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Kalote Waterfalls

3.3/53 評價


Bhilvale|距離Kalote Waterfalls3.25km
Check-in - We had made booking for 3 tents but when we reached the ***ager at counter said he has confirmation for only 2 !! He offered to help me ( as if doing a favour ) and finally after a long wait gave us 3 tents !! Tent - Tent quality is strictly average but most disappointing is they are too close to each other. You could hear people's talk, snores etc. They have ensured to squeeze as much as possible in the land space they have !! I was told some 50 odd tents! That's absolutely absurd for the infrastructure they have. Washroom - pathetic quality of washrooms with paan stains, no hand wash kept and for 50 tents the number of washrooms is very very less !! I dint even see any staff cleaning it regularly..A big turn off Swimming pool - Not well maintained we avoided venturing in Kayaking - That was the only saving grace of the whole trip i would say Food - Below average quality be it BBQ, dinner or breakfast. They dont even have basic sense to have 2-3 counters set up for such huge crowd. Sleep - Besides all this , there were drunk & drugged group of people creating ruckus entire night playing loud music, uttering expletives. There are no silent hours on campsite. On being pointed out the stupid ***ager says ”if you need silent hours then go to a hotel, this is camping people come here to enjoy!!! We dont take responsibility of maintaining silence nor we care if you get disturbed ” I realised this site is ***aged by group of people/ villagers who have limited idea of outside world and it reflected in their ” We dont care ” attitude in dealing with the guests. On top of that the campsite had roosters crowing since 2am until dawn🙄 We couldn't sleep the whole night a result !! Just imagine we were with small kids😒 Verdict - For the price paid, the overall experience is not worth even a bit !! I would really recommend people who are well travelled, people with kids, people with basic civic sense, couples who need privacy to completely AVOID such an experience !!!



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最高價格TWD 15,289
最低價格TWD 5,881
平均價格 (平日)TWD 8,331
平均價格 (週末)TWD 11,524