哥倫布廣場飯店是桑托斯將軍城最新的飯店之一,已在2023中進行重新裝修。 著名的當地景點General Santos City Public Library,Family Country Convention Center和Mont Albo Massage Hut都可以通過步行到達。 當客人有多餘的休閒時間,可使用現場的各種設施。 為方便客人,飯店可安排機場接機服務。 停車場現場提供給自己開車的人,
訪訪客用戶If you’re looking for a various family oriented, Seaside resort, this is it. They had only one restaurant, but the menu was so extensive. We did not have anything twice in our five day stay. The staff was very nice and accommodating. I would recommend it.
訪訪客用戶It was the best microhotel that we've visit, well it's not our first time to visit GenSan and find a great microhotel. That this place is fantastic, a great environment and perfect ambiance at all. Staff are great too, and they actually serve a break fast which just amazing to enjoy it with my love of my life.