住宿方回覆: HI T.Kee,Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your recent stay. We are glad you were very comfortable with the bed and overall, a good stay. Look forward to your returning in future!
入住於 2024 年 3 月
7 則評論
發布於 2024 年 4 月 16 日
其中一位男性前台服務員非常不禮貌,明明客户有¥100按金在酒店,足夠抵扣¥50的清潔費,他攔住下抱着孩子的孕婦,不讓我上車,很不禮貌地質問我,一直重複兩句 is you? Is you? 還有就是fixed? What’s that mean
(15號)隔天中午,我打車外出,在大堂等車15分鐘,經理和前台客服在酒店大堂,他們沒有找我協商,後續我抱着孩子準備上計程車的時候,一名男職員攔住我的去路,質問我:前幾天説被單上有污跡的是你嗎?是你是你?是不是你?我當時腦袋一片空白,然後我回應説: it’s ok, We fixed. 他一直問我: fixed? Fixed? What is the meaning of fixed! 我跟他説,在我看來事情已經解決了,我然後他問我,是不是我兒子弄上污跡的。 跟我説需要¥50馬幣清潔費,前提是我入住的時候已經給了¥100,那是足夠抵扣清潔費用,而且我還未到退房日期。
其實他們可以打電話到我房間跟我溝通這個事情,,可以按門鈴,面對面跟我溝通,或者留一個memo 在房間溝通清潔費的事情,我可以接受付清潔費用,但不能接受攔住去路質問,這樣吃相太難看了。後來為這件事情我太生氣了,帶着現金去給他,並跟他説以上提議,他居然説那裡知道你什麼時候在房間,你的手提電話又聯絡不上(攜程客服跟我溝通的時候能打我電話呢),反正就是藉口一堆。 重點是酒店經理一直在旁邊,看着他這樣對顧客無禮無動於衷,最後我們越吵越激烈的時候才出現制止員工的無禮行為!附近有更加好的選擇,這個酒店是我住過最差的
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest,Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection! Thank you for your review. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay .We hope there will be a chance to welcome you again and to provide you an excellent stay.Best Regards ,Grace Wong Penang Hotel Collection Managed by The Ascott Limited
住宿方回覆: Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection! Thank you for the review, We're glad your stay with us was good. We look forward to host you again whenever you're in Penang. Have a great day! Best regards, Grace WongPHC Hotel Team
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest,Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection! Thank you for your review and staying with us recently. We indeed take your feedback seriously as it serves to be part of our continuous effort to improve further and constantly provide better service to all valued guests. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future.Best regards, Grace WongPHC Hotel Team
住宿方回覆: 親愛的範舟,感謝您抽出寶貴的時間評價您在我們酒店的住宿。得知您對空調位置不滿意,這降低了您在酒店的整體享受,我們深感抱歉。我們不斷努力提供最佳的賓客體驗,對於可能影響您入住期間享受的享受,我們深表歉意。對於此次未能滿足您的期望,我們再次表示歉意,並希望您再次考慮 PHC 酒店。謹致問候Grace Wong PHC Hotels
入住於 2024 年 5 月
12 則評論
發布於 2024 年 7 月 1 日
住宿方回覆: Dear M/M Alicia,Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection! Thank you for your review and staying with us recently. We indeed take your feedback seriously as it serves to be part of our continuous effort to improve further and constantly provide better service to all valued guests. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the near future.Best regards, Grace WongPHC Hotel Team
Shanghaitanchaersiil - Charles
入住於 2024 年 11 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 12 月 25 日
住宿方回覆: HI Charles,Thank you for sharing your experience! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed our cozy and modern interior set within our heritage architecture. Providing great service is always our top priority, and we're thrilled that it enhanced your stay. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!
住宿方回覆: Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection!Thank you so much for this review of your recent stay with PHC Hotels. We truly appreciate the time taken to share this feedback and compliments!we are happy to know that you are happy with your overall experience with PHC Hotels. Look forward to serving you again soon!Kind Regards Grace Wong Revenue Manager
住宿方回覆: Warmest Greetings from Penang Hotel Collection!Thank you so much for this review of your recent stay with PHC Hotels. We truly appreciate the time taken to share this feedback and compliments!we are happy to know that you are happy with your overall experience with PHC Hotels. Look forward to serving you again soon!Kind Regards Grace Wong Revenue Manager