正在查找Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes附近的熱門飯店


4.4/5117 評價


馬尼拉灣 馬尼拉|距離Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes1.93km


This hotel is adequate, but slightly overpriced vs. competition. While they have updated the lobby in recent years, from what I can tell there has been little effort to update guest rooms, which are dated vs. other 5 star properties like the Westin. The one differentiating factor this hotel previously had was a great breakfast buffet served in the Pacific Lounge on the 21st floor with floor to ceiling windows that gave a sweeping view of the skyline and the bay. It was carpeted with cushioned club chairs and those soft surfaces absorbed noise and the overall experience was a great way to start your day compared to the crowded and loud breakfast buffets at other 5 star hotels. Well someone decided to spend a lot of money to destroy that experience. They have opened a new restaurant on the first floor that is loud, crowded and gives you a view of 7-11 across the street instead of the bay. I spoke to the GM about this, so he already knows my opinion, but what continues to strike me is his point that the Pacific Lounge is “a premium space” - yes Sir, that’s true and previously it was one that virtually all your guests got to enjoy which is exactly why it was THE difference maker for this hotel. I came back thru Manila for a night on May 15 and was going to try the Sheraton one more time, but it was fully booked. Instead I stayed at the Westin for less money. There was no comparison- the Westin’s rooms have a much higher end finish, their food was better, and the service there was far superior like being provided a welcome drink and the Manager sending fruit to my room with a welcome note. The Sheraton Manila Bay is no longer on par with Manila’s best hotels



4.4/5117 評價


馬尼拉灣 馬尼拉|距離Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes1.93km


This hotel is adequate, but slightly overpriced vs. competition. While they have updated the lobby in recent years, from what I can tell there has been little effort to update guest rooms, which are dated vs. other 5 star properties like the Westin. The one differentiating factor this hotel previously had was a great breakfast buffet served in the Pacific Lounge on the 21st floor with floor to ceiling windows that gave a sweeping view of the skyline and the bay. It was carpeted with cushioned club chairs and those soft surfaces absorbed noise and the overall experience was a great way to start your day compared to the crowded and loud breakfast buffets at other 5 star hotels. Well someone decided to spend a lot of money to destroy that experience. They have opened a new restaurant on the first floor that is loud, crowded and gives you a view of 7-11 across the street instead of the bay. I spoke to the GM about this, so he already knows my opinion, but what continues to strike me is his point that the Pacific Lounge is “a premium space” - yes Sir, that’s true and previously it was one that virtually all your guests got to enjoy which is exactly why it was THE difference maker for this hotel. I came back thru Manila for a night on May 15 and was going to try the Sheraton one more time, but it was fully booked. Instead I stayed at the Westin for less money. There was no comparison- the Westin’s rooms have a much higher end finish, their food was better, and the service there was far superior like being provided a welcome drink and the Manager sending fruit to my room with a welcome note. The Sheraton Manila Bay is no longer on par with Manila’s best hotels





正在尋找Peninsula Garden Midtown Homes附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
OYO 152 桑科公寓飯店
3.9/534 評價
3.2/512 評價
真的垃圾哦。除了前台服務態度好以外沒有一樣行的。進屋就停水,熱水忽冷忽熱,瓶裝水喝起來跟游泳池的水差不多,各種傢具都快要散架了,空調聲音聽起來相當于飛機引擎水平,裝修是菲律賓解放前的風格。 另外初來馬尼拉不懂,攜程上寫離市中心xx公裏,這個市中心是馬尼拉老城區,類比國內六線城鎮吧。真正的市區在馬卡蒂。我還納悶怎麼搜馬尼拉都搜不出五星級的酒店
3.7/522 評價
Had a fantastic time at G Square Residences! Friendly staff, clean room, and convenient location. Highly recommend!
4/540 評價
3.6/567 評價
Номер большой, но ремонт старенький. Чисто, есть горячая вода, бассейн, ресторан. Персонал отзывчивый, помогли вызвать такси в аэропорт. Расположен в 10 минутах ходьбы от парка Рисаля, от большого Молла.
3.4/520 評價
對於在馬尼拉周圍尋找經濟型酒店的客人來說還可以。我訂了這個Reddoorz房間一晚,因爲我第二天有業務議程。深夜到達,但仍然有前台工作人員值班。 這不錯,對我來說唯一不足的是位置,因爲地圖裏有點難找,沒有電梯,要使用樓梯。不適合有老年人或孩子的家庭。




被許多去巴拉望或長灘島旅行的旅客視為旅遊中繼站的菲律賓首都馬尼拉,往往被旅人忽略了它的魅力,匆匆瞥過卻不曾好好佇足探索它的風情萬種。其實有不少大型購物中心、高爾夫球場、博物館與歷史建築林立於此,各種風格融合,突顯了菲律賓的多元文化。準備來趟馬尼拉旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 下訂,隨時隨地展開馬尼拉之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往尼諾伊阿基諾機場機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。從機場到市區的路程建議搭乘計程車,其中黃牌計程車依照跳錶收取費用,需現場排隊等候,一般約等候1小時;白牌計程車則依照目的地由司機直接開價,不需排隊等候,可以馬上出發,但價格相對黃牌計程車來說高出許多。推薦使用 Grab App 叫車,安全性較高,也能提前知道價格。另外注意馬尼拉市區交通壅塞問題嚴重,安排行程時建議預留較多通車時間。




1. 聖奧古斯丁教堂

2. 馬尼拉灣

3. 卡撒馬尼拉博物館


還沒安排馬尼拉自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的馬尼拉飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店泳池飯店到高CP值的平價民宿等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂馬尼拉住宿!建議入住馬卡蒂區,治安相對其他地區較好,這裡也是馬尼拉主要的文化和娛樂樞紐,還有許多購物中心、飯店、餐廳與酒吧。
