傑克遜市中心希爾頓花園飯店地處傑克遜中心,距離Robert Johnson Blues Foundation和Dr. A. H. McCoy Federal Building僅數步之遙。 此飯店距離傑克遜公約地 0.3 英里(0.4 公里),距離Hill-Holly Building 0.3 英里(0.5 公里)。您可充分利用室內游泳池和24 小時健身中心等度假設施。此飯店的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、飯店內購物和大廳壁爐。您可以到餐廳享用一頓美餐;也可以去咖啡館吃些點心。或者可以待在房間裡,享受飯店的部分時段客房送餐服務。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。每天 6:00 至 正午 提供收費的自助早餐。特色服務/設施包括免費高速有線上網、商務中心和快速入住。有 186 間客房提供冰箱和液晶電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費有線和無線上網,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;另提供收費電視訊道,可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。便利設施包括可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和微波爐;而且每天提供客房服務。
This hotel has a severe bed bug infestation. I was waken up out of my sleep to discomfort and itchy skin. I turned the lights on to observe the bed, I found bed bugs were crawling all over the pillows and the sheet in visible view to see. I waited for the manager who was supposed to arrive at 7 am, he did not arrive until 8 am. After explaining to manager that my room(111) had bed bugs, he looked unconcerned about my complaint. I offered to show him pictures I took of the bugs crawling on the pillows and my bites