對於想要捕捉湄林城市風采的旅客來說,拉雅古跡飯店(SHA Extra Plus)(Raya Heritage(SHA Extra Plus))是一個理想的選擇。包括Calm Cool Cooking Class、Aniwat Gallery和Off The Beaten Track都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Chiang Mai Horse Race Course、槍火實彈射擊俱樂部(清邁中心)和The Best Thai Cookery School,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。服務人員會提前為您準備好免費瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、浴缸和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,順塔尼美食山莊(東南亞菜)會供應一流的推薦美味包括鐵板燒牛肉(Sizzling Beef on Hot Plate)和紫菜蝦肉卷(Pork and Prawns Wrapped in Seaweed Topped with Light Gravy),其他餐飲也頗受歡迎。相信SPA周到的服務和室外游泳池一流的設施,會讓您擁有別樣的體驗。品質保證的禮賓服務,讓您真正體驗賓至如歸的享受。飯店會為自駕的顧客提供免費停車場。
清邁四季度假飯店座落在美麗的湄林谷,是清邁奉獻給遊客的一件高雅的文化藝術遺產。飯店內採用了蘭那時代風格和用泰國當地建築原料和織物裝飾的亭閣式建築使飯店充滿了濃厚的泰國傳統文化氣氛,在飯店的陽台上您還可以俯瞰稻田鄉村風景和遠處群山的美麗景色。整個度假飯店的造景與風格,充分流露出對祥和精緻生活的嚮往,無論是角落裡隨處可見的石雕菩薩,還是水盆裡花瓣微卷的蓮花,都傳達出一種空靈的美感。客房景觀各異的套房別墅,無論是面向花園或是稻田,都各有各的美,房間裡有張超大的象牙白雙人床,亞洲風格竹編沙發上錯落著手工編織的多彩靠墊,二樓往戶外延伸的露台涼亭上擺著典雅的木桌和靠椅,氣氛唯美極了。飯店擁有位於亭樓的客房或豪華別墅,其均採用拱形天花板以及帶頂遊廊設計,內部鋪設光亮的柚木地板,裝有清涼吊扇,並以華麗的泰式布藝裝飾與美輪美奐的暹羅手工藝品作為點綴。室內相關科技設施包括衛星電視、DVD 播放機和無線上網。 餐飲Sala Mae Rim 餐廳可以品嚐正宗泰北風味美食,並在享受下午茶的同時欣賞湄林谷一覽無餘的迷人景色。Ratree 酒吧及酒廊可輕鬆隨意享受一杯以各種茉莉花命名,用芒果和糯米調製而成的特色雞尾酒。象吧這座開闊的亭樓式酒廊可提供真正輕鬆愜意的宜人氛圍。 您可從各式精選創意雞尾酒、餐後飲品和茶點中隨心選擇。休閒在清邁四季度假飯店,您可以盡享世界一流的健身設施和各種各樣的飯店內和飯店外娛樂設施,從乘坐氣球探險到泰式烹飪課程,一切隨您選擇。長20公尺(66英尺)的無邊際泳池似乎緩緩流入風景如畫的湄林谷水稻梯田,美輪美奐。兩個高爾夫球場距離飯店僅幾分鐘車程,您可盡情揮桿,輕鬆度過美妙一天。在飯店的兩個燈光網球場,您可充分利用我們提供的球拍、網球、網球鞋和服裝,盡情揮灑汗水。SPA飯店水療中心共設七間寬敞的護理套房,為個人或情侶提供了私密的空間。 每間套房中均配有多種設施,包括室外淋浴、私人草藥蒸汽浴室和室外浸泡浴缸。 其中有兩間套房設有花灑淋浴按摩台。 水療中心還設有蘭納風格的美容沙龍。特製精油、草本及香料混合物的馥郁香氣瀰漫在空中,各色具有異國風情的體驗正恭候您的光臨,讓您立即獲得身心放鬆的體驗。優選從農場到餐桌優質新鮮食材,採用古老傳統的明火烹製的美味菜餚。烹飪課:在四季專業廚師的引導下,通過您自己開始對烹飪的探索,開啟主廚的祕密花園探索之旅,從而提高烹飪水平。在專業廚師的帶領下,查驗食材的新鮮程度,領略傳統泰式體驗。 再回到 Rim Tai Kitchen 親手製作美味泰式菜餚的課程, 您還將學習泰式烹飪的原理和泰式廚具必不可少的設備,在 Rim Tai Kitchen 享用您的午餐。 可以在提供的六個特色項目中選擇一個,包括泰國咖喱、蘭納起源、現代蘭納、泰國街頭小吃、泰國之旅或泰國均衡美食。通過瑜伽和呼吸法探索和諧的精神平衡點,釋放負能量並重新學習有益於健康的平衡之法。 專業的老師將幫助選擇最能引起您共鳴的方式,從而可持續性的達到放鬆的目的。
We traveled there with a fear that the hotel may not be as nice as the other Four Seasons hotels we have visited in the past. But we got there and got amazed of how the hotel is. The hotel is built around a lake. On a side of the lake there are sone rice plantation. The rooms are all around the lake and the plantation but hidden in a beautiful forest and gardens very well maintained. The hotel has, nearby the lake, an activities area including rice planting, pink buffalo bathing, pottery learning, etc. It makes you feel like you are living in a small thai village, in the middle of the nature (ok… luxury village in a luxury nature… ). The room is a “Four Seasons” room with a plus for the outside pavilion, high up from the ground and accesuble from the room through a bridge. All for the two of us to enjoy a drink and a cigar after the dinner right in the middle of the nature (luxury forest as previously mentioned…). So, you may see similar rooms in other hotels but domains as in the Four Seasons hotels you definately won find easily elsewhere. Even the pools were built by using green ceramic, so everywhere you look it is green. So relaxing for the eyes! Overall, it is hard to find the right words to describe the feelings this hotel gives you. If you are a traveler, you should not miss the Four Seasons Chiang Mai.
This was our third time at Mae Sa valley. It is such a special place. We travel extensively and I consider this to be one of the most beautiful spots in the world. It had not changed a bit in 5 years, maybe perhaps the gardens got more beautiful. The setting: The gardens here are looked after so well. There are several gardeners at work the whole time. The view is breath-taking and stunning with a fast flowing river at the bottom. The manageress, Ai, is very good at her job, speaks amazing English (which is not a given in Thailand) and is very intuitive. Last time we stayed in one of the cheaper rooms up the top which had the advantage of an amazing view over the whole valley. The rooms are a bit basic but you get what you pay for. We upgraded to what they call a suite this time and it was amazing. I cannot describe the attention to detail (murals on the walls, door handles in animal shapes etc.) I discovered something new every time I looked. Next time we will go for the suite suite! These rooms are closer to the river which is nice but the river is loud. It is quite well insulated in the bedroom so you don't hear it. The area: There is surprisingly a lot in the way of tourist attractions here (botanic gardens with canopy walks, insect farm, elephant farm) but not much in the way of restaurants. Bring snacks. Of course, this is not for everyone. If you are mobility impaired this will not work for you as too many steps. As you are in nature there are a lot of insects and it is humid and you get a damp smell from the river. Also, breakfast is very basic (but the view makes up for it!) All said, this place is special and has to be seen.
訪訪客This resort was a dream! Such quiet, beautiful views. Stunning scenery and amazing food. The villa was incredible, with a personal swimming pool and the decor was traditional Thai which is exactly what I had hoped for! The service was incredible and above and beyond! My partner had a tooth problem on our 2nd day, and they quickly found us a dentist in downtown Chiang Mai. I have already suggested this property to so many family, friends, and colleagues and will definitely return myself.
訪訪客用戶The location couldn’t have been more perfect , it was convenient, beautiful, and exactly what we were hoping for. The team was so warm, welcoming, and attentive, making the experience even more enjoyable. The food was absolutely amazing, with every dish being flavorful and beautifully presented. A special mention goes to the hostess, who went above and beyond to ensure everything was smooth and that we had everything we needed. It was truly an exceptional experience, and I can’t recommend it enough!