
4.6/548 評價
We arrived in Auckland from Queenstown, NZ on a Saturday and did not have a hotel reservation. We sat at the airport for over an hour looking for a hotel. It seems that Auckland was very busy that weekend. We finally found Doubletree by Hilton Karaka. We had no idea where Karaka was but it ended up being a great choice, 15 miles south of the airport, 22 miles south of Auckland. The hotel is in a more rural area associated with thoroughbred horse studs, dairy farming and sheep farming and thoroughbred yearling sales. The hotel is just off of SH1 so a direct route to/from Auckland and the airport. We arrived late afternoon. This is a beautiful, fairly new and expensive hotel with all of the modern amenities. Our room was large with a king size bed, dresser, small table, small fridge and a small bench that could double as a child's bed. It had a built in phone charger in the nightstands and all necessary modern electronic connections. The bathroom had a very large shower and all amenities (it was a handicap room on the ground floor). The hotel has a pool, gym, meeting space, a bar and a pricey restaurant, but there was a McD's across the street for something quick and less expensive. Their is a pool and the grounds are lovely. We enjoyed our stay in this quiet area south of Auckland.


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