It was good and owner was very helpful! But one very impornatn moment: they have gas heater in the room with timer, its turn off enery 3 hours and make enormusly loud sound and you shoul wake up every 3 hours and turn it on again (without it you can do in winter, you get cold) and so we cant rest normally because all night long we shoul wake up and tutn heater again
Exept heater -everything was good! Hope they change heater to electrics or at list witout timers for 3 hours(
京都之旅最正確的選擇就是入住了一直心心念唸的安縵京都,安縵酒店隱匿在靜謐的森林之中,綠茵環繞,禪意清幽。這次入住楢房,房間很新,一層的大落地窗採光非常好,陽光洋洋灑灑的透過窗照進房間感覺匆忙的旅行一下就慢下來了。最難忘的是入住期間每一位工作人員的笑臉和熱情周到的服務!這次提前預約了兩天的晚餐和下午茶,都在the living pavilion,餐廳所有工作人員服務都是特別有禮貌,服務無可挑剔,菜品都非常精緻美味,下次來要品嚐鷹庵,非常棒的入住體驗,下次秋天來!
京都四天體驗了一天金閣寺附近的Roku Kyoto,在半山腰景色宜人,整體感覺細節滿滿,注重環保,停車免費,入住有歡迎小點,後悔沒有帶走這衹吉祥物太可愛了,床很舒適我累到秒睡,早餐種類沒有westin豐富,園景房其實沒必要,看不到遠處的景色,泳池是温水,很舒適。
Recommend to all couples and homies.