



4.4/5281 評價


馬六甲市中心 馬六甲|距離三保山0.45km
This is a very new hotel which started their business in March 2023. Wanted to try on the first day of opening but due to some reason, it was delayed till now. It’s a first Marriott hotel in Melaka, so I do have very high expectations from them. As a Marriott platinum elite member, I’ve stayed in many hotel under Marriott organisation. Upon reaching the hotel with grab car, the staff came up to me immediately and lead me to the check in counter, the lobby are huge, and I can still smell that the hotel are still so new. Not much of the guest in the lobby area, it’s a Monday so I guess it’s normal. No suite room upgrade and no complimentary breakfast for a platinum member, although I was upgraded to a strait view room which I appreciated it. It can see a tiny bit of the sea. Apart from that, I guess the room size and amenity are the same. The check in staff told me that the suite room was full… I mean.. it’s a Monday.. and I literally still can see the suite room was available in the Bonvoy app. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been to many hotel under Marriott organisation. I don’t always get upgraded to a suite room, but it was okay, I do understand all these are subjected to individual hotel policy and it’s all a good will. But I guess the staff could just tell me that the hotel are still new, the suite room are limited and it’s reserved for paying guest. I would totally understand that. But I don’t think it’s wise to you know, use a default replied as member like us, we check on the app. For me, if there’s no available suite room, I wouldn’t even ask for an upgrade. Secondly, there’s no complimentary breakfast, I paid RM70 for the 2 day breakfast. I’ve stayed in a few courtyard hotel, this was the first one that I’ve paid for breakfast, there might be other courtyard that don’t provide complimentary breakfast for guest with elite status, maybe I didn’t stay much enough to see it all. I’ve stayed with hotel that told me that their facility actually don’t offer complimentary breakfast for elite member, but they will just give it to me as a good will on top of my welcome gift. Just a little suggestion, like maybe let the counter staff to decide, if they could slip in some complimentary breakfast to guest with elite status or even guest that potentially come back again. I’m not complaining here, just some of my suggestions. The room are new, nice and spacious, very clean. Nice TV channel selection, view was great. Bed are firm to the level that I like, they offer pillow menu as well. Had very good sleep for the 2 night. Breakfast was very basic. There’s a very annoying flies flying around my table.. how did it come into the hotel, lol. Gym are small but there should be everything you need. The infinity pool are great! Very good view and very Instagrammable. Please visit the pool when you are here. The staff and friendly and nice. Would come back again to the hotel when I’m back in Melaka.





4.3/5740 評價


馬六甲市中心 馬六甲|距離三保山0.31km
我從來不寫評論,但是這次帶家人出國旅行,為了能住的稍微乾淨舒服點,在訂酒店時對比了好多家,糾結很久,所以寫點東西給同樣情況的小夥伴。 首先,我們去的時候前台不會中文,但是會簡單的英文完全可以搞定。訂了兩間房,帶了家人,表示想讓兩間房在一起,立馬給安排了兩間房連在一起,進去的時候非常驚喜,兩個房間內有一扇門,直接連接兩個房間,可以説非常nice了。 然後,房間很乾凈,除了洗手枱有一點點小螞蟻,不過沒任何影響。 接着,我們好像住的14樓,雖然不在海邊,但是由於到馬六甲海峽之間都是矮房子,所以一眼望去,可以看到海以及海上的船,總之一進房間窗外還是非常驚喜的,特別是我們前一天住的新山市房子不太好的對比下。哈哈 反正家人都讚口不絕,説這個房間好,大有捨不得離開的意思。哈哈 説個題外話,大家晚上不要去雞場街(原諒我已經忘記是不是叫這個名字了)夜市吃東西(義烏小商品,中國都可以吃到的小吃,沒啥意思),我們那晚逛了夜市吃了飯,回來的路上,就在離酒店一條街有一個小巷弄,海鮮也是一條街,都是本地人在吃,看起來非常不錯,而且便宜。可惜我們吃得飽飽,後悔沒早點發現這裏。 馬六甲就那麼大,酒店走路過去知名景點都很近,想去別的遠點的地方玩的,grab打車也很方便,我們在那衹有一天,沒逛別的地方。 最後一張圖就是那個海鮮夜市小巷弄😃





3.4/55 評價
感謝上帝..在這裏住了1晚..清潔還可以..辦理入住手續順利..接待處和旅館等建築物..您必須走一點路才能到達..所有必須自己攜帶..提供毛巾和洗手液的價格..我以爲有一套鐵絲巾 但沒什麼 我得把它帶走 停車有點遠 因爲我們是放學和週日的 停車太糟糕了
4.6/5225 評價
非常好的體驗。南洋歷史風味濃厚,小巧精緻,服務非常周到親切。因為三人入住,晚上電話多次要求添加物品,服務生都耐心及時地提供了服務。門僮會很親切的拉門、幫忙提行李。 酒店下午茶口味不錯。早餐是點餐制,但品質高,品種也很豐富。 隔音略差,設備維護的很不錯。總體來説是一家很有質感的酒店。
2.8/513 評價
4.1/560 評價
今天的旅店是老房子整理的 走出傳統的設計感 生命樹的logo 彩色玻璃鑲鉗 華麗的花磚 還有親近陽光的採光設計 很有質感 一進旅店就先送上冰涼的檸檬汁 喝一口暑氣全消 房間內有迎賓水果以及膠囊咖啡 超貼心滴 都可讓人一再細品 早餐也跟昨天不一樣 我們都對這家旅店給予極高評價 傍晚出門沿著麻六甲河邊走邊逛途中遇見了1849蓋的美麗教堂最後來到城市廣場和雞場街夜市運氣超好趕上夜市的最後一天(只開五-日)這裡的人喝西瓜超豪邁 一整顆打成汁就喝起來了還有吃椰子的方式也很特別扒的只剩椰肉和椰汁一起享用 原來雞粒飯是雞+粒飯烤的圓形麵餅很特別蕃薯甜甜圈很好吃還遇到一個喜歡而且肯定台灣的老板介紹了娘惹文化以及美食推薦麻六甲很親切除了國語可以溝通外講台語也會通喔
3.8/5286 評價
酒店有點年齡了。前台阿姨熱情,主動給我地圖,指導路線。位置很不錯,走五分鐘就到馬六甲河邊,過小橋就是河邊酒吧街,食廊,再走一會就是雞場街 週五到週日晚上六點開始夜市,人多
4.7/511 評價
第一次住這裏&我喜歡。位置附近The Shore,餐廳,便利店和洗衣店。旅館前開放停車場。宿舍內,雙層牀佈局良好,乾淨舒適,有插頭,鏡子,衣架,行李寄存大,空調和風扇。提供充足的水槽和廁所,乾淨。是中性衛生間,但有2面,前台接待員會告知男女哪面,所以沒有匯聚到對方。自帶洗漱用品和毛巾!租毛巾收費RM5。
