
4.5/51 評價
4.4/536 評價
Based on the Tripadvisor excellent reviews , I chose to stay with Miss Ten . Hoi Ann was my first stop for Central Vietnam so I was hoping to have a good start by staying here . Unfortunately, my first impressions were far from pleasant. I reread the reviews and thought I might have booked the wrong place but judging from the photos , it was clear that there was no mistake- this was the same Miss Ten Homestay which everyone was raving about. I had arrived a day later than anticipated due to a flight change but nevertheless I paid for the first night . I immediately informed Miss Ten of the flight change and she responded by stating that the room was cleaned and ready for my arrival. I arrived at mid-morning the next day and was promptly ushered to my ” deluxe” room on the top floor with a balcony. The room was bright and airy with the curtains aside and it was in a relatively quiet street. I went to the bathroom and , to my annoyance, a light was not working ; it was dimly lit with only 1 light . I informed Miss Ten of this and she said her husband was not around and I should be alright with one light. I was tired so I did not want to make a big deal out of it. However, this was a foreboding of what was to come......... As I was reaching out for the soap to wash my hands , to my horror, 2 pieces of used soap were sitting in a horrendous filthy soap dish. I proceeded to rinse my hands without the soap. I then decided to lay down for a while as I was tired and went to draw the curtains. After a short nap, I woke up to turn on the lights in the room. To my annoyance, only 1 light was working in the whole room -all the other 5 bulbs were blown or not working at all! I quickly went down and tried to tell Miss Ten about the soaps and the lights . She came upstairs with me and was very defensive , as if I was being difficult and said most people would not mind used soaps, implying I should not mind as well. In any event, she reluctantly brought in 2 bars of soap and in a hostile manner, removed the filthy soap dish and angrily tore the paper covering of a new bar of mini soap and threw it by the side of the sink. Because of her behaviour , I then mentioned that I booked her place due to the Tripadvisor reviews and I felt disappointed. She left the room in a huff. An hour later, I came down the stairs to venture out to town and she was seated at one of her dining tables. She said she thought about my complaints and apologised for her behaviour. Fortunately, our stay for the next 3 days were uneventful . However, Miss Ten made a point to inform me that she will clean my room every day and had cleaned the bathroom for me when I returned from town. Pros for this homestay :- (1) It is situated in a quiet street away from the bustle but very walkable to the old town and night market so its location was excellent . (2) Shower pressure was reasonably strong. (3) The room itself with a balcony with the windows open is bright and airy.
4.4/55 評價
Dit is een absolute aanrader en een top Homestay met hele lieve mensen. De locatie is top, gelijk bij Ancient Town en 2 minuten lopen naar de nachtmarkt. De prijs/kwaliteit verhouding is zo goed hier. Ze verwelkomde ons met een koud drankje. Het is super schoon en ze bieden veel services, onder andere: -Wassen -Fietsen -Motors -Pizza’s -Drinken Als je ze wat vraagt, is het binnen no-time geregeld. Wij hadden spullen op laten sturen die we op vorige verblijf vergeten waren, nemen ze keurig aan. De was staat de volgende dag keurig opgevouwen in je super schone kamer. Tijdens onze drie weken durende reis, heb ik geen plek meegemaakt die zo schoon was als deze. Elke dag maken ze alles schoon, vullen ze badkamer spullen aan en dweilen ze de vloeren. Op de terugweg hadden ze een taxi geregeld die goedkoper is dan Grab die keurig klaarstond op de afgesproken tijd. Als je ooit naar Hoi An gaat, twijfel niet en boek hier. De kamer heeft airco, WiFi, kastjes, stoelen wat tafels en kledinghangers met een roedel en een goed bed. Daarnaast zijn de mensen echt fantastisch, super aardig, behulpzaam en ze geven je ook de ruimte om lekker je ding te doen.
4.6/520 評價
是Agoda和Google嗎?無論如何,酒店給它打了9.6分或更高,我在客廳裏看到了。 但這是一個真正的地方。 下次您去會安,您將呆在那裡! 優越的地理位置,晚上安靜。 沒有瑕疵。很好啊
4.7/518 評價
李和他的家人在會安夜市附近經營著一個可愛、非常乾淨、熱情的小寄宿家庭。位置非常安靜,距離夜市、餐廳和酒吧也只有幾分鐘的路程。他們根據要求安排了我們在峴港的接送服務,每次行程 330.000 美元,這是常見價格。房間很寬敞,非常乾淨,有很棒的淋浴。李的英語說得很好,這使得溝通變得很容易,他給了我們關於會安食品供應商的非常好的建議,我們嘗試過並且非常感謝。我們強烈推薦與李和他的家人一起入住!
4.7/520 評價
Susan and her Family were very friendly and informative. Location of the homestay is so close to the night market and the famous bridge that it hardly takes a minute to reach there. Breakfast was fresh and delicious. She also gave us recommendations for food and famous places to visit. Overall, the experience was very good.


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位於越南中部的會安充滿復古風情,屬於節奏比較緩慢的熱門越南旅遊城市。會安是16至18世紀時東南亞最重要的國際港口之一,有不少來自中國、日本、葡萄牙和印度等商船停泊這裡和商人聚居,因此會安集合了不同國家的建築風格,充滿異國風情。不少人前往峴港自由行的話也會順道前往會安。準備來趟會安旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門會安景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開會安之旅!


若要從台灣飛往會安,因為會安並沒有機場,推薦透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往越南峴港機票,再轉乘會安接駁巴士 Hoi An Express ,在機場第一航廈A4登機門即可搭乘機場接駁巴士,車上提供冷氣和無線網路,車程約1小時便到達會安市區。或是選擇預訂 Grab,車程只需約40分鐘,非常方便。會安市內沒有大眾交通工具,遊客主要遊覧會安的方式是 Grab 、騎腳踏車和步行,跟其他越南城市一樣,在會安叫 Grab 十分便利且價格經濟實惠,用法跟台灣人熟悉的計程車叫車 App 相似,只需輸入起點和目的地及選擇車型,便可配對最接近的司機。由於會安古城不允許汽車駛入,很多人都喜歡以騎腳踏車的方式遊覽會安古城,多數會安飯店提供租賃腳踏車服務。此外,亦有不少遊客亦喜歡在會安古鎮體驗人力三輪車,由車夫坐後面駕駛而遊客坐前面觀景。




1. 會安古城

2. 福建會館

3. 日本廊橋


還沒安排會安自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的會安飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂會安住宿!


來到會安旅行,一定要吃會安美食三寶,包含高樓麵、白玫瑰和炸雲吞!高樓麵(Cao lu)起源於會安,所以亦稱為會安乾麵,高樓面是在麵條裡加入豬肉片、脆炸豬皮和青菜等配菜,旅客可以隨意加入醬油、辣椒和檸檬汁調味。由於越南天氣炎熱,這款乾撈麵絕對是夏天的好選擇!

白玫瑰 Banh bao banh vac)是外型酷似玫瑰的豬肉蝦肉餃子,半透明的外皮口感煙韌,撒上油蔥和沾上酸甜醬汁,非常開胃。

會安雞飯(Com ga)亦是會安必吃美食!會安雞飯與海南雞飯的不同在於會安雞飯上的是雞絲,沒有雞皮和骨頭,吃起來更方便,正宗吃法是拌入青木瓜沙拉和新鮮薄荷葉,深受當地人歡迎。

