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瀏覽用戶對Mae Win飯店的評價

正在尋找Khun Wang Tunnel附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
Rimtharnn Homestay Maewin
5/51 評價
4.5/548 評價
這個住宿不能和正常酒店去比較哈。我住的是河邊最邊緣的房間,房間裡面很原始,沒空調沒信號沒WiFi沒電話沒毛巾牙刷拖鞋只有沐浴露和瓶裝水和電風扇。山路真的很難走,特別是下雨天。我那天早上大象叫早因為下雨天水位太高大象過不來還被取消了。Host不是很專業 都要主動去問 叫早被取消了沒人通知 傻傻的在房間等 因為房間沒有電話 沒有WiFi 手機在村裡房間完全沒有信號 有事要走路到接待處去問。遠途都是泥路。其實住在山上會方便很多。但是我還是覺得很值得。雖然不是享受型體驗。但是真的很特別的過程。我選擇了和大象洗澡 一個人要1200泰銖 很好玩。這是一個大象保育的目的。有機會還是會再去。
3pok度假村 湄旺金象
4.4/516 評價
房間設施比較簡陋 山裡麪正常 但是蠻幹凈的 為了早上的大象叫早 值了 服務真的超棒 幫客人設計造型 拍照片 太貼心了。拍出來的照片張張是大片的感覺。
4.8/54 評價
if you are planning to go to the elepant camp, then its a good palce to stay in this hotel, as you dont have to wake up very early and finish the whole trip very tired. Nay(the host) was friendly and helpful, and he's the local and owned this property(hotel). he gave us a few options for the activities to do in mae win area, such as bamboo rafting, feeding and bathing elephant, learning the procedures to the rice growing. it was fun and convenient to go, because nay drove us to those places and arranged the local tour guide for us. my 5 years old kid was loving everything there. I also love the coffee there, well made. But i have to say, there was only one staff there, she cooked and cleaned everything. I had to talk to her through the translation app, but it was still difficult to communicate, i assumed she was a bit new for everything. apart from that, the view of this hotel was nice and the host was professional.oh, and we got a bit issue when we were leaving hotel, the host kindly gave us time to stay a bit longer. so here to say thanks:)


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