伊斯坦堡馬爾馬拉海JW萬豪飯店是位於阿塔科伊的都市度假勝地,實現了安寧靜謐與城市繁華的和諧交融。204間豪華客房和套房以及27套精美公寓盡攬壯麗海景,呈獻現代舒適與華麗裝潢兼具的住宿體驗。Ceres餐廳恭候您開啟繽紛多元的美食之旅,邀您享用地中海融合風味菜餚;米其林上榜餐廳Akira Back Istanbul奉上現代日式料理;La Vallée水療中心供您縱享煥活時光。您還可輕鬆前往遊覽伊斯坦堡的標誌性景點,其中包括聖索菲亞大教堂、託普卡帕宮、加拉達塔、多爾馬巴赫切宮以及塔克西姆廣場。我們精心打造個性化休閒項目,如用於種植特色農產品的JW蔬苑,讓賓客獲享品質住宿體驗。為踐行可持續發展理念,我們安排本土製造的TOGG電動汽車提供私人接送服務。
訪訪客用戶An excellent option for a fully serviced luxury stay. Wonderful and helpful staff, excellent facilities (two pools, on site supermarket, room service, thorough daily cleaning, coffee shop, restaurant, 24 hour security in the lobby, taxi rank, gym, spa, pharmacy), great views. Elegant décor. The staff always go out of their way to resolve things and help, even when it's not necessarily in their job description. Five stars.