正在查找Palazzo Pathe附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Palazzo Pathe附近的熱門飯店


高盧艾美飯店 - 米蘭
4.7/5105 評價

高盧艾美飯店 - 米蘭

米蘭中央車站 米蘭|距離Palazzo Pathe0.56km
We selected the hotel for its reputation as a flagship, luxury property within the Marriott Bonvoy portfolio. We booked a 3 night stay at the beginning of a 3 week trip through Italy,. The hotel has a majestic presence in a wonderful, central Milan location. The common areas of the hotel have magnificent architectural details and are beautifully appointed. The staff is universally professional and well-trained. We were pleasantly greeted upon checking in and assigned a room that we were looking forward to after traveling close to 24 hours end-to-end from our home in California. The room was badly worn and very disappointing. The leather on the exterior of the door was literally peeling off. Inside; the leather headboard was also in horrible condition; the leather desk chair had holes in it and showed considerable wear; the leather-covered drawers were worn through and peeling; and the long wood laminate counter was badly chipped. The room should have been renovated years ago, and certainly had no place being in a 5-star, luxury hotel. We were exhausted from our long journey, otherwise we would have requested a change in rooms. We unpacked and prepared to refresh with a shower when we realized that the temperature control for the shower was not functioning. We called the front desk and they promptly sent up a tech. He worked on it and then summoned another associate. Neither could fix it. We called the front desk again, and they said that they’d move us to another room within 10-15 minutes. We packed up everything and waited. About an hour passed and I went down to the front desk to personally discuss the matter and find out why we had not been moved. The desk clerk was very kind, and stated that they were still working on finding us another room. He stated that the hotel is very aware of the condition of the rooms, but doesn’t want to close off any rooms for renovation when the hotel is busy during prime season. He assured me that the new room would be ready soon and that they would be moving us to a “much larger” one. Finally, after waiting about 2 hours, we were moved to our new room. Again, the leather on the door was badly peeling and should have been replaced. The room was not substantially larger, and seemed roughly the same size as the first one. Overall, it was badly worn, the carpet had stains in it, and the bathroom had mildew in the grout around the shower/tub. The bathroom felt dirty. Upon checking out, the desk manager asked me how our stay was before realizing that she recognized our name. She told me that our situation had come up in a staff meeting and that the hotel wanted to try and make things right by offering to credit our Bonvoy account for one of the three nights of our stay. While this gesture was appreciated, the experience at the hotel was extremely disappointing. Aside from its beautiful common areas and polite, attentive staff, the guest rooms are in deplorable condition and have



4.1/566 評價


布雷拉 米蘭|距離Palazzo Pathe0.81km
酒店的位置相當好,如前麪的朋友所說,穿過一個小花園就到最著名名品一條街,然後酒店二世長廊和大教堂。此外,酒店旁邊搭S5就直接到central station,機場巴士就在火車站正門口左側。到晚上9、10點還有很多車過去,8歐一個人。再來說酒店的設施,乾淨、整潔,拖鞋洗髮水沐浴露全都有,連牙刷都可以跟前台要。每天一瓶水,熱水壺全都有。最棒的是,酒店出門右轉第一個路口再左轉往前走的三個路口的路途中有很多餐廳,特別多當地的餐廳,有一家40 pizza e Cucina 的餐廳Pizza和pasta都超贊,幾乎全是當地人。它的隔壁有個甜品店、它的斜對麪有個不起眼的小食品店(三個當地老媽媽經營)出品的食物都非常值得推薦!酒店的城市稅跟其他一樣都是10歐每房每晚,前台沒有什麼廢話,我們check in時是個姑娘,check out的時候是個大叔,都是很禮貌快速的辦理,我們有問題問他們,他們都分別詳細而得體的回答,沒遇到之前那些朋友說的“太能聊”的情況。對了,他們的牀和枕頭都很舒服,完全適合逛一晚后舒服的睡一覺。當然由於酒店門前有方便的電車通過,所以過路說有電車聲,但晚上會收車就沒有了。還有就是洗澡時是浴缸,玻璃門比較小,容易濺水出來,不過小心點還是可以避免的,但水很大且水溫很好。總之,是我們這次住的4個酒店裡最舒服的。以RMB五六百的價格在這個區域,這個屋內設施和周邊環境配套(哦,旁邊有個大超市,路上還有個家樂福的express),絕對可以給5分!



4.2/536 評價


威尼斯門 米蘭|距離Palazzo Pathe0.12km
從機場打車過來,大概是30歐左右的價格。 走了意大利三個觀光城市下來,除了景點以外的很多地方,着實是顯得落寞。 Charly Hotel周邊就非常的安靜,而且因為在那的幾天都是陰天,就更加……你懂的。 酒店並不大,但是公共職能區域與入住區域是分開的。前台的對麪沙發區,也有狗狗閑適的休息着,不禁想要腦補,是否這隻狗狗叫Charly呢(如有冒犯請見諒,純粹腦洞……)所以有一道廊,每當住客跨國這道短廊站在入住區前的時候,便可以聽到有工作人員打開門的聲音,安全性不錯。 就餐區也是和前台在一個區域。雖然衹有幾張桌子而已,但是足夠用。而且麪對的是酒店的小後花園,庭院考究,比起日式庭院又多了一點瀟洒的氛圍。總之,是讓人不時便想望着裏面發獃的感覺,用餐時的景緻很不錯。侍者會問你需要咖啡還是茶,而在意大利,是意式濃縮咖啡或者卡布奇諾的故鄉,意式濃縮咖啡又是所有咖啡的基底。很推薦哦。 以前在時尚媒體工作的時候,每每出現“意大利風”,基本上便意味着“色塊組合”的look了。Charly Hotel所在的街道上的公寓便是黃色與橙色的色塊組合,進入了房間,則是綠色與白色的色塊組合;浴室的馬賽克則是橘粉色與白色的馬賽克組合,色彩飽和度不高,所以顯得品質感不錯。 臨近的地鐵大概要走上三條街,並沒有特別繁華的景色,逛逛逛就ok了的。但是如果見識過了米蘭大教堂廣場上的人山人海,以及其他意大利各處景點的人人人人,着實還是覺得這裏的僻靜非常值得懷念。



正在尋找Palazzo Pathe附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/526 評價
3.5/528 評價
4/556 評價
酒店距離中心火車站和往貝加莫機場的大巴車站僅8分鐘。酒店外觀老式,裝修古典,大理石地磚,厚重木門,等。卧室不大,但夠用。衛生間較大,設施齊全。有備用毛毯,可供客人增減,因此睡覺舒適。酒店有些客房窗戶朝天井,非常安靜。早餐種類齊備,提供熱飲。     對於中國客人,不足的是客房沒有開水壺,沒有茶杯。     The hotel is just 8 minutes from the central train station and the bus stop to Bergamo Airport.  The hotel's exterior is old-fashioned, classically decorated, marble tiles, heavy wooden doors, and more.  The bedroom is small but adequate.  The bathroom is large and fully equipped.  There are spare blankets for guests to increase or decrease, so sleep comfortably.  Some rooms window face the patio and are very quiet.  A variety of breakfast options are available and hot drinks are available.      For Chinese guests, the shortage is that there is no kettle in the room and there is no teacup.
4.2/536 評價
從機場打車過來,大概是30歐左右的價格。 走了意大利三個觀光城市下來,除了景點以外的很多地方,着實是顯得落寞。 Charly Hotel周邊就非常的安靜,而且因為在那的幾天都是陰天,就更加……你懂的。 酒店並不大,但是公共職能區域與入住區域是分開的。前台的對麪沙發區,也有狗狗閑適的休息着,不禁想要腦補,是否這隻狗狗叫Charly呢(如有冒犯請見諒,純粹腦洞……)所以有一道廊,每當住客跨國這道短廊站在入住區前的時候,便可以聽到有工作人員打開門的聲音,安全性不錯。 就餐區也是和前台在一個區域。雖然衹有幾張桌子而已,但是足夠用。而且麪對的是酒店的小後花園,庭院考究,比起日式庭院又多了一點瀟洒的氛圍。總之,是讓人不時便想望着裏面發獃的感覺,用餐時的景緻很不錯。侍者會問你需要咖啡還是茶,而在意大利,是意式濃縮咖啡或者卡布奇諾的故鄉,意式濃縮咖啡又是所有咖啡的基底。很推薦哦。 以前在時尚媒體工作的時候,每每出現“意大利風”,基本上便意味着“色塊組合”的look了。Charly Hotel所在的街道上的公寓便是黃色與橙色的色塊組合,進入了房間,則是綠色與白色的色塊組合;浴室的馬賽克則是橘粉色與白色的馬賽克組合,色彩飽和度不高,所以顯得品質感不錯。 臨近的地鐵大概要走上三條街,並沒有特別繁華的景色,逛逛逛就ok了的。但是如果見識過了米蘭大教堂廣場上的人山人海,以及其他意大利各處景點的人人人人,着實還是覺得這裏的僻靜非常值得懷念。
3.4/515 評價
4.5/5117 評價
