佛山裡水希爾頓惠庭飯店位於佛山市南海區裡水大道南里水嘉洲廣場76號,周邊商業娛樂設施完善,毗鄰佛山裡水汽車站、南海影視城、夢裡水鄉景區、展旗峰生態公園、南海觀音寺,距離佛山西站車程需35分鐘,距離佛山沙堤機場車程需32分鐘,距離廣州南站車程需要42分鐘,距離廣州白雲國際機場車程需要50分鐘。佛山裡水希爾頓惠庭飯店擁有多間客房,其中包括舒適大床,舒適雙床,靈動大床房、靈動雙床房,靈動豪華大床,靈動豪華雙床及全能套房,飯店設置有綠洲大廳,靈感用餐區,健身房&洗衣區,高吧座位區&上網打印區,以及24小時開放的心選小鋪和自助飲吧,靈活的空間內恰到好處地配置了多種居家設施,讓賓客得以保持原本的生活方式,像在家一般輕鬆自在,感受“樂居由你Free to be you”的旅居體驗。
PPengyi顧客希望酒店的早餐豐富美味。The customer wants the hotel's breakfast to be rich and delicious。
建議酒店餐廳增加夜宵時段為21:00至23:00。Suggest that your hotel restaurant increase late-night meals, the time is from 21:00 to 23:00.
住客對與錯並不重要,重要的是他們的感覺。It doesnt matter whether the customer is right or wrong. It matters how they feel.
住客也許並不總是正確的,但是他們應該得到正確的對待。The customer may not always be right, but they should be treated right.
小事會影響顧客的感受。顧客是上帝。會給你財富!Little things can affect the guest's feelings. Remember, customers are God. Will give you wealth!
你可以達到標準,每個人才住的好。祝你酒店越辦越好!辦到五星級。You can meet the standard, Everyone will be satisfied with accommodation。We hope your hotel operation can reach five-star standards.
我會給你五星好評,但不用給我返現。I will give you a five-star review, but you don't have to give me money as a reward.