







4.1/523 評價


Paloh was a malay & orang asli (“native”) kampung (“village”) that has been around from at least the 18th century. Apparently the names comes from the founder of the village itself Toh Paloh. Paloh, or palung, also means a depression in the ground that holds water, or a fishing hole to catch fish. It is believed that Paloh was also a boat dock in the past. Some other views hold that the Hakka were the founders of Paloh, and only later came the Cantonese. According to this theory, the origin of the name is a symbolic reference to the dams that were constructed along the Kinta River for fishing purposes. These dams were referred to as “Pa-Lo” in the Cantonese dialect and eventually the area became known as Paloh. Paloh today has of course become the heart of the city of Ipoh. In this old part of the city pre-war Shop Houses line the streets, with a predominantly Chinese character. “Sarang” is a malay word meaning nest, hence “Sarang Paloh” means “The Nest in Paloh”, evoking the image of the hotel as a place of rest for the weary traveller. Located on Jalan Sultan Iskandar (formerly Hugh Low Street), Sarang Paloh is located in pre-war two storey shop houses that originally were the premises of a Goldsmith and a Bank more than 90 years ago. The façade of one of the buildings still has the name of the Goldsmiths on its façade in English, Chinese and Malay (jawi script), with the stately bank building still has the name of Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited on its front. Across the road, Sarang Paloh has another shophouse of which the ground floor has been converted into a carpark. If you have a car, this is where you would park. Parking is complimentary, but you must exercise caution, turning right into the shophouse entrance as Jalan Sultan Iskandar is a pretty high traffic road, and the building inside is quite narrow, with the cars having to be parked bumper to bumper, in two rows. Exit is out through the back of the shophouse into a back lane. Do bear in mind that if the shophouse is full of cars, you may get boxed in by other parked cars and not able to exit! Fortunately this did not happen to us while we stayed here. Getting to the hotel means having to cross the busy road again on foot, with your luggage, from the car to the hotel. The main reception area was in the former Goldsmith’s building, and the entire front of the shop house is dedicated to the reception. To get in the front door, you will need your access card, or the staff inside will have to let you in, if you have yet to check in. The central part of shop house is a courtyard with a spiral staircase going upstairs to the 2nd floor, and in the back is a sort of pantry area with dining table. Staircase at the back also leads upwards. We had booked a room at the back of the shophouse on the 2nd floor, as we were aware of reviews that rooms in front may have some street noise. The rooms are all named after birds, in line with the hotel itself being a “nest”. Our room wa



4.1/523 評價
Paloh was a malay & orang asli (“native”) kampung (“village”) that has been around from at least the 18th century. Apparently the names comes from the founder of the village itself Toh Paloh. Paloh, or palung, also means a depression in the ground that holds water, or a fishing hole to catch fish. It is believed that Paloh was also a boat dock in the past. Some other views hold that the Hakka were the founders of Paloh, and only later came the Cantonese. According to this theory, the origin of the name is a symbolic reference to the dams that were constructed along the Kinta River for fishing purposes. These dams were referred to as “Pa-Lo” in the Cantonese dialect and eventually the area became known as Paloh. Paloh today has of course become the heart of the city of Ipoh. In this old part of the city pre-war Shop Houses line the streets, with a predominantly Chinese character. “Sarang” is a malay word meaning nest, hence “Sarang Paloh” means “The Nest in Paloh”, evoking the image of the hotel as a place of rest for the weary traveller. Located on Jalan Sultan Iskandar (formerly Hugh Low Street), Sarang Paloh is located in pre-war two storey shop houses that originally were the premises of a Goldsmith and a Bank more than 90 years ago. The façade of one of the buildings still has the name of the Goldsmiths on its façade in English, Chinese and Malay (jawi script), with the stately bank building still has the name of Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited on its front. Across the road, Sarang Paloh has another shophouse of which the ground floor has been converted into a carpark. If you have a car, this is where you would park. Parking is complimentary, but you must exercise caution, turning right into the shophouse entrance as Jalan Sultan Iskandar is a pretty high traffic road, and the building inside is quite narrow, with the cars having to be parked bumper to bumper, in two rows. Exit is out through the back of the shophouse into a back lane. Do bear in mind that if the shophouse is full of cars, you may get boxed in by other parked cars and not able to exit! Fortunately this did not happen to us while we stayed here. Getting to the hotel means having to cross the busy road again on foot, with your luggage, from the car to the hotel. The main reception area was in the former Goldsmith’s building, and the entire front of the shop house is dedicated to the reception. To get in the front door, you will need your access card, or the staff inside will have to let you in, if you have yet to check in. The central part of shop house is a courtyard with a spiral staircase going upstairs to the 2nd floor, and in the back is a sort of pantry area with dining table. Staircase at the back also leads upwards. We had booked a room at the back of the shophouse on the 2nd floor, as we were aware of reviews that rooms in front may have some street noise. The rooms are all named after birds, in line with the hotel itself being a “nest”. Our room wa
3.9/54 評價
3.7/516 評價
合理乾淨。接待很友好。樓頂免費早餐8.30am-10.30am。茶,咖啡吐司,黃油,皮亞(椰子鋪)和炒雞蛋應要求。隨時可以在吊牀上涼快。我們住的是家庭大牀房。每晚120林吉特加10林吉特外賓稅。50林吉特押金。一張特大牀和一張單人牀。僅淋浴,牆上有肥皂和廁所。吹風機,風扇和空調。窗戶有一個蓋子,遮住了睡覺的光線。走廊有濾水器、水壺、熨衣板和備用廁所。這裏的一些房間是宿舍房。酒店門前有一個標誌,可以步行進去,支付3晚費用,免費獲得4晚。出租自行車和大堂出售飲料。這家酒店在新城區。老城區的街道上有一些美食選擇。如果你週二來的話,試試叫Pasar malam taman Ipoh timur的夜市大型夜市。大約10林吉特搶車。如果你沒有數據,隔壁有一個Tesco免費無線網絡,可以訂購搶車。週三晚上穿過gerbang malam大約7.15pm,市場攤位才剛剛開始設置。周圍餐廳都滿了。第二天晚上我們大概走過9.30pm,所有的攤位都上了。也試試通穗凱吃東西。當地的菜餚和甜點。記住,你只能坐在你要點的攤位前。我已經對這個地方做了單獨的評論。附近還有一個美食廣場。
4/57 評價
Beds in Garden Hostel絕對是背包客理想中的背包旅店! 一進到門口時,以為只是小小間的背包客棧,辦完入住後,櫃台妹妹帶我們進去床位,大廳真的非常漂亮,而且空間超大,有能夠跟別人聊天的桌椅,也有可以自己獨處做事的空間,桌上也有提供一些桌遊給大家玩,非常喜歡這樣的氣氛~ 到了房間後,發現天花版是挑高的,整個房間看起來很舒適很大,床下有櫃子可以鎖貴重物品,也有自己床位的燈可以開,不會影響別人。 衛浴設備是在另一頭,遠離房間,很喜歡這樣的規劃,洗澡或是盥洗時不會吵到別人,空間也都設計的很剛好,而且有提供洗髮乳和沐浴乳,超讚!
3.6/533 評價
4.6/566 評價




怡保可能對於很多人來說頗為陌生,它是馬來西亞第四大城市,也是馬來西亞白咖啡的原產地、電影《色戒》和《安娜與國王》的拍攝地。如果想造訪小眾目的地,可以來到怡保看看不輸吉隆坡的歷史建築,嚐嚐不輸檳城的道地美食!走訪舊城區探索怡保火車站、大會堂、法院大樓、伯奇紀念鐘樓、皇傢俱樂部、聖邁克爾學院等歷史景點,享受獨一無二的精采旅行。準備來趟怡保旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門怡保景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開怡保之旅!


若要前往怡保,建議先透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往馬來西亞吉隆坡機票,再轉乘機場巴士到怡保(包含 Yoyo Express、Star Shuttle Express 等巴士),或是搭乘機場捷運搭配巴士/火車至怡保。若要從怡保前往吉隆坡、檳城,旅客可選擇利南客運(Sri Maju)或火車。若要在怡保市區遊玩,推薦包車較方便。




1. 怡保舊街場

2. 霹靂洞

3. 凱利古堡


還沒安排怡保自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的怡保飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂怡保住宿!若預計前往怡保周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如鐵路、巴士路線附近,旅行更便利省時。
