


3, Sqaq 11, Triq il kbira, ZBG 1361 澤布季, 馬耳他查看飯店詳情

BB德羅漢旅館 評論-真實旅客評語

72 則評論
入住於 2023 年 11 月
12 則評論
發布於 2024 年 1 月 3 日
入住於 2024 年 3 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 4 月 28 日
很好的地方!家庭友好,精心照顧,帶游泳池的美麗露台,房間很棒,寬敞。我只是建議在浴室安裝一個插座(沒有)。 不錯的早餐。非常友好的工作人員!我建議
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入住於 2023 年 12 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 1 月 16 日
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入住於 2024 年 5 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 6 月 18 日
War okay
入住於 2024 年 12 月
發布於 2025 年 1 月 11 日
El edifico está en un bonito callejón. La localidad es tranquila pero grande. Normalmente se aparca bien en las calles vecinas, un día de 6 nos costó bastante. Nuestra habitación era la que tienen una pequeña terraza al nivel de la piscina. Habitación justa, máximo para 2 maletas de cabina, baño correcto con buenas amenities que te reponen cada día. Ducha grande. Buena wifi segura. Pequeña caja de seguridad. Sin armario, hay una barra con perchas y 2 cajones grandes. Varios enchufes ya están adaptados a los tipos C. Pequeña mesa para trabajar. El desayuno está muy bueno, tiene bastante de todo, sobretodo la parte dulce, buenas galletas. Tiene una bonita zona común y jugamos al billar. Tanto la dueña como el resto del equipo te tratan exquisitamente. Estuvimos muy bien, muy recomendable.
Anke S
入住於 2024 年 9 月
發布於 2024 年 10 月 3 日
Wat een ellende. Het begon met parkeren, in tegenstelling tot wat er gezegd wordt kan er alleen op de beschikbare plaatsen in het dorp geparkeerd worden. Helaas zijn er hier niet veel van. Vervolgens gaan de buren luidkeels de jacuzzi en kunnen wij meegenieten van hun sexspelletjes. De vraag of het wat rustiger wordt door ze genegeerd.
住宿方回覆: Dear Anke, We thank you so much for taking your time to review our bed and breakfast as well as your husband who also left a 1 star review 2 days before your review. I take this opportunity to mention to future guests reading this reply that the guests in the terrace next to yours actually slipped entering the jacuzzi and that is why the lady screamed which we did explain as did they when you rudely decided to try to hang over to their private terrace on a wall which is 1.8 metres high. They were not at all being noisy in anyway. Like every hotel in the world if you listen closely enough you can hear your neighbour in the balcony. Luckily our bed and breakfast only has 2 rooms with jacuzzi in the terraces so very unlikely to be noisy. The people who made all the fuss and nouse were actually your husband and yourself going around bothering all of our guests and trying to influence them about our property negatively. With regards to parking I do point out that we do not advertise having a parking area in any website thus please do read carefully where you are booking in the future to read disappointment. We are in Haz- Zebbug, one of the oldest villages in the island and like every old village in the world the roads are narrow and people must be patient with parking. Parking is available free of charge around the neighbourhood streets. Kind regards, Lynn
Florence G
入住於 2024 年 8 月
發布於 2024 年 9 月 15 日
superbe B&B. de l’accueil avec toutes les explications pour les visites à notre chambre, tout était parfait. sa localisation est parfaite pour relier tous les points de l’île. nous y avons séjourné une semaine en profitant de la piscine pour se rafraîchir à toute heure. Aucun bruit environnant. juste parfait merci au personnel pour son accueil et sa bienveillance
住宿方回覆: Dear Florence, We take this opportunity to thank you for taking your precious time to leave us a lovely and detailed review. Your experience means alot to us and encourages us to keep doing what we are doing here at BB De Rohan. I hope to have the opportunity to welcome you again in the future. Rgds, Lyn
Frouke R
入住於 2024 年 9 月
發布於 2024 年 10 月 6 日
Wat een ellende, hele nacht wakker gelegen. Af en aan was er een harde brom ( waarschijnlijk airco) te horen. We zijn vertrokken helaas heeft dit ons een boel geld gekost want in tegenstelling wat de medewerkster zei heeft de eigenaar slechts een deel terugbetaald.
住宿方回覆: Dear Johann, We thank you for taking your time to leave us your thoughts about our bed and breakfast. I am pleased to have the opportunity to write back for the sake of future guests reading this reply along with your wifes review and reply below. Unfortunately you kept refusing to tell us what noises you were hearing when I asked you, you were actually very distressed and asked me why I am asking you questions. I asked you questions to see how I can in some how help you and if there is a noise we can fix it or transfer your room. No one else could hear any noises and no one has ever before reported noises from that room so it is natural for me to ask as I am genuinely there to help my guests to enjoy their vacation not ruin it for them. You were very rude to my staff with shouting and threats then displayed the same behaviour to me and also told me that you always book a long stay then if you don't like the place your after 1 night you are always given a full refund thus displaying your disrespect for our industry to book rooms that someone else may have happily wanted and leave the hotel stranded at the last minute. You even gave me examples of countries that gave you refunds. I explained that our cancellation policy is clear and that you were not entitled to any refund. With respect to your wife who seemed very unwell and suffered a stroke recently and also with respect to the rest of our guests who you were bothering we came to an agreement with her that since the room will probable not be filled on such a last minute basis that we will put the room back for sale and that if we fill it we will refund you the nights that were filled. I was in no way obligated to do this as the policy is clear and we do not break our policy. If you wish to leave that is your decision especially when you had nothing to back up your arguement as to what reasons you had to leave. In your case 4 nights remained unsold and 2 nights filled and we kept our word and refunded you for the 2 nights as agreed. We do not issue refunds as any other hotel does not either. Guests need to properly read where they are booking before they do book and also can not expect to try and then leave when have a booking. I did infact suggest that next time you book 1 night first, try and then stay or move on. Also, threatening me and my staff with reviews and bad publicity does not work with us unfortunately. Shouting because I am the customer and the customer is always right won't help you either. When someone is right, we know how to decide but when someone is not we know also. Kind regards, Lynn
入住於 2024 年 6 月
發布於 2024 年 7 月 1 日
Il nostro soggiorno al De Rohan B&B è stata una piacevolissima esperienza che vorremmo sicuramente ripetere. L'ambiente è molto accogliente, ben arredato e curato in tutti i dettagli e la piscina è grande e sempre pulita. Proprietaria e personale sono sempre cortesi e disponibili per ogni esigenza e/o suggerimento. La colazione dolce e salata è molto varia e non ripetitiva e la proprietaria è disponibile a predisporla in camera, già la sera prima, in caso di partenza dell'aereo, molto presto al mattino seguente. Posizione strategica nel centro dell'isola, con tutti i luoghi di interesse quindi facilmente raggiungibili ed a 10 minuti di distanza dall'aereoporto. Ideale quindi anche per chi è dotato di auto a noleggio, che a fine Giugno non abbiamo mai avuto problemi a parcheggiare nella piazza di Zebbug, a poche decine di metri dal B&B. Moreno e Anette
住宿方回覆: Dear Moreno and Anette, We thank you so much for your lovely and detailed review. Your comments are very highly appreciated. Am very happy that you enjoyed your stay with us and enjoyed our facilities as well as our central location. We hope to welcome you again in the future Rgds, Lynn
入住於 2024 年 3 月
發布於 2024 年 4 月 6 日
我們第一次在馬耳他逗留時參觀了德羅漢。它遠離島上主要城鎮的喧囂,但由於島上優質的巴士服務,我們並沒有感到被隔絕。從附近的巴士站出發,每 15 分鐘一班 61 號公車前往沃萊塔(2.5 歐元車票接受刷卡付款)。我們從附近的機場乘坐出租車轉車,我們的出租車司機不知道這個城鎮,因此能夠提供谷歌地圖位置很有用,或者打印的地址也可能很有用。 B&B 的入口位於一條小巷子裡,晚上燈火通明。抵達後(週一),我們簡直不敢相信澤布格鎮竟然如此安靜,因為它的中心有一座令人驚嘆的雙鐘塔教堂。我們一到就受到了熱烈的歡迎,一個小小的預訂困惑也得到了解決(建議如果透過******** 或其附屬機構之一預訂,請盡量確保您了解預訂的特定房間的詳細信息,這將使辦理入住變得更簡單)。我們被分配到了13 號房間,這是一間寬敞的房間,配有雙人床、水壺、電視、冰箱、步入式淋浴間和一個令人驚嘆的陽台,陽台上配有軟墊沙發、桌椅和熱水浴缸。我們的房間有兩段樓梯,電梯正在安裝,但在我們住宿期間尚未運行。您可以從陽台上看到教堂的鐘樓,但牆壁很高,如果有孩子在場的話,這裡非常私密且安全。浴缸是一種美妙的奢華,可以緩解長時間探索島嶼後酸痛的肌肉。我們在房間裡度過了一天的時光,時間過得很快,真是個不錯的空間。如果你喜歡的話,飯店還提供美味又健康的歐陸式早餐以及雞蛋、培根或蛋糕。有一個公共客廳,裡面有一張撞球桌、沙發和一個可愛的僻靜泳池區,我們在那裡度過了最後一天,直到我們準備前往機場。業主和她的團隊非常樂於助人,將竭盡全力讓您住得愉快。當地擁有大量便利設施,包括出售飲料和小吃的超市、島上著名的糕點店以及咖啡館/小酒館和餐廳。我們最喜歡的是 Midpoint Bistro,那裡有美味的烤肉串和沙拉,但對我們來說隱藏的瑰寶是 Ocra 餐廳,距離 BB Rohan 步行 2 分鐘,入口就在煎餅店旁邊。它提供便宜的地中海美食,真是太棒了(我們剛剛出現,總是可以找到一張桌子)。如果您想要討價還價,平日鎮上還會有一個市集。儘管當地司機盡了最大努力,他們似乎一直按喇叭開車,而且設施靠近島上的主要機場,但這裡卻出奇的安靜。早上似乎是高峰時間,晚上會有幾架飛機飛過,但我們不是在談論一個大機場,在一天的其餘時間裡,航班偶爾會出現,但當我們在有窗戶/門的房間時封閉式
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入住於 2024 年 3 月
發布於 2024 年 4 月 24 日
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入住於 2024 年 1 月
發布於 2024 年 2 月 3 日
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入住於 2023 年 7 月
發布於 2023 年 8 月 17 日
我們在B&B Rohan 的住宿經歷不太愉快: - 房間裡立刻就有黴菌的味道- 每晚床上都有很多螞蟻- 吐司麵包上發霉了- 淋浴時有2 次沒有水(剛用肥皂清洗後) 。 ..)Lynn 確實嘗試解決一些問題,但我們認為(巧合?)4 天內發生了很多事情...
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住宿方回覆: Dear Guests (as I don't like to name and shame) Thank you for your lovely review :) I am so happy that you have finally shared your experience with us on Tripadvisor so that I can finally respond. I am very proud of my team as considering your very grumpy selves and constant tantrums, filled with tears and panic, bothering all of our happy guests in aim to not pay for your stay this was actually the best you could come up with! You kept your camera handy at all times it seems and am surprised your didn't record our conversations too although you may have but not really going to do you justice to publish those as it would prevail the truth. The spot of mould on the bread that morning didn't hold you back from eating a plentiful breakfast everyday even requesting a take away breakfast as you departed early on your last morning and we did explain that the bread was daily fresh although you did know, the heat unfortunately creates condensation in the bread bag and it can spoil but you know well our breakfast was fresh or else you would have refrained from eating so much everyday. Regards to the ants, well a mystery as you never wanted us to come in the room to find these ants then when I insisted so we can help you both yourselves and 2 of our team including myself could not find a single ant (dead or alive) and we even changed your fresh bed sheets to make sure all is well. The water was solved in minutes and we did actually offer you an alternative bathroom to shower but you refused. We brought in out plumber late at night to check your problem but again you didn't want anyone in the room, still we checked that all of the machinery providing our guests with the best possible water and pressure in Malta was being delivered. You were always crying making yourself miserable so we gave you the option to leave on several occasions, not because we agreed with you but simply cause you were bringing down the peaceful and happy environment we boast about at BB De Rohan apart from calling me at odd hours of the night to complain about things and tell me we have destroyed your vacation, yet unfortunately you never took us up on the offer and despite all of your complaints you insisted to stay the entire booking so it must not have been all that bad. We don't respond to bad behaviour nor threats. I suggest before travelling again you see what is really the bother in life as in 7 years of welcoming thousands of guests we have never had someone behave like you did. We tolerated you as best as possible and from here I thank my excellent team for keeping their cool and still performing to their best when tested with such challenges. Well done team De Rohan! We do suggest that net time you visit Malta that you stay elsewhere as clearly we didn't satisfy your needs and we didn't appreciate your very loud cries to get your money refunded, we much rather the rest of our guests that do appreciate every effort made. We are not perfect, hiccups occur like they do in eve
入住於 2023 年 5 月
發布於 2023 年 6 月 22 日
最近我們在馬耳他度假,有幸住在 Zebbug 村的 B&B De Rohan。這個地方佈置得很好,超出了我們的預期。我們的房間配有套間浴室,寬敞且完美,酒店的其他地方也一樣。這個地方佈置得很完美。游泳池區維護得很好,晚上喝杯葡萄酒非常適合閒逛。老闆林恩(Lynn)讓您有賓至如歸的感覺。這就像一個家外之家。她是酒店業的瑰寶,並且非常了解島上的景點。她的建議非常有幫助。我們全心全意推薦這個地方,下次我們訪問馬耳他時肯定會再次留在這裡。
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入住於 2023 年 3 月
發布於 2023 年 4 月 25 日
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