先説優點:酒店在最核心的位置,出門就是waterfront park,游泳會,市政府、法官、劇院,離各種網紅餐廳也就是5-10分鐘步行距離。餐廳正對湖,景色很美,早餐分量跟一般北美早餐相比算小的,但是都好吃。我覺得經典雙蛋的性價比是最高的。晚上點了酒,但是説沒有配酒的東西,什麼plate、堅果、水果一概沒有。
然後吐槽一下房間,房間比較小,雙大床的床都是Queen 所以二個人睡是偏小的,床上的床單皺的好像剛從烘乾機拿出來的,還有一股子味道。我兒子説床墊和枕頭都不舒服。我不知道為啥,每次攜程訂房間給的位置都很差,這次給的是大風機旁邊的啥景也沒有,就看到二個大風機的房間,哎。500刀一個晚上,北美的酒店就是這麼坑爹。拖鞋沒有,洗漱用品沒有,Wi-Fi如果不花10元錢就慢到你幾乎打不開遊戲或者視頻。最最無語的是,checkout收了我每晚36刀的停車費,這個停車費真的太貴了,事先也沒有告知。我印象中惠斯勒的酒店也就20多刀。反正除了地理位置絕佳之外,其他真的很so so
Hotel is overall good! Parking is limited and not convenient for trucks but, normal cars can park without problems.
I liked the hotel and would go back.
訪訪客用戶The hotel was extremely busy, as it was a holiday weekend. The state of the hotel definitely showed an increase in volume and turnover. Our room, the entranceway, and the bathroom floor had white marks all over it. At first, it looked like a child walked into paint and then ran in and out of the room. However, with the smallest of elbow grease, I was able to remove most of the marks from the bathroom. In doing so, it looked more like dried oatmeal, but I couldn't be sure. My point is that it was impossible not to notice this mess and that someone made a conscious decision to leave it in this manner. They did this, knowing that it was a long weekend and that guests would be paying in some cases double what they normally would pay. At these prices, with taxes,fees, etc, we were over a grand for 2 nights. At these prices, you do expect the rooms to be in pristine condition. We had spoken to a staff member delivering towels to a nèar by room. He informed us that he would speak to his supervisor and that someone would be up shortly. At this point, it was late and we were at the end of a solid week of moving. We needed sleep more than anything. To the best of our knowledge, no one tried to reach us in regard to this issue. This is a beautiful hotel. However, more needs to be done to keep it that way.
BBob差點沒訂到這裏,因爲好像是1950年代的汽車旅館,油漆新鮮。那會是個巨大的錯誤。位置非常適合在市中心和湖邊的公園漫步。房間明亮,色彩紛呈,有史以來最乾淨的一家。我不能停止被更新和升級所驚訝,所有的明亮的顏色讓我微笑。顏色匹配的 vw bus 在地段定義了角色。我會再次選擇Hotel Zed,而不是任何無聊的高檔或傳統的地方,留在基洛納。這是不同的,有趣的,很棒的地方。