Chuncheon Bali 376為顧客提供一流的服務和所有必要的設施。 住宿內提供免費網絡連接,確保您在住宿期間可即時通信。 住宿為駕車前來的顧客提供停車場。住宿提供溫馨的壁爐,當您坐在壁爐旁時,寒冷的夜晚變得舒適起來。 Chuncheon Bali 376的每間住宿都經過精心打造和裝飾,為您創造溫馨舒適的氛圍。在部分客房,顧客可以享受室內視訊流媒體、每日報紙或電視帶來的樂趣。 住宿的部分客房會在必要時提供室內飲料。Chuncheon Bali 376特定客房的衛生間提供浴袍、毛巾或吹風機。 以一杯美味的咖啡開始您的每一天,怎麼樣?在本住宿,您可以品嚐新鮮沖泡的優質咖啡,提神醒腦。 在這家住宿,挑剔的顧客還可以使用專門為其準備的烹飪設備。在您入住期間,一系列有趣的活動和設施一定會為您帶來愉快的體驗。 一天結束後,您可以享受水療設施,享受溫暖和放鬆的感覺。
The room is spacious, has 2 bathrooms and toilets make usage convenient for a family. We stayed there because we went skiing in Elysian so it’s 15 min drive. I don’t think it’s very accessible by public transport.
Interior design is a bit strange, combining colorful and traditional wooden bulky furniture, the wall is painted black and there is only one small window in the big living room so the feeling is dark, and the led light hanging on the second floor fence don’t work. So I would say facility and hygiene is just ok , but the price kind of explain this, so it’s acceptable.