赫恩灣普瑞米爾旅社為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 在赫恩貝對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,赫恩灣普瑞米爾旅社提供了舒適的住宿。 Canterbury West距離這間飯店約14km。 這家飯店靠近赫恩貝的熱門景點,包括James Fitness: Personal Training and Group Training in Herne Bay,Kavanagh Cinema和Herne Bay Clock Tower。 經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。 赫恩貝飯店在網站上提供停車場。
The Marine Hotel in Had provided me with the best sea view, offering a peaceful and picturesque stay. The friendly hotel staff added to the pleasant experience, and the breakfast was enjoyable.
However, the way to my room was a bit unconventional, with a maze of staircases leading up to it – a memorable and amusing aspect of the hotel stay. Despite the quirky path to the room, the stunning sea view and welcoming staff made for a delightful and memorable stay at The Marine Hotel.
聖史蒂芬旅館為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 到坎特伯雷觀光的人一定會發現聖史蒂芬旅館是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 Canterbury West距離這間飯店約800m。 附近的Escape In The Towers,Curzon Canterbury Riverside和Five Elements Beauty都可以讓你增添旅行的色彩。 閒暇時,客人可以探索飯店的周邊環境。 這家坎特伯雷飯店在網站上提供了停車場。 這家飯店從未有過沉悶的時刻,我們的客人表示設施非常好。
Very nice people and very nice hotel. We like them.