坐落於馬拉加市中心,不論您是商務出差還是休閒旅遊帕提奧韋奇精選飯店都是理想的下榻之處。從飯店出發,至馬拉加火車站僅有1km遠。附近很多景點,包括聖心教堂都離飯店不遠。飯店坐落於Collection of the Russian Museum邊,附近還有很多景點包括馬拉加海灘。在酒吧點上一杯消除一天的疲勞,對於旅客來說是一個不錯的休閒選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,飯店可以提供房間送餐服務。熱愛鍛鍊的旅客,可以去飯店的室外游泳池和健身室放鬆身心。飯店的會議廳提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裡的原因。顧客如需兌換貨幣,飯店會為您提供外幣兌換服務。飯店為所有入住顧客提供停車場。
坐落在馬拉加市中心,室友瓦萊里亞住宿在馬拉加佔盡地理之宜。包括El Cenachero Statue、Larios Monument和Plaza y Acera de La Marina都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供24小時熱水的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Cafeteria Sabora(咖啡店)、Tapeo de Cervantes(Tapeo de Cervantes)(西餐)和Vegetarian El Calafate(素食)也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。對於顧客來說,可以在健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。飯店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。品質保證的禮賓服務,讓您真正體驗賓至如歸的享受。
匿匿名用戶This is our second time staying in the apartments under Limehome, as the furniture and interior decoration always meet our requirements. The flat was spacious, around 35m2. Everything you need, like tableware and kitchenware, was provided. Also, there is a coffee maker and kettle. There is no free water, but the two tea bags and two coffees are free.
Instant hot water and strong water pressure and towels are provided for 3 days. However the mirror light was broken and the air conditioning was weak. It was reported on arrival and they allowed us to change to a new room the last day, but we chose to stay in the same room as the bedding of sofabed of the new room wasn't prepared and new room is much smaller.
Overall, I would love to come back again and stay in the properties of Limehome, as the customer service is prompt and strong at problem solving.
We didnt take pictures of the room as it was exactly the same as those on the Internet. And these are the photos that we saw in Malaga. And hope you all love what we love too.