
阿納海姆度假村區/加登格羅夫Residence Inn 飯店
4/5101 評價
I recently stayed at the Residence Inn and had a very disappointing experience. Upon entering my room, I noticed it was dusty and poorly cleaned. To make matters worse, the air conditioner broke in the middle of my stay making the room unbearably hot. We were forced to change rooms since maintenance could not correct the issue. The air conditioner made such loud noises the second night I had to go in the adjoining room. The hot water in the shower was inconsistent, making it difficult to have a comfortable shower. We watched the breakfast staff poor liquids into floor drains. The ceiling was pouring water from busted pipes. After reporting room issues, I was forced to change rooms, which was inconvenient. The front desk staff was incredibly rude and dismissive, even rolling their eyes at me when I voiced my concerns. They offered no help with my moving despite having a full fridge of food, not even a cart. I was told I had to get out of old room and it would immediately lock. When asked how I could make this move without a working key, I was told to leave the door open to the room. No thank you, there were cops and helicopters all over the place the previous night due to a possible child abduction and i had a child with me. So that is a hard no for me!!!! I can’t move all of that at once. Despite the numerous inconveniences and poor service as it took me multiple friends helping me move in the stifling hot room , no discount or compensation was offered for my troubles. I asked to speak to the manager who was no more helpful, I’m not even sure he was the manager, but rather the bartender. As an elite member I expected more and will be contacting corporate. Never again, I do not recommend staying at Residence Inn and will not be returning in the future. I’ll stay at the Hyatt next door next year.


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