



4/541 評價


Booked this hotel because I’d heard good things about their broccoli dishes. Imagine my surprise when we sat down for dinner we were promptly told, ‘we’ve nae broccoli’. This instantly put a dampener on things and what also put a dampener on things was the constant rain we had. It rained solid for a week. Now I get that’s not the Premier Inns fault as Scotland, especially the west of Scotland is known for being rather moist. Next night we were greeted by a cheery chappy called Kevin who again informed us of the lack of broccoli much too my chagrin. He kindly offered to plant some at the side of the hotel so we could get our broccoli fix but after survey o turf it was deemed to swampy for the seeds to take, plus the likely hood of it growing to an adult size portion in the two short weeks I was staying there was probably slim but the thought was there for sure. Broccoli aside, the hotel was comfortable, staff we mostly pleasant, shout out to Shannon who helped us out with the WiFi which was intermittent to say the least but they were transitioning to a new system by all accounts. The £15 I spent on ultimate wifi was a waste of time as i couldn’t log in. The last two days there was a rather unhelpful lady on the desk (hence the 4 stars) who didn’t seem bothered about my wifi situ and went on to say she had worked in many hotels and the wifi at this particular branch was probably the best. Fine if it let you log on I suppose, I told her I’d used 20gb of data on my phone data she wasn’t for moving, printing off a code would’ve been nice but even though I showed her my receipt she lacked compassion and muttered something about ******, which of course I’m not, I’ve had my fare share of birds let me tell thee. Big shout out to Ronnie behind the bar who was off to the big game, hopefully he enjoyed watching his team win 3-3 at the nearby football stadium. Think there was a parade of the ‘we won the second half cup’ the next day but I couldn’t attend due to work commitments. Back home now and have been overdosing on broccoli as it seems the local Aldi has so much of the green stuff, they sell it. Maybe Premier Inn should do their shopping there, they’d probably save themselves a few bob as I got a big back for 89p. Also big should out to Kevin for swapping my nights about.



4/541 評價
Booked this hotel because I’d heard good things about their broccoli dishes. Imagine my surprise when we sat down for dinner we were promptly told, ‘we’ve nae broccoli’. This instantly put a dampener on things and what also put a dampener on things was the constant rain we had. It rained solid for a week. Now I get that’s not the Premier Inns fault as Scotland, especially the west of Scotland is known for being rather moist. Next night we were greeted by a cheery chappy called Kevin who again informed us of the lack of broccoli much too my chagrin. He kindly offered to plant some at the side of the hotel so we could get our broccoli fix but after survey o turf it was deemed to swampy for the seeds to take, plus the likely hood of it growing to an adult size portion in the two short weeks I was staying there was probably slim but the thought was there for sure. Broccoli aside, the hotel was comfortable, staff we mostly pleasant, shout out to Shannon who helped us out with the WiFi which was intermittent to say the least but they were transitioning to a new system by all accounts. The £15 I spent on ultimate wifi was a waste of time as i couldn’t log in. The last two days there was a rather unhelpful lady on the desk (hence the 4 stars) who didn’t seem bothered about my wifi situ and went on to say she had worked in many hotels and the wifi at this particular branch was probably the best. Fine if it let you log on I suppose, I told her I’d used 20gb of data on my phone data she wasn’t for moving, printing off a code would’ve been nice but even though I showed her my receipt she lacked compassion and muttered something about ******, which of course I’m not, I’ve had my fare share of birds let me tell thee. Big shout out to Ronnie behind the bar who was off to the big game, hopefully he enjoyed watching his team win 3-3 at the nearby football stadium. Think there was a parade of the ‘we won the second half cup’ the next day but I couldn’t attend due to work commitments. Back home now and have been overdosing on broccoli as it seems the local Aldi has so much of the green stuff, they sell it. Maybe Premier Inn should do their shopping there, they’d probably save themselves a few bob as I got a big back for 89p. Also big should out to Kevin for swapping my nights about.
Crowne Plaza 格拉斯哥
4.1/5114 評價
4.3/556 評價
房間非常大,還有唱片機,咖啡機,太愛了 衞生:條件很好 環境:在格拉斯哥大學附近,旁邊是植物園,天然氧吧 服務:非常好,熱情周到。早餐是英式麪包,牛奶,咖啡等,雖説是單調些,但真的很好吃
4.5/5105 評價
抵達下午茶后,我先前要求坐在更放鬆的酒吧/起居室區域的請求被拒絕(還看到書中有一個數字在我麪前front草,然後換成另一個。)然後我們被安排在忙碌中飯廳附近的不斷通道。我們要求搬家,並被放置在一個稍微安靜的隔壁房間裏,那裡的工作人員從午餐服務處收集了遺體和臟盤子,工作人員/技術人員站在附近正在談論旅館業務的小組中!不開心! 食物很快就到了,但是飲料和溫熱的茶花了一個永恆的時間!此後,再也沒有任何工作人員再次與我們聯繫,直到在入口處再次等待無人值守的情況下才解決未付帳單,然後再離開! 下午茶本身遠遠低於麪值。沒有實際的三明治,每人衹有一小塊奶油蛋卷,一小塊蔬菜餡餅和唯一的特色菜;哈吉斯香腸卷。一小撮我本來會更幸福! 在甜美的一麪,沒有任何形狀或形式的海綿蛋糕或t,衹有幾種冰鎮軟糖形狀,巧克力甘納許風格的甜點,世界上最小的碎肉派,甚至還有一些冰糖(為什麼?)-我都品嘗了例如,除了牙齒-打破糖果,但幾乎沒有所有的第一次品嘗后。我有一顆愛吃甜食的牙齒,但是就我自己而言,它們都太甜了,味道或質地無法定義,並且在等待了很長時間的液體清爽之後,不幸在熱量中融化成糊狀!烤餅也不是什麼特別的東西,看起來也不是超級新鮮-博恩瑪曼果醬太甜了,而且缺少切開凝結的奶油所需的至關重要的濃郁果味! 我給體驗10分中的2分,這是因為在我正確地抱怨質量和服務后,他們放棄了酒水賬單! 我不會再回來了,因為我確定我可以在附近找到更好的下午茶。非常失望。
4.1/5123 評價
4.1/560 評價
