哈瓦那曼薩納凱賓斯基飯店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 到夏灣拿觀光的人一定會發現哈瓦那曼薩納凱賓斯基飯店是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 到Estación Central De Ferrocarriles只需1km而何塞馬蒂國際機場僅22km遠,交通運輸非常方便。 這家飯店靠近夏灣拿的熱門景點,包括聖法蘭西斯科廣場,老廣場和莫洛三世城堡。 閒暇時,客人可以探索飯店的周邊環境。
打卡凱賓斯基,首先位置一絕,在國會大廈的斜對面,然後頂樓的bar真的很贊,坐在這裏就可以看到 Centro Habana以及La Habana Vieja的全景,還有一個頂樓的游泳池,甚至連電梯都是觀光電梯,是拍照打卡的好去處。總的來説體驗還是很OK的,可以在這裏喝雞尾酒,欣賞哈瓦那城區的風景。
因佩羅斯塔帕克中央飯店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 到夏灣拿觀光的人一定會發現因佩羅斯塔帕克中央飯店是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 Estación Central De Ferrocarriles約距離1km且何塞馬蒂國際機場約距離22km遠,旅客很容易前往飯店。 通過皇家軍隊城堡,Cubaoutings和Paseo del Prado,您可以輕鬆地從這家飯店看見夏灣拿的景點。 在忙碌的一天結束時,旅客可在飯店放鬆身心或外出享受城市。
格蘭卡瑞比廣場飯店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 到夏灣拿觀光的人一定會發現格蘭卡瑞比廣場飯店是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 飯店僅距離Estación Central De Ferrocarriles1km和何塞馬蒂國際機場22km,提供給旅客許多便利的交通選擇。 附近有許多景點,包括朗姆酒博物館,哈瓦那大教堂和武器廣場,旅客會不自覺在此停留許多時間。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。
塞維利亞飯店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 塞維利亞飯店是您遍覽夏灣拿美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店僅距離Estación Central De Ferrocarriles1km和何塞馬蒂國際機場22km,提供給旅客許多便利的交通選擇。 該區域內可看見多元活動,聖佛朗西斯科修道院,莫洛三世城堡和武器廣場都在附近。 結束一整天的觀光行程,客人可在舒適的飯店休息。
Gran Hotel Bristol by Kempinski提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 Gran Hotel Bristol by Kempinski是您遍覽夏灣拿美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店僅距離Estación Central De Ferrocarriles1km和何塞馬蒂國際機場22km,提供給旅客許多便利的交通選擇。 該區域內可看見多元活動,聖法蘭西斯科廣場,莫洛三世城堡和朗姆酒博物館都在附近。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。
I stayed in Room 351 of Gran Hotel ManzanaKempinski La Habana from August 12th to August 14th, and now I am complaining about the poor service of the hotel restaurant staff, guest service manager andsecurity during my staying!
1. At around 22:00 on the evening of August13, after finishing the meal in hotel restaurant, the cashier refused to acceptcash payment, and the attitude was very unfriendly. I asked why, and therestaurant staff didn't give any explanation, and said very unfriendly thatthey don't accept cash. Why did you accept cash in the first day, but didn't accept cash payment in the hotelrestaurant on the second day? Why do the same hotel have different management rules andstandards? And didn't told me in advance. The restaurant service is so poor, is it because the meal timedelays the employees from getting off work normally? Or are there other reasonsthat lead to employees not having a sense of service? If cash service is notaccepted, why wasn't I informed before I entered the restaurant? May I ask themanager of hotel restaurant, has there been any training for the restaurantstaff?
2. Complain that the guest service manageron duty of the hotel has a poor service attitude and cannot provide areasonable explanation to solve the complaints to your in house guests. Theattitude is very bad and intensifies the conflict between the staying guestsand the hotel. Does not reflect the duties of the Guest Services Manager on duty.No explanation as to why the hotel only accepts credit cards and not cash.Threatened to call the police. The point is that I didn't refuse to pay afterthe meal, but wanted to pay the bill with the cash. Why did she want to callthe police? This is threatening the hotel guests!
3. Complain about the poor attitude of thesecurity guard on duty and lack of awareness of service. It is like theunderworld threatening the guests staying in the hotel.
4. Complain about the service of the hotel.We are two ladies and took a baby who was only one year old. All of those staffof the hotel did not have the concept of customer-oriented and the most basicmorality of caring for minors, and deliberately made things difficult In-houseguests who spend at the hotel restaurant. The restaurant staff, guest servicemanager and security in the hotel are not worthy of working in a five-starhotel like Kempinski, which brought me a very unpleasant stay and experienceduring my stay in this hotel.
I want to emphasize the background of thiscomplaint again. At around 22:00 on August 13, 2023, after themeal in the hotel restaurant, I wanted to settle the bill in cash, but therestaurant service staff refused my request to settle the meal in cash, whichled to this unpleasant incident.
Hope Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinski La Habanacan explain and apologize in writing to us two ladies and a baby who is onlyone year old.
Mystique Regis Habana by Royalton提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 在夏灣拿對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,Mystique Regis Habana by Royalton提供了舒適的住宿。 到Estación Central De Ferrocarriles只需1km而何塞馬蒂國際機場僅22km遠,交通運輸非常方便。 附近有許多景點,包括老廣場,莫洛三世城堡和國會大廈,旅客會不自覺在此停留許多時間。 閒暇時,客人可以探索飯店的周邊環境。 根據我們的客人,這家飯店的位置是最好的之一。
埃爾恩坎託毅力飯店為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 在夏灣拿對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,埃爾恩坎託毅力飯店提供了舒適的住宿。 飯店地理位置好,距離Estación Central De Ferrocarriles2km遠,從何塞馬蒂國際機場出發只要21km。 該區域內可看見多元活動,武器廣場,朗姆酒博物館和哈瓦那舊城都在附近。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。
SSvetlana Kosolapova2024.05.19
Мы жили в номере люкс. Номер отличный, просторный, с высоченными потолками, обставлен в неоколониальном стиле, с окнами в пол, ведущими на балкон. Номером, душевой комнатой, чистотой очень довольны. Завтраки, возможно, более скромные, чем мы ожидали, судя по отзывам, но нам вполне хватало: омлет с овощами, свежие помидоры, ветчина, сыр, тосты, сливочное масло, джем, кофе, фрукты. Отель в целом оставляет приятное впечатление: свежий ремонт, зеленый внутренний дворик. Расположен примерно в километре от бульвара Прадо. То есть от исторической части Гаваны добираться до отеля нужно по районам, в которых живут гаванцы со всем присущим этим местам колоритом. Мы предпочитали ходить через набережную, тем более что улица, на которой стоит отель, выходит прямиком на Малекон. С теплотой вспоминаем доброжелательную хозяйку отеля и её помощницу-дочку Бренду. Спасибо за радушный приём!
The hotel INNSIDE HABANA CATEDRAL is equipped with a lobby bar. In the outdoor area of the property you will find a pool that is open seasonally. For conventions and other business meetings, the hotel offers a conference area.
Catering In the gastronomic area Mediterranean dishes are served.
Additional information The hotel, newly built in 2023, has a total of 50 rooms. One of these rooms offers disabled access.