哥打京那巴魯市中心 | 距離Kilang Mee Kon Vui Sdn. Bhd. 冠威食品有限公司15.89km
敬請前來京那巴魯凱悅飯店體驗沙巴人的熱情好客之道,它是前往沙巴、風下之鄉等商務和休閒旅客的首選。位於沙巴的這家豪華飯店距離哥打京那巴魯國際機場約15分鐘車程。飯店的288間寬敞客房與套房均精心設計,並以無比舒適性及哥打京那巴魯一些絕美景觀為設計初衷,其中包括波光粼粼的中國南海或京那巴魯市周邊美景。顧客可以自由選擇在餐廳Tanjung Ria Cafe享用當地和國際自助餐,在日式餐廳Nagisa享用日本料理,在Mosaic路邊餐廳享用西方美食和美味披薩及冰淇淋,或在Shenanigan's Fun Pub享受精彩夜生活。此外,顧客還可以在室外泳池盡情暢遊,在Avantang水療中心體驗休閒按摩,或在健身中心強身健體。對於希望在哥打京那巴魯、沙巴舉辦各種多功能活動的顧客,我們還在宴會廳或三間會議室之一提供了超值會議優惠精選。對於婚禮,我們的飯店提供了一系列浪漫客房,供您歡度大喜之日。京那巴魯凱悅飯店可為商務、休閒、自然或體育探險愛好者旅客提供理想的熱帶逍遙之旅。敬請前來京那巴魯凱悅飯店探索正宗沙巴人熱情好客之道的精髓。
The hotel room which I stayed was very confortable, with wide space, big bed, clean bedsheets and near to eating places and also near to the airport. Initially I was afraid the noise from the airplanes may disturb my sleep as my room was facing on the left side of the building, but to my surprise I did not hear planes flying so I was happy that I didn't experience any noise to disturb my tranquility. The only con is there is no restaurant in the hotel so my breakfast came as a bento like box takeaway. No coffee also, the coffee is available in the room but is chargeable. Only the tea bags are free. The parking is multi-storeyed and managed electronically. You put your car into the car lift and it is then parked automatically one car at a time. To retrieve your car, you need to scan your hotel card for it to be brought down via the car lift again. It may be time consuming if you are in a hurry and there are a few people in the queue before you.
HHatyaiman位置在黃金區,特別是Gaya Street Market週五和週六晚上+週日早市。嘗試這家酒店周圍的當地美食,例如, 1) Yee Fung.....不要錯過旺頓湯 2) Keng Wan Hing...Big Pau(中國包)與熱咖啡 實際上,Atkinson Tower和Signal Hill Observatory都在步行區,但兩者都已關閉進行翻新。我住的是單人間沒有窗戶.....乾淨,私人浴室,空調,電視.....反正沒有每日客房清潔?因爲我住了2晚,但沒有人來我的房間。我住在3樓(只有3樓.....還有電梯),第二天晚上下大雨..大雨大聲音..做了我的Cinemax..看着印第安納瓊斯..雨走了..完全沒有信號(電視酒店) 總結中,強烈推薦在黃金地段爲預算旅行者提供合理的價格。機場接送從KKiA或BKI注意,由於新冠疫情,機場巴士沒有運營。然後,你可以在30林吉特的固定費用上打出租車,或者只搶10林吉特......當然......搶......機場巴士只有5林吉特