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探索我們在The Grand Mall附近的熱門飯店


皮卡爾巴特洛斯藍水療度假村 - 僅限16歲以上人士入住,超值全包
4.7/59 評價

皮卡爾巴特洛斯藍水療度假村 - 僅限16歲以上人士入住,超值全包

赫爾格達|距離The Grand Mall0.97km
下榻開業於2022-10-31的皮卡爾巴特洛斯藍水療度假村 - 僅限16歲以上人士入住,超值全包,感受赫爾格達的獨特魅力。從飯店很方便到達赫爾格達國際機場,僅有2km距離。包括Akhenaten Egypt Gallery、Sindbad Aqua Park和沙漠探險都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Dream Beach、Planet Spa at Marriott Beach Resort和Mahamya Beach,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和液晶電視機。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和24小時熱水的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Bobos Restaurant(مطعم بوبوس)、Granada Restaurant & Pub(義大利菜)和Retro Bar & Pub(ريترو بار)(英國菜)不妨可以試試。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括健身室和桑拿浴室。飯店設有24小時櫃檯諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。



4.2/565 評價


赫爾格達|距離The Grand Mall0.75km
We stayed here this past week June 2023, it was an amazing holiday. Pros- The entertainment team are brilliant, Bob, Vicki, Keko and Momento especially. They always came and spoke to us in the mornings. Making us laugh and getting us involved in all their activities. The lifeguards were also incredible. (Ahmed and Ramadan) Helping us move our sun beds either into the sun or into the shade. The lunch around the small circle pool was very good. Chips, pizza, burgers, kebabs. Very good food. Served from around 11:30 to about 3. Rooms were very clean, the cleaner was very good we were on the 5th floor room 1519 very good few of the sea and the next door hotel, nice and quiet in the evenings so would be good for someone who likes to go up to the room earlier in the evenings. Bottled Water was given to us everyday. Pools were kept clean and monitored throughout the whole day. Water slides were very good. Felt very safe and were again monitored the whole time. Food at the al carte restaurants were lovely. However you do need to book these quickly as they go very fast. We stayed up until midnight to make sure we got a space. Cons- Food at the buffet in the evening wasn’t brilliant, however I am a fussy eater, there wasn’t chips in the evening buffet any of the times we ate in there, the pasta station was very good for someone like me who likes plain food. The restaurants were quite warm so I found it quite uncomfortable to eat in. The boulevard burger restaurant was outside and I really struggled to eat here. The only restaurant which I thought was a nice temperature was the Asian restaurant, very good food in there was well. We stayed around what was meant to be the adults only pool. A smaller circle one in the middle, however there were more children in this pool than there were adults. I would definitely recommend this hotel and I would definitely return. We had a great time.
3.9/577 評價


赫爾格達|距離The Grand Mall1.28km
Where do I even start! From the start of my holiday myself and family ( all girls) felt so uncomfortable. The men are disgusting and at every opportunity was all over my 14 year old daughter. She was asked questions such as are you married. Comments such as you are beautiful, princess and much more. I cancelled a snorkeling trip I had paid a deposit for Purley because bakardy the aqua centre sales man was creepy. So to answer his question as to why english dont visit its because of the men who constantly flirting with daughter and making inappropriate comments. We were harassed from the very start of our stay till the end. He then decided to have a dig as to why we cancelled our trip and would make sarky comments when passing the pool or seeing us around the hotel. The room was dated with the skirting boards falling off. Dirty bathroom with blocked sink and shower. The air con made such a loud noise and so we could not use it in the night. I refused to allow cleaners to enter my room because I did not trust they would not touch my clothes. The hotel is surrounded by men and only one female member of staff was in the hotel! The men don't want there women touched however that's all we seemed to get. The creepy occasional hand touch! Why didn't I report it is because we feared for our safety. We were scared most of the time and was delighted to be home and safe! Red flags on the beach did not work and we were called rude for telling the men we were not interested and instead we get told we are rude. If you want to be harassed and feel your daughters are vulnerable then please do visit!! All that was good was the entertainment staff who were not inappropriate, but we only really spoke to then in passing. The food was disgusting and on many occasions struggled to even eat! Catered for German and Russians and not English atal. Please don't take your daughters here. It is unsafe and you will want to leave!



正在尋找The Grand Mall附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
5/53 評價
Приветствую команду работников Marlin Inn, прибывших и будущих гостей отеля! Меня зовут Влада, с конца апреля до начала мая, мы с мамой пребывали в Хургаде, отель Marlin Inn. Нам очень хотелось ощутить весеннее настроение, поймать теплые лучи солнца и получить как можно больше положительных эмоций. Да и просто отдохнуть душой. Хочется отметить, что с момента нашего пребывания и до конца отпуска,при любой возникшей ситуации,вся команда отеля готова была помочь, есть русскоговорящие сотрудники. Хочется сказать спасибо Веронике, она может подсказать советом или более подробно рассказать вам о специфике пребывания в городе или о интересных местах в отеле, чтобы вы не скучно проводили свой досуг. Да и она просто классная=) Так уж получилось,что нам понадобился осмотр у доктора. Ничего серьезного не произошло, но было приятно, что в отеле работают квалифицированные специалисты. Привет, доктор Сэми, Спасибо большое!)) Для любителей вкусно покушать, тоже будет комфортно. Повара готовят великолепно, делают работу с душой. Для сладкоежек отдельный рай, особенно в вечер восточных сладостей. (Ваще балдеж)) Радует, что ежедневно отель улучшают. Потихоньку делают ремонт,шумных работ нет, но в любом случае, это не отражается на отдыхе окружающих. Территория небольшая,но очень уютная. Отдельно хотелось бы выделить анимацию. Команда небольшая,но очень сильная, активная и подвижная. А вы знаете, как определить хорошая команда аниматоров или бомбическая? У хорошей команды аниматоров танцуют дети и подростки. А вот у бомбической команды дети плачут, когда анимация закончилась на пляже, потому что умеют заинтересовать и найти подход. Моему удивлению не было предела,когда все пенсионеры активно танцевали на любом мероприятии-обычно не заставишь)))) Спасибо большое Нуре, Мухаммеду, Надиру,Кате,Линде и Адаму за живые эмоции. Вы все душа отеля, не теряйте этот огонь внутри и дальше несите радость. Мы с мамой желаем Вам успехов. Надеюсь,до скорых встреч! С уважением, Вандышевы Ольга и Влада.
4.6/564 評價
乾淨的房間,安靜,放鬆,豪華,優質的食物,最好的員工,夢想度假的理想食譜。祝賀,施泰根伯格純淨生活!保持這樣!我們是您永遠的粉絲!最好的問候,Roxana & Catalin Room 0504
4.4/571 評價
4.6/550 評價
4.2/565 評價
We stayed here this past week June 2023, it was an amazing holiday. Pros- The entertainment team are brilliant, Bob, Vicki, Keko and Momento especially. They always came and spoke to us in the mornings. Making us laugh and getting us involved in all their activities. The lifeguards were also incredible. (Ahmed and Ramadan) Helping us move our sun beds either into the sun or into the shade. The lunch around the small circle pool was very good. Chips, pizza, burgers, kebabs. Very good food. Served from around 11:30 to about 3. Rooms were very clean, the cleaner was very good we were on the 5th floor room 1519 very good few of the sea and the next door hotel, nice and quiet in the evenings so would be good for someone who likes to go up to the room earlier in the evenings. Bottled Water was given to us everyday. Pools were kept clean and monitored throughout the whole day. Water slides were very good. Felt very safe and were again monitored the whole time. Food at the al carte restaurants were lovely. However you do need to book these quickly as they go very fast. We stayed up until midnight to make sure we got a space. Cons- Food at the buffet in the evening wasn’t brilliant, however I am a fussy eater, there wasn’t chips in the evening buffet any of the times we ate in there, the pasta station was very good for someone like me who likes plain food. The restaurants were quite warm so I found it quite uncomfortable to eat in. The boulevard burger restaurant was outside and I really struggled to eat here. The only restaurant which I thought was a nice temperature was the Asian restaurant, very good food in there was well. We stayed around what was meant to be the adults only pool. A smaller circle one in the middle, however there were more children in this pool than there were adults. I would definitely recommend this hotel and I would definitely return. We had a great time.
4.2/542 評價


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