Harbour House was a lovely set up and perfect location. Loved it!
入住於 2023 年 5 月
3 則評論
發布於 2023 年 5 月 29 日
Superb location , sea views
入住於 2024 年 9 月
發布於 2024 年 9 月 12 日
Das Hotel befindet sich in einer top Lage. Direkt am Meer, der Cliff Walk kann nur wenige Meter weiter begonnen werden, zwei Minuten von den Geschäften entfernt. Unser Zimmer war weniger einladend was uns im Hinblick auf die vorherigen Bilder ziemlich enttäuscht hat. Blick in den Garagenhof, Räume eiskalt und nicht heizbar, Badezimmer in keinem guten Zustand. An der Rezeption teilt man uns mit das man zu gewissen Zeiten besser nicht frühstücken solle, da sich ein Schulverein junger Kinder im Haus befand. Diese schrien, klopften und tobten rund um die Uhr herum, wodurch der Aufenthalt unerträglich wurde. Ein Verweis auf Urlauber gab es nicht. Sehr schade, da wir für die zwei Tage extra weit angereist waren. Das Hotel glich somit einer Jugendherberge.
住宿方回覆: Dear Daydream Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart. My sincere apology for the inconvenience regarding the school group breakfast We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus. We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
住宿方回覆: 親愛的 SvdMerwe 感謝您花時間完成您在 Harbour House Hotel 住宿的調查。 我們始終感謝聽到有關我們提供的體驗的反饋,並且您的意見已被牢記在心。 感謝您的美言,我確實會與團隊分享您的精彩評論。我真的很感謝你的認可。 我們將繼續努力為您提供在赫曼努斯最好的住宿體驗。 我們希望很快能再次在海港大廈酒店見到您! 親切的問候, 海港大廈酒店
入住於 2024 年 11 月
發布於 2024 年 11 月 14 日
Zum ersten Mal haben wir in Hermanus übernachtet. Das Harbour House Hotel überzeugt mit seiner zentralen Lage und seiner Aussicht auf das Meer. Leider war es bei unserem Aufenthalt zu windig und auch die Wale haben sich nicht gezeigt. Aber wir kommen trotzdem gerne wieder.
住宿方回覆: Dear Born-Travel Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart. Thank you for the kind words, I will indeed share your wonderful comments with the team. We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus. We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
我們預訂 Harbour House 的原因有 3 個: 1- 為朋友的婚禮舒適地準備和著裝 2- 沒有孩子的情況下享受一次浪漫的假期 3- 多年來第一次睡懶覺 所有 3 個都是失敗! 😡 我在入住前整整一周與經理預先安排了 12:00 提早入住,經理確認了我的要求,但在抵達時需支付額外費用,我同意了。 12點15分抵達後,什麼也沒安排。在向前台出示了電子郵件通信和確認後,我們很快就被護送到 100m 的路上,來到一家背包客旅館,利用他們的公共浴室作為更衣設施。背包客很友善地允許我們在他們的一間可用房間裡穿衣服(經過一番談判)此時我們已經遲到了婚禮。我們還需要帶著行李步行 100m 回到飯店並領取房間鑰匙。在領取房間鑰匙時,我解釋說我們很可能會在那天晚上很晚才回來,並向我保證保安人員會引導我們前往分配的街邊停車位。我們大約凌晨 01:00 回到飯店,發現分配給我們房間的停車位(每個停車位都清楚地標有房間號碼)已被佔用。在找到保全後,我們被指示“去街上某處尋找停車位”,我要求保全打電話給經理並要求佔用我停車位的客人移走他們的車輛。什麼也沒做,然後我把車停在另一輛車前面然後上床睡覺。經理打電話給我的房間並在 07:45 叫醒我們,要求我立即移除我的車輛。當我到達停車場時,我被告知要快點,移動我的車輛並停下來對造成的不便做出反應。老實說,這是最後一根稻草,我再也不會踏進海港大廈酒店了!多麼浪費時間和金錢
原文以 Google 翻譯
入住於 2024 年 2 月
發布於 2024 年 2 月 7 日
Super vue, jardin et maison. Personnel très gentil et bienveillant. Parkings sûrs et sur place. Petit déjeuner pourrait être meilleur. Rapport qualité prix correct. Une des 2 chambres sans climatisation. Merci
住宿方回覆: Dear Ipe Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart. Many thanks for the kind words, I will indeed share your comments with the team. We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the near future. We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus. We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
入住於 2023 年 12 月
發布於 2023 年 12 月 7 日
Wunderbar gelegenes Hotel fast direkt am Stand (Main House). Freundlicher Service beim Check-in sowie beim Frühstücksbuffet. Schönes, geräumiges und sauberes Apartment. Das Hotel liegt direkt im Zentrum in welchem sich viele Restaurants befinden.
住宿方回覆: Dear Htr Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart Many thanks for the kind words ,I will indeed share your comments with the team . We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the the near future We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
Delf M
入住於 2023 年 8 月
發布於 2023 年 8 月 15 日
On a passé un très bon séjour en famille à 9 en louant 2 chambres et 1 appartement, qui étaient très propres et bien équipés (l'appartement sentait encore la peinture fraîche). Le petit déjeuner était top, c'est le premier endroit où nous avons eu du jus d'orange pressé, parking sur place, personnel aux petits soins et très arrangeant. Excellent emplacement au bord de mer avec vue. C'est idéal.
住宿方回覆: Dear Delf Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart Many thanks for the kind words ,I will indeed share your comments with the team We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the the near future We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
入住於 2023 年 6 月
發布於 2023 年 6 月 1 日
From walking into the front door right up to saying goodbye our every need was anticipated and met by Kevin and his excellent staff! What a wonderful breakaway spot. Everything pristine!thank you for a great break and recommending the Fisherman’s Cottage!
住宿方回覆: Dear Navigator Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart Many thanks for the kind words ,I will indeed share your comments with the team We are looking forward to welcoming you back in the the near future We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel
入住於 2025 年 1 月
發布於 2025 年 1 月 13 日
I really like this hotel. The reasons being - it’s not over priced, it has lovely rooms and it’s super central. The staff are incredibly friendly and it’s great. I have stayed in another main hotel in Hermanus but I found that to be very overpriced for what it is. This hotel works perfectly for a one or two night stay.
住宿方回覆: Dear Truthfulluxurytravel Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey about your stay at Harbour House Hotel. We always appreciate hearing feedback about the experience that we provide, and your comments have been taken to heart. Thank you for the kind words, I will indeed share your wonderful comments with the team. We will continue to strive to make your experience the best stay in Hermanus. We hope to see you at Harbour House Hotel again soon! Kind regards, Harbour House Hotel