Beautiful town with the most amazing shops and places to eat. Utterly charming. Reception staff very helpful in helping us navigate and get to where we wanted. The whole atmosphere was so hospitable, we had a 5 hour wait between checkout and airport transfer on the way home. We were welcomed to use all the communal facilities with thoughtfully provisioned showers etc so we could still swim and enjoy. There's a very handy little resort shop with some basics, snacks, drinks, souveniers, books, bus tickets etc. A short walk away is a local shop which is definitely worth a visit, so many local snacks and foods, as well as gorgeous gifts, souveniers, clothes and interesting things. I cannot think of a single negative about our stay. Thank you to the brilliant staff, we were fortunate to stay for 11 nights and got to know our favourites. The smell sometimes alluded to is the bore water used to irrigate the plants at night, which has a sulphurous smell. This is due to rock composition of Crete imparting sulphide gas into the water table. Using untreated bore water to irrigate is much more sustainable than using drinking quality water, especially where water supply is under severe pressure. We drank the tap water for the whole stay, using the mini fridge to chill. The mineral content is beneficial I believe but if you can't get along with the difference in taste, bottles of spring water are readily and cheaply available f
4.5/543 評價
我在克里特皇家森斯酒店的住宿真的非常出色。從我到達的那一刻起,我受到了熱情友好的工作人員的歡迎,他們讓我感到賓至如歸。酒店本身設計精美,將現代奢華與傳統的克里特風格相結合,營造出寧靜而誘人的氛圍。 房間寬敞,乾淨無瑕,享有海景,特別是在日落時分。從舒適的牀到高檔設施,每個細節都經過精心策劃,以最大限度地獲得舒適。我特別喜歡私人游泳池,這增加了我的住宿的額外放鬆。 在酒店用餐是一個亮點,有各種餐廳提供新鮮,美味,當地來源的菜餚。克里特菜非常出色,服務周到專業。每一種口味都有東西,我從來沒有吃過不一流的飯。 度假村的設施同樣令人印象深刻,設有提供放縱治療的spa,設備齊全的健身中心和多個游泳池,非常適合休息。無論您是尋找放鬆的度假勝地還是探索克里特島的基地,皇家感官酒店在每個方面都提供。 酒店的位置非常適合探索島嶼,方便前往附近的海灘,迷人的村莊和歷史遺蹟。工作人員還超越了提供建議和協助安排遊覽。 總的來說,皇家森斯酒店是奢華,舒適和正宗克里特熱情好客的完美融合。我強烈推薦給任何在克里特島尋求難忘住宿的人。 此評論突出了酒店的奢華、位置和優質服務,吸引尋求高端體驗的旅客。
濱海宮殿水上樂園格雷科泰爾飯店 - 全包式
4.4/560 評價
Περάσαμε 7 μέρες σε αυτό το υπέροχο ξενοδοχείο! Πραγματικά ένας επίγειος παράδεισος μέσα στο πράσινο και λουλούδια με πάρα πολλές επιλογές για όλους μας! Το προσωπικό του ξενοδοχείου ήταν ευγενέστατο, με το χαμόγελο στα χείλη, πάντα πρόθυμο να μας εξυπηρετήσει σε ότι θέλαμε!Συγκεκριμένα θα ήθελα να αναφερθώ στα εξαιρετικά παιδιά του aqua Park ξεκινώντας από τη Ζαχαρένια που μας καλωσόριζε κάθε μέρα, τους ναυαγοσώστες Γρηγόρης, Νώντα, Γιάννη, Αντρέα, Ελένη, Πλουσία, Γιώτα, που φρόντιζαν για την ασφάλεια όλων των παιδιών συνεχώς, την Ιωάννα που μας έκανε aqua aerobic, τον Γιάννη με τις νόστιμες κρέπες του, την Δήμητρα για τα milkshake της, τον Στέφανο και τον Λυκούργο για την άψογη εξυπηρέτηση τους πάντα με το χαμόγελο, τον Σταύρο και τον Γιώργο στο κεντρικό μπαρ για τα εκπληκτικά κοκτέιλ καθε βράδυ! Επίσης θερμά συγχαρητήρια στον σεφ και όλη την ομάδα των μαγείρων του και συγκεκριμένα στον ίδιο για το υπέροχο αντικριστό που έψησε στο barbecue του ξενοδοχείου και επίσης τον Λούκα για τα υπέροχα ψησίματα σε όλα τα κρεατικά και ψαρικά! Φανταστικό και ποιοτικό φαγητό και μεγάλη ποικιλία γεύσεων! Το δωμάτιο μας ήταν πεντακάθαρο όπως και όλοι οι χώροι του ξενοδοχείου! Θερμά συγχαρητήρια σε όλους που κάνατε τις διακοπές μας αξέχαστες.
4.4/572 評價
This was our second visit to The Royal Blue, having spent a week there at the start of the season. I’m pleased to say that our stay was even better this time around. Starting with the slight negatives, we still felt that the weak spot in the hotel is the reception staff. They are the face of the hotel - your first point of contact- and we just felt that some staff members were slightly lacking in providing information. They were very quick to refer you to the hotel app - all well and good, but we’d selected this spot for its quiet location with the intention of switching off our phones for a week! We chose HB as a dining option - food was plentiful and hot each evening but we’d have liked to see more Greek dishes each day. These were very minor niggles though as the positives far outweighed the negatives. The location is just idyllic - close to Panormos for an evening out if needed and hiring a car gets you to other places easily . This is not the place for you if you want a lively nightlife but is absolute paradise for those that just want to relax and unwind . The staff in the restaurant were all young and many had been away from their families for months but were full of smiles . Special mentions to the wonderfully elegant Maria who showed us to our table each day with a smile and a chat , little Katherine who served us with a smile and the very smiley Roka (apologies for spelling these wrong) who recommended wines to us . The beach was just beautiful and , due to its construction, we were able to swim even on stormy days. The cabanas were an added touch of luxury. I am however saving the best until last . The person that makes this place a standout 5 * resort is the beach supervisor , Vassilis. In fact he is the sole reason we returned to this resort this year . This man knows how to provide a full 5* service , treating guests like royalty . Nothing was ever too much trouble for him and his small staff . Despite it being the end of the season and his staff had been reduced to just two , his level of service was impeccable. There were times when he was absolutely flat out but he never stopped smiling . On two days he was also manning the bar - he was a jack of all trades and needs special recognition for the great ambassador he is for the hotel . Vassilis we thank you for making our stays so memorable and incredibly special! We were able to chat to the hotel manager on our last morning . He seems genuinely proud of his hotel and was very open to our suggestions for small improvements which was refreshing! Royal Blue you have a small piece of our hearts and we’ll hopefully be back - if only to see Vassilis ! :)
4.3/541 評價
Είχαμε μια υπεροχή διαμονή σε ένα υπέροχο ξενοδοχείο, Όλο το προσωπικό του ξενοδοχείου ήταν πολύ εξυπηρετικό και κυρίως οι εργαζόμενοι στο εστιατόριο. Από τα άτομα που μας εξυπηρετούσαν στο εστιατόριο, ιδιαίτερή αναφορά θα ήθελα να κάνω για τον Γιώργο και ιδίως για την κυρία Αντωνία η οποία μας έκανε να αισθανθούμε πραγματικά σαν να είμαστε δικοί της άνθρωποι. Πολλά ευχαριστώ!


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