Dès notre arrivée dans le jardin et les premiers pas dans le restaurant nous avons été séduit par le cadre, et l’accueil dont nous avons bénéficié. Dans une salle épurée, soignée et vue sur le jardin et la mer, nous avons partagé un repas en famille autour d’un repas excellent et aux saveurs étonnantes et inhabituelles. Chaque assiette est un écrin, accompagné par un vin choisi et proposé par le sommelier. En salle, toutes les personnes ont été accueillantes, attentionnées et cela fait une équipe professionnelle et dévouée aux clients. En coulisse, la brigade œuvre à transformer les produits locaux en mets succulents, pour donner du plaisir visuel et gustatif, et ce fut un régal. En vacances pour découvrir cette région, cette étape nocturne restera un souvenir savoureux et joyeux, un moment unique partagé en famille.
This 2-night stay was fairly expensive but no hotel of this calibre in La Baule will be cheap. That said, we DID choose what must be one of their best rooms, a Junior Suite [#703] on a corner of the top floor, with windows on two sides. It had a fabulous view over the wide sweep of beach, and fantastic sunrises. The Mercure Majestic is located right on the promenade at one end of La Baule's very long, clean, sandy beach. Ideal for bucket & spade aficionados. The hotel is well-appointed and comfortable, and has private parking (I don't think I'd want to park my Tesla on the street). The breakfast spread was terrific, complete with crepes and a dispenser of salted caramel goo to put on them. Great breads, jams, honeys and really good butter. Scrambled eggs and terrific sausages (but no bacon, sadly). The usual crappy bean-to-cup, infinite permutations coffee machine when what you really want is a cafetiere of strong coffee...but that ship has sailed. We had dinner in Le Ruban Bleu restaurant both nights, taking their Menu Plaisir (3 plats, 39 euros). Night 1 was a little disappointing: starters of Ganache of foie gras, where it was difficult to discern any foie gras (which we eat a lot) and Chromesquis de Crevettes (like an Arancini) where it was equally difficult to discern any crevettes. But my main of octopus was good as was the Mijoté de Cochon. Nice cheeses, good Paris-Brest dessert (here christened Paris-La Baule; well obviously). Wines were a Muscadet at 30 euros and a St Nicholas de Bourgeuil at 40 (which I thought was a tiny bit expensive). Night 2 was better, with a bottle of Chinon at 26 euros, a glass of Luberon rosé at 5.50 and one of Coteaux du Layon at 6.50 with dessert. One wrinkle to our stay was that the same lad, for all appearances a trainee, kept popping up at every meal. I know my French is rusty but it is clearly better than his command of English, since he failed to understand a single thing we said (in either language), knows nothing about wine, or serving it properly. He popped up again at breakfast but luckily you serve yourself to most of it. He even popped up when we came back at lunchtime gagging a for a glass of Breton cider, our request for which completely flummoxed him and he had to seek help from the experienced and knowledgeable waiter who speaks excellent English and who also served us most of the time. Bottom line? La Baule is somewhere we will return and the Mercure Majestic is now tried-and-tested.
La situation de l'hôtel est excellente et l'accueil a été très agréable lors de notre arrivée comme au petit déjeuner. Si la décoration manque un peu de cohérence (style anglais avec tapisserie effet python avec cadres d'inspiration marocaine, cadres boudha dans les toilettes...) nous avons surtout été surpris par un entretien qui semblait assez approximatif dans notre chambre: taches sur la moquette, présence de miettes sur un fauteuil et d'un reste d'emballage plastique au sol, odeur de canalisation dans la salle de douche...cependant nous avons fait part de ce désagrément à l'accueil et le petit déjeuner nous a été offert en guise de dédommagement. Ce dernier était quant à lui très correct avec une belle variété de propositions sucrée, on regrettera toutefois l'absence de propositions chaudes en salé (oeufs par exemple) pour le prix affiché de 13€.
Perfectly located, just a 10 minute walk from the beachfront, restaurants, watersports and ******, this apart/hotel is an ideal base when visiting La Baule and the surrounding area. It's nestled within a residential area so much calmer than the busy seafront. Rooms are decent, well equipped with a good bathroom. Staff are friendly and helpful (they booked our terre de sel visit for us). There is a small pool and a ping pong table. Breakfast is available for a fee, but we found a really nice epicèrie just a 5min walk away, selling bread, croissants, fruit, veg, paté and coffee too. WiFi could be a bit sporadic at hotel, but I would highly recommend.
Lutetia is in a quiet street only 3 minutes walk from the main street.Rooms are modern and comfortable and although not huge they have everyting you need.Ours was in the annexe across the road from the main Hotel.Breakfast was excellent. Major bonus for us was free off street parking. Highly recommended.