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探索我們在Pantai Tanjung Bongo附近的熱門飯店


4.4/59 評價


Sengkol|距離Pantai Tanjung Bongo2.95km
到目前為止,您可能已經像我們一樣查看了評論和所有令人驚嘆的線上照片。您可能會想像一個鬱鬱蔥蔥、美麗、積極的生活方式精品度假村,提供健康的阿育吠陀美食、拍打海岸的衝浪海灘和瑜伽室。這幅圖畫大錯特錯了。想像一下 1960 年代在廢棄道路旁的一個公車站。這是入口餐廳的感覺,它坐落在一個基本上乾旱的山坡上,沒有現場照片上可愛的植物。枯萎的草地、混凝土和沙子上有幾棵棕櫚樹。這些照片與現實相差甚遠,以至於我們認為這個地方很久以前就被遺棄了——也許被那些認為可以賺快錢的佔屋者佔領了。老實說,我們對接下來可能發生的事情感到害怕。雖然它看起來確實是一家酒店,但照片和描述與現實相去甚遠,以至於我們在昏迷中四處走動,試圖理清認知失調。難道這個一直標榜自己是瑜珈衝浪勝地的度假村可能既沒有瑜珈也沒有衝浪嗎?連真正的海灘都沒有嗎?不……不可能。正確的?店主一直問我們期望找到什麼,事實是這些照片與現實相去甚遠,甚至很難知道從哪裡開始。我們說我們期待一個私人海灘,所以他指著兩個兒童沙箱旁邊的一個人造沙地,周圍有金屬柵欄。我們以為有五個衝浪海灘,但實際上根本沒有任何沙灘,而且只有少數人可以乘船到達衝浪點。我們期待瑜伽——他向我們保證有瑜伽(儘管很難看出他可以把它藏在哪裡),其他評論者說瑜伽由一個墊子和一個可以自己練習的地方組成。我們期望有植物和樹木以及泳池邊的休閒區。相反,大水池是空的,小水池裡長滿了藻類,我想知道“生態度假村”是否正在從綠色水池的生長中收集碳信用。幸好我們沒有提前付款,因為我們只需要支付一天的費用就可以很快離開。但這個地方太偏遠了,我們實際上浪費了五個小時的假期去那裡、遊覽它並返回我們出發的地方。更不用說我們匆忙離開時扔掉的錢足夠我們住島上的豪華酒店了。老闆很友善地為我們提供了茶,並讓我們使用他的無線網絡尋找另一家酒店——我們非常感謝這種善意——但當我們最終在一家可愛的酒店安頓下來並將我們的照片與網上的照片比較時,我們的憤怒越來越大。多麼完全的誤傳。我們在這裡上傳照片——棕櫚樹和金屬柵欄陰影下有沙子的照片——那就是海灘。當他指出這一點時,我們都快笑死了,但店主顯然很沮喪,我們只是想在不發生大規模衝突的情況下離開。放大水池裡的水(而不是用花園軟管填充的水池),您可能會有一種感覺



正在尋找Pantai Tanjung Bongo附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.4/59 評價
到目前為止,您可能已經像我們一樣查看了評論和所有令人驚嘆的線上照片。您可能會想像一個鬱鬱蔥蔥、美麗、積極的生活方式精品度假村,提供健康的阿育吠陀美食、拍打海岸的衝浪海灘和瑜伽室。這幅圖畫大錯特錯了。想像一下 1960 年代在廢棄道路旁的一個公車站。這是入口餐廳的感覺,它坐落在一個基本上乾旱的山坡上,沒有現場照片上可愛的植物。枯萎的草地、混凝土和沙子上有幾棵棕櫚樹。這些照片與現實相差甚遠,以至於我們認為這個地方很久以前就被遺棄了——也許被那些認為可以賺快錢的佔屋者佔領了。老實說,我們對接下來可能發生的事情感到害怕。雖然它看起來確實是一家酒店,但照片和描述與現實相去甚遠,以至於我們在昏迷中四處走動,試圖理清認知失調。難道這個一直標榜自己是瑜珈衝浪勝地的度假村可能既沒有瑜珈也沒有衝浪嗎?連真正的海灘都沒有嗎?不……不可能。正確的?店主一直問我們期望找到什麼,事實是這些照片與現實相去甚遠,甚至很難知道從哪裡開始。我們說我們期待一個私人海灘,所以他指著兩個兒童沙箱旁邊的一個人造沙地,周圍有金屬柵欄。我們以為有五個衝浪海灘,但實際上根本沒有任何沙灘,而且只有少數人可以乘船到達衝浪點。我們期待瑜伽——他向我們保證有瑜伽(儘管很難看出他可以把它藏在哪裡),其他評論者說瑜伽由一個墊子和一個可以自己練習的地方組成。我們期望有植物和樹木以及泳池邊的休閒區。相反,大水池是空的,小水池裡長滿了藻類,我想知道“生態度假村”是否正在從綠色水池的生長中收集碳信用。幸好我們沒有提前付款,因為我們只需要支付一天的費用就可以很快離開。但這個地方太偏遠了,我們實際上浪費了五個小時的假期去那裡、遊覽它並返回我們出發的地方。更不用說我們匆忙離開時扔掉的錢足夠我們住島上的豪華酒店了。老闆很友善地為我們提供了茶,並讓我們使用他的無線網絡尋找另一家酒店——我們非常感謝這種善意——但當我們最終在一家可愛的酒店安頓下來並將我們的照片與網上的照片比較時,我們的憤怒越來越大。多麼完全的誤傳。我們在這裡上傳照片——棕櫚樹和金屬柵欄陰影下有沙子的照片——那就是海灘。當他指出這一點時,我們都快笑死了,但店主顯然很沮喪,我們只是想在不發生大規模衝突的情況下離開。放大水池裡的水(而不是用花園軟管填充的水池),您可能會有一種感覺
4.5/577 評價
Pros: friendly staff, quiet resort. Cons: old and run down. Kids club was a joke. Duplo pieces were dirty and dusty. Basically it was set up by the pool as they are redoing their old space so the only toys they had were dirty and broken. Nothing was really organized. Son was excited for water gun games and the water guns were all broken. Scavenger hunt entailed handing beige Easter eggs within the small surrounding by the pool. Very disappointed. Food was overpriced and bad. Drinks also overpriced. We learned this when we hired a car to a nice resort and beach 20 minutes away and discovered the food was delicious, price was 1/3 of this one and the sand and beach there was much better. It’s an old run down hotel. We say it’s quiet but really there wasn’t many people there. The staff were friendly and helpful.
4.6/569 評價
3.8/52 評價
Friendly owner. Salam dari malaysia mas. Sesuai buat solo traveller
4.3/533 評價
4.6/524 評價
This bad review, is because of how the front desk clerks changes the way they want to regard on the offer, i know that price of a hotel can change and depends on the pick time and all, but this time is really out of the ordinary, why i say this, its because they raise their price just because i called the second time in just few hours gap, crazy part is because i want to make a booking, and not just for a night or 2 but for 3 night, they knew that so he raised the price and when i asked them i would like to talk to the manager because i find it fishy, but he responded by saying he will delivery my concern,he also insist on me closing the phone and that he will call back, but when i said ill wait i dont mind waiting, but he didnt want me to like he didnt want me to listen to his conversations with manager, and also he said that he need this line to call the manager but i can hear him already talking to one other guy i dont know if its the manager or not but the guys sound like a manager, and when i insist on hold ing and waiting by the phone then he come back and tell me that he had talk to the manager but what he had said to the manager is different then what is happening, he basically said that ” i had fine a cheaper price then what the front desk clerks are offering me” which i have not said that and i didnt want to even said anything regard to that what i wan to say and ask, is that why they change the price and make it more expensive just in few hours after my first call? The thing is the guy who ans my first call is the same guy who ans my scnd call. The reason that force me to make this review is that this guy really refuse me to talk to the manager, and that hit me is that he said and i quote ” bapak dengerin saya ya”( his telling me to listen to him) why should i listen to him, he want me to listen to what he have to tell me,
