

2.6/5102 評價
喜歡我的住宿!我因睡過頭而遲到了,他們對我很好,一點也不討厭,就像有些人去過其他地方一樣。所以總的來說,這次他們從我那裡獲得了5星。謝謝! ! ! ! !
3.9/5101 評價
很棒的立場酒店。出機場后,到綠色HOTEL處給酒店打電話,衹要不堵車,10分鐘就到,車不是麵包形的。前台很親切,早飯比較簡單但感覺很不錯。房間夠大,有比較大的小冰箱、微波爐。酒店正門右前方50米處,有一個中餐店Asian Pot,味道還湊合,但老闆人很好。總之,這地方很適合中轉或休息
3.6/5109 評價
路易斯威爾- 機場希爾頓歡朋飯店
4.2/5101 評價
From someone who has traveled significantly, this was by far the WORST experience I have ever had at a hotel. As two females visiting a new city, it’s only normal for us to question the “security” guards banging on our door at 4am. When we opened the door there were two gentleman in all black claiming to do a “wellness check.” Having no idea who these men are, feeling unsafe, we questioned what they were doing at our door. The men proceeded to harass, threaten to take us out of the hotel in handcuffs and “end our stay early.” I immediately called the front desk questioning who these men were and why— the hotel staff did not take our concerns seriously and proceeded to tell us that they’d “let the hotel know,” and that they were checking on a noise complaint. We had our TV on, but it was by no means loud or rowdy. At this point, we did not feel comfortable staying in this hotel where the staff is blatantly unethical and frankly threatening to assault us by “taking us out in handcuffs.” After speaking with Hilton customer service directly we were told that the hotel told the customer service representative that we (the guests) were “refusing to comply with what the hotel security was asking” — THIS IS A LIE. These two men came to our door aggressively, with attitudes and an agenda— we as two women immediately felt threatened, and when we questioned the “authority” of these rent-a-cops, they threatened to take us out in handcuffs. Never in my life have I ever experienced such mismanaged, backwards hotel staff that thinks this behavior is ok. We checked out one night early and can happily say we will never visit Louisville or ever stay at a Hampton Inn. The hotel room was sub par and the shower was a joke— whole place needs a good cleaning and some rust stains addressed.
2/5108 評價
Holiday Inn 路易斯威爾機場南
4.2/5103 評價


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