座落於譽有千年歷史文化底蘊的逢簡水鄉。滿懷著對水鄉人文的情懷和嶺南文化的傳承,我們傾力打造了這一在地性的《藍舍藝術空間》,並獲得了眾多國際殊榮:德國iF獎 Hotel & Art Space設計大獎美國ID建築及室內設計獎 Best of Year Awards - 年度獎香港建築師學會年獎 Medal of the Year / Merit Award FinalistIES照明獎 Outdoor Lighting Design - Special Citation Award亞洲照明設計獎 Award of Outstanding Light - 非凡之光2022香港DFA亞洲影響力設計獎Silver Medal銀獎美國建築大師獎 2022 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN美國LIT照明設計獎 WINNERS IN AGRICULTURAL LIGHTING廣州設計周NCA新商業空間之2022年度最美精品飯店廣州設計周亞洲飯店節之2022精選藝術特色飯店美國IDA國際設計大獎-International Design Awards香港APIDA亞太區室內設計大獎-Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards品味佛山-2023年佛山市精品民宿-銀王蘭民宿廣東首屆"嚮往的民宿"大賽-嚮往的書香民宿
The customer requires that the breakfast you make must be rich and delicious. Suggest that your hotel restaurant increase late-night meals, the time is from 21:00 to 23:00.
It doesnt matter whether the customer is right or wrong. It matters how they feel.
The customer may not always be right, but they should be treated right.
Little things can affect the guest's feelings. Remember, customers are God. Will give you wealth!
you good, Everyone will be satisfied with accommodation., I hope your hotel operation can reach five-star standards.
I will give you a five-star review, but you don't have to give me money as a reward.