









4.5/5102 評價
4.3/550 評價
Parking is complimentary and on a first come first served basis. The lobby has a simple desk in the centre, with complimentary coffee, water and Pastries nearby. Staff professional and friendly with payment taken on arrival. We stayed in the loft room, which has an upstairs section to fit 3 persons. There are snack and drinks available in room (pay for on checkout) and the bathroom is bright and clean. The beds are comfortable and carpet spot-less. The room overlooks the main street, which on a match day be noisy, but not something that is loudly apparent when the window is closed. A beautiful hotel and very comfortable in a well kept area.
4.4/519 評價
My colleague and I stayed here for 4 weeks on a business trip including a period of Covid quarantine so being confined to the apartment for 14 days has coloured my opinion. Small things that you could ignore for one night or so can become very annoying. I can't fault the management or the cleaning staff. They were very helpful and attentive and the housekeeping was very good but the developer and architect didn't win my praise. Sandyford was convenient for us but the area is a warren of charmless new developments, several of which have stalled and are left unfinished. There are some restaurants and coffee shops nearby and a Dunnes and Aldi within walking distance and the Luas tram at the foot of the road is a boon for getting to places with a bit more to offer. There is a also a weekly food truck market across the street. The beds are comfortable and the mattresses were clean but I agree with other posters that they are too high to sit on to tie your shoes. We found several lamps didn't have working bulbs but these were quickly replaced once the management were notified. The presence of three restaurants on the ground level of means that the smell from their fryers wafts up when you are on your balcony. I could not identify the source but every few hours, day and night, there is a loud clattering that sounds like a bottle-bank being emptied. Our balcony had no view except of a car park hemmed in on four sides by tall buildings. The apartments have plenty of windows and light but that only affords your neighbours in the office buildings across the breezeway a clear view of your bedroom and living room and you a view of their desks, unless you keep the curtains closed. There was obviously a common area with benches and a play equipment built for the development but the access to this is now prevented by a padlocked gate. Protruding glass box windows might be attractive from the outside and provide space and light into the bedrooms but when it rains (as it does in Dublin) the rain drumming on the roof glass is loud enough to disturb your sleep. A very particular complaint was the useless key-card entry system which constantly failed and locked us out. The management are well aware of this as they told us to keep our key-cards away from any electronic device (hardly practical for keeping in your purse or pocket) as this might wipe the magnetic *****e. In five weeks we were locked out (with both cards failing) four times which is very annoying when coming home late and the reception has closed. The management sent over new cards in a taxi which took 30 minutes. The car parking spaces underground are a bit tight. The code to the building and garage (but not your apartment) changes weekly so you have to make a note of it when the slip is passed under your door telling you the new code. The trash collection area is disgusting, there are lots of bins but evidently these are not enough or they're not emptied often enough. Rem
4.5/5102 評價
4.6/531 評價
我唯一的遺憾是我們沒有在這裏呆得更久!位置完美,住宿可愛,乾淨,新,舒適熱情...完美!我們在陽光房/餐廳後面有兩個房間,他們很迷人。我們的主人很好,第二天早上我們出去的路上我們就能見到她爸爸。附近很棒,步行距離內有幾家餐館/酒吧和商店,如果你想去市中心,而不是步行15分鐘,可以坐公共汽車。我迫不及待想在2020年再次訪問這裏!!***更新好,我們都知道2020年發生了什麼,所以我們終於在2023年回來了。這次我們能夠住3晚,我很高興我們做到了!!我們參加了在能源公園和Aviva體育場的活動,我們從唐尼布魯克大廳步行即可輕鬆到達。我們走進市中心,大概步行25-30分鐘。離開市中心,我們從塔拉和佩****站乘坐DART到Landsdowne Rd站,距離唐尼布魯克大廳步行約10-15分鐘。沒有什麼變化,仍然是完美的位置和熱情好客。我真的迫不及待地想回來再住在這裏!
4.5/538 評價




都柏林是愛爾蘭首都,是愛爾蘭的文化、金融與教育中心,也是愛爾蘭規模較大的港口,其進出口貿易占全國對外貿易總額的一半。準備來趟都柏林旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門都柏林景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開都柏林之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往愛爾蘭都柏林機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表,從機場到市區可搭乘 Dublin Bus(車程較久)、Airlink 機場巴士747或757號、Aircoach 等,市區內各景點間可乘坐輕軌、火車,或是騎腳踏車享受自在的愛爾蘭旅遊。




1. 健力士黑啤展覽館

2. 聖三一學院

3. 都柏林城堡


還沒安排都柏林自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的都柏林飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂都柏林住宿!若預計前往都柏林周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如鐵路、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。
