Overall: A safe, clean, quiet option when looking for a place to stay in the Newport area - significantly less expensive than staying downtown, even when factoring in Uber / Lyft rides (over the 2 days/2 nights we were there, we spent about $100 between 8 rides to / from the hotel to either the beach or downtown Newport). PROS: 1. Rooms are clean and fairly spacious, hotel feels safe, free breakfast and downtown Newport is just a short ride away! A good spot for a weekend getaway to Newport. 2. Front desk staff was great, they let us check in early (even after a sold out night) and both times we asked for extra towels, they were brought up almost immediately. 3. I also appreciated how a Starbucks, Shaw’s and Walgreens are all within a 10 minute walk of the hotel (even though the walk to get there isn’t the most pedestrian friendly). 4. I didn’t have the chance to use the indoor pool, but I appreciated the option, as I don’t believe all Hampton Inn’s have pools. Recommendations for Improvement: 1. Shuttle - either making the shuttle free or at a much reduced cost. I read in reviews that the shuttle was $3 one way and was disappointed to find that the price has increased to $7 one way per person. For the average couple, let alone the average family, it’s cheaper - or at the very least the same cost (depending on the time of day) - to just Uber / Lyft downtown. 2. Not sure why the website lists an onsite restaurant? There isn’t one, other than the lobby hosting the complimentary breakfast, which is only open at breakfast. I’d recommend adjusting this on the website as it’s a bit misleading. As a Hilton credit card holder, I was hoping to use my quarterly Hilton credit for a drink and/or meal here, and was disappointed to learn this wasn’t a possibility. 3. Fix the Keycard issue - our keycards weren’t working our second night and we had to go down to fix them. Then, that following morning before checkout we had the same problem with the new key cards as well, not sure the issue there.
決定去新港RI玩幾天後,我們開始找酒店。在華威/金斯頓地區有一些價格合理的公平2.5-3-star酒店,但入住那裏需要單程往返於新港的30-minute。由於我們所有行程中要做的事都是在新港/中城地區,我們決定嘗試在那裏找到一家酒店。現在,這兩個地區之間有巨大的價格差異;在華威每晚150美元,在中城是300美元,在新港是400美元+。我們定了幾個在米德敦區,只有大約10-15分鐘的車程進入新港/碼頭區。在這幾個中,索內斯塔一直收到高於平均水平的好評,而且價格適中,考慮到位置。Sonesta位於W. Main Road附近,有很多食物、零售和燃料選擇。當你和家人一起旅行時,這總是很有幫助的。我們在一個星期四下午3點到達,非常安靜。我在接待區停了一下,幾分鐘內很快就入住了。前台工作人員態度很好。寫這篇文章時,所有公共區域都需要面罩,雖然我在整個住宿期間觀察到了公共區域的蒙面和裸面(50/50)客人。我們被告知離房間最近的入口。我們繞着車到那個入口,停了一會,然後走進了我們的房間。房間是我預料的:典型的2.5-3-star住宿。優點:房間一般乾淨,插座充足,燈很多,小冰箱,咖啡機但沒有杯子,溫度控制效率高,帶椅子的帶輪的辦公桌方便推出。缺點:浴室角落有些沙礫,沒有微波爐,但靠近製冰機的公共微波爐(新冠期間的可疑呼叫),牀似乎是雙人牀而不是大牀,小平板電視似乎非常過時,垃圾桶沒有襯墊,電視遙控器有點令人沮喪(像其他很多酒店一樣)我不是獨立衛生間/浴缸和洗臉池/鏡子的粉絲,但我以前在其他酒店見過。我們最大的問題,像許多其他評論者提到的那樣,是完全缺乏客房客房服務。在我們3-day,2-night的入住,不僅我們的房間沒有打掃,而且在整個入住期間,我沒有看到大廳有任何客房服務!我們使用毛巾,保持房間清潔,這對我們來說沒什麼問題,但這只是非常不尋常的。我知道其他酒店只在被要求時才進行清潔,以節約用水(洗漱單/毛巾)以使其更加環保,但他們通常在某個地方宣佈這樣做。沒有跡象表明或跡象顯示這是他們的慣例。我猜跟許多受COVID-19影響的企業,尤其是酒店一樣,員工非常短缺,根本不能適應日常的清潔工作,雖然我可能錯了。但是,由於我在整個住宿期間觀察到的工作人員非常少,我相信這是最有可能的原因。我不介意這個...我只是希望它被宣佈,並通知客人