





阿拉納希爾頓逸林飯店 - 威基基海灘
3.9/5120 評價

阿拉納希爾頓逸林飯店 - 威基基海灘

威基基 檀香山|距離夏威夷會展中心0.49km
We selected this hotel because it was the cheapest option for a short stay for 6 people since they had a suite option with a pullout couch and most hotels in the Waikiki area didn't. In that sense it was okay and served our purpose. But we couldn't use the balcony because of construction but we saw no construction being worked on. We didn't need to use the pool because it was a short stay but due to the construction the pool is not in use either. It didn't make sense they charge you a daily per day fee for amenities you can't use. And we had trouble with the hot water (twice.) The $30 breakfast is not worth it. What the hotel lacks in desirability, they make up for with the friendliness of the staff. From the restaurant staff to parking staff to the front desk staff, everyone was super nice, lovely and accommodating. When our hot water went out, the next morning they offered another room to shower in. They removed our daily hotel fee because of our troubles with the hot water. The location is next to a brewery and across the street from food trucks which is good. I wish the Hiking Cafe opened before 7a because we would have like to have breakfast there before we went hiking at Diamondhead (the irony!) I would probably only stay here again if my budget was an issue since this was affordable compared to other options. Need some to-go, affordable breakfast options. And fair warning, our hotel room was across from an apartment building and they could easily see in. It was nice to see the Wyland painting across the way. Last thing- the left full size bed in the suite was covering the electrical outlet halfway making it unusable. We used the lamps to charge our phones at night, but seems like a waste of an outlet.





2.9/5105 評價
4/5104 評價
這是一家超值的酒店。價格比附近的其他地區低(步行即可到達海灘,購物區和會議中心),我們發現房間寬敞,所有設施都乾淨整潔。有一個小型咖啡吧(早上)和一個酒/酒酒吧(晚上),工作人員友善,一個不錯的起居區(室外)。 床很舒服。街道噪音(我們的房間位於酒店的主要街道拐角處)非常明顯,但是在關閉窗戶和打開風扇/交流電的夜晚,這不會妨礙睡眠。我不知道其他房間是否會更安靜。 與威基基地區的大多數酒店一樣,停車場價格昂貴。 總的來說,我很樂意在檀香山再次訪問此酒店。
4.5/5102 評價
Double bed略小,兩個人睡有點擠,衞生還可以,每天都來鋪床,衞生間裏寫三天才來人更換毛巾,實際上天天都來。空調強勁,被子很薄,太冷,最後我打到85℉才睡着。如果每天都有活動,比如城市遊覽,或者環島遊,可以住這些性價比比較高的酒店,如果是想常住沙灘水裡活動,就選離沙灘更近的酒店。前台服務很好,如果忘帶牙刷牙膏止汗凝露,他們都提供。有微波爐和冰箱,還有保險櫃。從機場過來可以坐20路公交車,在Level2上面的中間島上,差不多是Hertz租車行正對的位置,有標牌,提前看好20路公交車指示燈是Waikiki的才可以上。
4.3/5102 評價
酒店位於夏威夷希爾頓村物業內,提供高檔住宿、寬敞的大堂和接待區、現場便利店“口音”、禮賓服務、行李寄存和方便的自駕。由於GW位於房產的邊界上,它似乎比其他塔更安靜,除了All’i之外。天堂池是最接近的,並提供游泳池邊的食物服務;瀉湖也很近,通常在早上很安靜,直到所有的水車和浮子在下午出來。我們32樓的2層臥室海洋景觀套房從兩個陽台上可以看到美妙的景色,而且在大多數晚上也提供了希爾頓盧奧的一個遙遠的景色。主特大牀臥室有很好的衣櫃和抽屜存放,一個大浴缸,有單獨的淋浴和浴缸,還有豪華的託託!(這個小鎮到處都是很棒的廁所,甚至在機場!)熱帶香味的洗漱用品非常好。第二臥室有很好的衣櫥和抽屜空間,陽台適合日出瑜伽,還有一個淋浴的浴缸。從入口門(請按我們的門鈴),一個走廊通向客廳,客廳打開了第二個陽台,進入了廚房和用餐區。廚房裏所有需要的東西菜盤、碗、餐具、鍋、鍋、咖啡機(和咖啡包)、電熱水壺、洗碗機、微波爐、全尺寸冰箱和冷凍機......套房裝飾得很好,有3台電視機。在炎熱的天氣裏,三星洗衣機和烘乾機非常有用,可以爲我們的衣服提供新鮮的衣物,還收了一小包環保清潔劑。客房部的工作人員非常細心,每天都停下來看看我們是否願意提供服務。房間保持得和船艙一樣整潔!我們做了很多外賣餐,日落時分在陽台外面吃。我們要求延遲退房,這是收費的。然而,由於週六是客人營業額較高的一天,GW無法爲我們提供這種服務。但是,GW確實爲客人提供了休息室設施,有舒適的座位,淋浴和浴室。由於荷蘭航空公司的航班似乎總是很晚,所以這個休息室允許我們一整天去海灘,在飛行時間之前清理乾淨,而我們的行李卻和行李員一起儲存。我們住在這家酒店的幾家酒店,非常喜歡 GW 的安靜和方便的位置和寬敞。而且,電梯幾乎總是很快,從泳池區進入大堂區時,大堂區有較長的步行和樓梯。
4.2/5101 評價
這是我住過的最印象深刻的地方!我和我丈夫在蜜月期間住在這。我們在馬季亞德海洋前的房間里住了10天,我不得不說這裏太不可思議了。 我們到的時候——我們的糟糕的度假公司搞糟了把我們的住宿取消了(我再也不會推薦瑞士旅業辦旅行)。但是這裏的工作人員很棒,他們盡一切可能把我們安排到了我們預定的房間里。 我們把房間安頓好以後,他們給了我們現金券可以在他們的餐館吃四頓飯(我會在這發表評論的) 我們登記入住以後,房間很棒,很大很寬敞,很乾凈,房間里擺放了很漂亮的花和新鮮水果。因為那天是晚上了,所以我們沒有出去。 第二天早上,我們衝到陽台上,看到了讓我們停止呼吸的美景。從那以後。。我們的假期變得越來越好,我很誠懇地說這是得益於這個不可思議的出色的酒店。 此外,因為這是懷基基海灘的另一邊,這意味着酒店和海灘離得不是很近。。。但還是只要步行就能到了——當然只要沿着海灘走就能到主要的購物中心和繁華的海灘區域。從我個人來說,僅僅在沙灘上閑逛就很開心,我也很享受我住的區域。
阿拉納希爾頓逸林飯店 - 威基基海灘
3.9/5120 評價
We selected this hotel because it was the cheapest option for a short stay for 6 people since they had a suite option with a pullout couch and most hotels in the Waikiki area didn't. In that sense it was okay and served our purpose. But we couldn't use the balcony because of construction but we saw no construction being worked on. We didn't need to use the pool because it was a short stay but due to the construction the pool is not in use either. It didn't make sense they charge you a daily per day fee for amenities you can't use. And we had trouble with the hot water (twice.) The $30 breakfast is not worth it. What the hotel lacks in desirability, they make up for with the friendliness of the staff. From the restaurant staff to parking staff to the front desk staff, everyone was super nice, lovely and accommodating. When our hot water went out, the next morning they offered another room to shower in. They removed our daily hotel fee because of our troubles with the hot water. The location is next to a brewery and across the street from food trucks which is good. I wish the Hiking Cafe opened before 7a because we would have like to have breakfast there before we went hiking at Diamondhead (the irony!) I would probably only stay here again if my budget was an issue since this was affordable compared to other options. Need some to-go, affordable breakfast options. And fair warning, our hotel room was across from an apartment building and they could easily see in. It was nice to see the Wyland painting across the way. Last thing- the left full size bed in the suite was covering the electrical outlet halfway making it unusable. We used the lamps to charge our phones at night, but seems like a waste of an outlet.
