喀爾麗晶飯店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 喀爾麗晶飯店是您遍覽哈博羅內美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店位於塞雷策卡馬爵士國際機場附近17km。 塞雷策卡馬爵士國際機場位於17km附近,往返機場方便。 這家飯店靠近哈博羅內的熱門景點,包括Harvest Christian Church,Kgale Hill Public Park和Commerce Park。 經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。 飯店可應要求安排機場接機服務。 這間哈博羅內飯店在網站上提供了停車場。
Where to begin? Fleas on the bed, manager of the hotel was too busy waitressing at the hotel on-site (certain there were others that could have been serving us since the restaurant was empty). There was only 1 of everything despite checking in with two guests, we were moved to another room and toilet was leaking. Went to the bathroom near reception and there was no toilet paper in the stall. The hotel seems outdated, carpets are dirty and it just hasn’t been taken good care of. Had booked for a stay a week later, the bed seemed flea free, would not recommend. If you choose to stay it has the convenience of a Newscafe onsite and is in close proximity to amenities.