

4.2/5107 評價
桑戴爾蒙特哥灣飯店 - 全包式 - 僅供情侶入住
4.3/553 評價
Wanted to give a shout out to the team at Sandal’s MoBay for yet another amazing trip. We arrived for our 31st visit the second week of March to meet up with several couples we have met through the years to celebrate three of their birthdays. The weesk prior to our arrival had been extremely difficult on the island as they had several days of bad weather and extreme flooding. The team at MoBay had done an amazing job getting the entire property cleaned up and back functioning. When we arrived we were met by one of our favorite butlers Marvin, he is simply amazing. He leaves no small detail undone and continues to amaze us trip after trip along with his partner in crime Marvin. These two are in our opinion at the top of their game when it comes to providing a 5 star experience. We refer to them as the not only the butler A team but we count them as family. We had beautiful weather the entire week and amazing service from everyone but I have to call out a few special people that consistently go above and beyond to make it a truly memorable experience. Romario and Rayon at the main bar in the evenings are great. They never forget a face or a drink order and always had a drink ready for me without even having to ask. If you have heard of rainbow shots but never experienced them you have to go visit Dane in the evenings at the Piano Bar. The man is truly amazing. I can’t leave out Everton in the living room at night for entertainment. Thanks for all you do to make sure everything is just right. Loxley at the late night grill is yet another hidden gem. We always look forward to seeing him and catching up over a late night snack. Horace at Butches and Joel are the simple the best. These two men never stop working to ensure each guest is treated special and provide the best dining on property in opinions. Dwayne, Sasha and Stephaun at Butches and Soy. Have to give credit to the entire team in the Photo shop from “Dirty Kurt”, Kevin, Omar, Adrian and Marsha that keeps them all in line. We love you guys for capturing all of our special memories for us and look forward to seeing you each trip and what new ideas you have for new poses. I can’t forget about Duncan and Christopher Grant that help lead the teams at MoBay and always go above and beyond. We can’t wait to go back again.
桑戴爾皇家加勒比飯店 - 全包式 - 僅供情侶或夫妻入住
4/551 評價
Holiday Inn Resort 所有的蒙特戈貝包容性
3.4/5105 評價
我們在牙買加的度假酒店蒙特戈灣呆了近一個星期,離開時我們非常高興。首先,我們必須說,度假村本身有一個非常非常美麗的海灘,平靜的海洋,對孩子有什麼好處,花園/周圍的環境也很好。所以我們給了它2分。但這幾乎都是這個地方的好處。下面是我們不喜歡住宿的清單: - 在我們到達之前,我們給度假村發了幾次電子郵件(大約在到達日期前3周),因爲我們對我們的住宿有一些問題,所以所有的電子郵件都沒有回覆 - 到達時沒有人歡迎我作爲IHG鑽石會員 - 到達時我沒有收到我的IHG歡迎積分,我不得不問2,3次次 - 入住後我們得到了一個房間,告訴我們什麼,這將是房間升級。房間很恐怖,我們不喜歡景色。所以我們要求換一個房間(電話)。我們被告知,行李員會來接我們的行李,帶我們到另一個房間。但是行李員從來沒有出現,所以我們在12小時的飛行之後,帶着兩個小孩,帶着我們的東西回到接待處- 在新房間蜜蜂之後,我們無法關閉陽台門,它壞了,我們不得不兩次打電話,直到最後有人來了- 房間裏有一個保險箱,但沒有指示,我們再次打電話給一些技術員解釋這一點- 房間裏有一個巨大的冰箱,但是沒有可能把飲料帶到房間,只有從商店購買,在一個包容一切的度假村裏有什麼不意義- 我們在入住時被告知,我們可以使用vip俱樂部吃喝,當我們到達那裏時,他們告訴我們,孩子們不允許在那裏,所以我們不得不尋找另一個地方吃飯,沒人通知我們那個政策 , 我們累了 , 只是想吃東西快。順便說一句 , 此時我們只是貴賓俱樂部的客人 , 那我們又會打擾誰呢 ?- 很多次餐廳軟飲料機都用完了,所以我們要喝1,5L塑料瓶,還要與其他客人分享。助理經理告訴我們,這是因爲他們用完了二氧化碳,所以他們不能運行汽水機。令人驚訝的是,汽水機在離餐廳幾步遠的地方,赤腳(游泳池酒吧)。- 各地的飲料(午餐和晚餐時)都用舊的塑料杯。它們洗得這麼快,還聞到其他顧客的氣味,很糟糕。不衛生。- 餐廳或酒吧裏處理食物的工作人員沒有戴手套,他們用手觸摸菜餚或有時也直接用手觸摸食物,很不衛生!!!(見圖)- 你每天看到的一些食物,看起來好像是三天前剛加熱的。就像„對於客人來說只是休息的主題- ,白天晚上都有其他客人的盤子,走廊裏還有剩餘的食物,很不衛生,看起來不是很好吃(見圖)- 所有走廊裏也都是用過的毯子裝的麻袋,感覺
4/5106 評價
3.6/5101 評價



最高價格TWD 136,980
最低價格TWD 1,705
平均價格 (平日)TWD 10,830
平均價格 (週末)TWD 10,860