

4.7/541 評價
我乘着發現沖繩彩,以2折的價格入住。起初,我擔心要選擇小型套房還是雙人間,但是我選擇了帶俱樂部房間的小型套房,因爲住宿樓層較低。客房寬敞,設有55㎡,設有衛生間,帶浴缸的浴室,壁櫥,保險箱,電熱水壺,冰箱,LED電視等。除了洗臉等便利設施外,還提供睡衣,咖啡,茶,酒杯,玻璃杯,杯子,冰桶等。我不知道其他樓層,但是在我住的10樓,電梯大廳旁邊有2個投幣式洗衣機(從洗衣到乾燥的3種容量,價格爲300至500日元),自動售貨機和製冰機。此外,5樓還設有溫泉,可使用沐浴稅¥150/1次。早餐地點在1樓的Sirius,可提供自助餐風格,最多可使用6:30-10:00,從沖繩美食到日式,西式,沙拉吧,飲料角等,但沒有現場廚房,沒有這樣的東西,內容正常嗎?大多數遊客會租車,但停車場很多,例如P1-P4,帶俱樂部房的客人在住宿大樓下方有一個有蓋停車場。它是免費的。雙人間總共只有6個房間,每層只有6個房間,直到7樓~ 12樓,但可以說是伊江島前的真正海濱。這是連續3個晚上的晚餐計劃,但是晚餐地點需要預訂,但是在天狼星的自助餐與早餐相同。與早餐不同,牛排是在現場廚房烤制的,但是當天的廚師只提供了一個沒有動力和不友好的人,並且只有一個足夠大的東西,可以吃掉2~ 3口。即使我開玩笑說要10張,它也是可以吃的。您可以從一樓穿過內院前往您面前的海灘,馬路對面是一間從4月1日開始的海濱別墅,並設有廁所和淋浴間。此外,從那裏的道路,您可以沿着海灘的鋪砌道路到達美麗海水族館,您將到達美麗海水族館出口的紀念品商店前。此外,在酒店,您可以像附近的便利店一樣以10%折扣購買入場券。總體而言,可以說這是家庭的最佳度假酒店。我們住在酒店,看到Kouri Ocean和Kouri Blue。
4.1/524 評價
店員可以用非常流利的英語溝通, check-in是非常快! 入住後,可以將車泊在露營車旁邊,非常之方便 泳池可以隨時享用,拍照亦一流 房間內的環境非常復古,亦有微波爐供我們使用 我們check-in時已經很晚,選擇到3分鐘路程的便利店,選購大量微波爐食品,再回到房間食用,非常有汽車旅館的feel ! 可惜第二天早上下雨,不能拍照太多室外照片,只留在露營車來拍照,但相片亦很美,希望下次可以再來,非常好的體驗
4.5/555 評價
Your options at the hotel are dependent on what “level” you have which is dependent on how many nights you stay (?) and what color card you are given to wear around your neck. This information is based on our family having stayed five nights with a gold card. Pros – Nice beach, free lounge chairs and umbrella (gold card), free breach towels, free activities such as the banana boat ride (gold card), and the “glass bottom boat ride (gold card), free mask and snorkel for both adults and kids! The two buffets were nice. We went to the first floor on the first day, the second floor (gold card) buffet on the remaining days for breakfast. Fluffy pancakes, raspberry French toast, eggs benedict which were not offered on the first floor. Great view of the ocean, nice, clean room, and friendly staff. Very helpful. Cons – you have to line up in the morning to book any activity, only two per family unless you get back in line. Well, the Japanese love to line up, for hours, so enjoy the wait. Only two computers for booking and maybe and maybe several hundred rooms at the hotel? Same with the buffet, on both floors. Enjoy the wait! The free beach towels were only offered at the inside pool, but you can take them to the beach. Why so far away from the beach? Finally, the outside pool closes at 5:00 PM! Sunset is not until 7:00 PM! This is ridiculous! And if you swim in the ocean, no life jacket required. If you use a mask, no life jacket required. If you use fins, no life jacket required. However, the moment you use a snorkel, you must wear a life jacket. Not sure how to explain that. What I hate about this hotel is the animals they have locked up in tiny cages. A wallaby in a cage the size of a bathroom. Sea turtles locked up in small pools. Tiny pools. African turtles in small enclosures. Exotic birds in small cages, dolphins locked up, and manta rays locked up. Not fun to see that at all and everyone seems unsympathetic to their plight.
4.2/52 評價
4.7/5305 評價
從機場坐shuttle直達門口(站名叫Tiger Beach老虎灣) 機場巴士十分推薦 可直達許多重要景點如水族館、萬座毛、縣廳、無數碧藍海灘。酒店是那種Old-fashioned老錢風裝修風格 房間相對日本酒店來説算非常大了 住頂層行政樓層 視野好直面無敵海景 樓下餐廳超市洗衣房健身房都有、周邊有全家和幾個當地餐廳 位置再沖繩比較適中 到哪裡都不算特別遠 自助早餐有日式和西式兩種供選擇 晚餐可用打折卡和折扣券很划算 推薦老錢風愛好者 對酒店面積風景要求高的選擇。



最低價格TWD 2,039
最高價格TWD 61,416
平均價格 (週末)TWD 16,215
平均價格 (平日)TWD 14,171