住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest,Warmest Greeting from Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaThank you for choosing ARTOTEL Yogyakarta as your home during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thanks for your kind attention by giving us your comment and input during your experienced stay that effect to our services.We have taken every effort and precaution to minimize the inconvenience by forwarded your comments and inputs to the department concern for improvement our cleanliness and corrective measure of our services to prevent the recurrence of such happening.We do hope that you would give us the opportunity to improve ourselves by returning to ARTOTEL Yogyakarta on your next visit.Best Regards,Andre H. BinawanGeneral Manager
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued guest,Warm Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta…With this letter we would like to say thank you for your comments about our products and services, we greatly appreciate it as inputs to improve our products and services quality.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you related the fruits at your breakfast and please be assured that every corrective measure has been taken to prevent this matter happen in the future.Thank you for your kind attention and we once again regret the inconvenience experience.Cheers!Andre H. BinawanGeneral Manager
入住於 2024 年 7 月
21 則評論
發布於 2024 年 8 月 11 日
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest, Warm Greetings from Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta… Previously, we would like to thank you for choosing ARTOTEL Yogyakarta as your home during your visit to Yogyakarta. Thank you also for the compliment through Ctrip that we have received. Hopefully this praise will motivate us to further improve the quality of our services according to customer wishes. We hope to have the opportunity to meet again and provide more services to you in next visit at Yogyakarta. Regards, Andre H.Binawan General Manager
入住於 2025 年 1 月
1 則評論
發布於 2025 年 2 月 17 日
Pelayanan nya ramah dan luar biasa🥰🥰🥰🥰
住宿方回覆: Dear Guest User.Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel artotel yogyakarta.Sebelumnya kami sampaikan terima kasih telah memilih artotel yogyakarta sebagai tempat menginap selama masa kunjungan di Yogyakarta.Terima kasih pula atas penilaian pelayanan staff kami yang diberikan melalui Google ini.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke artotel yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya.Hormat kami,Andre H. Binawan.General Manager
入住於 2024 年 6 月
7 則評論
發布於 2024 年 7 月 28 日
Hotelnya strategis, banyak pilihan makanan, samping hotel alfamart, yg unik ada slide di dalam jadi anak2 pasti senang, sarapan variatif dan cukup enak, kamar ok hanya tidak ada lemari dan hair dryer by request, nah yg keren lagi ada nescafe dolce gusto di kamar
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest,Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta...Sebelumnya kami sampaikan terimakasih telah memilih ARTOTEL Yogyakarta sebagai tempat menginap selama masa kunjungan di Yogyakarta.Terima kasih pula atas penilaian makanan dan kamar kami yang diberikan melalui Ctrip ini.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke ARTOTEL Yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya.Hormat kami,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
Merry Filiana
入住於 2024 年 5 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 6 月 24 日
Hotelnya bersih dan nyaman. Lokasi hotel juga strategis, banyak tempat makan di sekeliling hotel dan bisa walking distance. Service memuaskan, petugas hotel ramah dan sigap. Kamar hotel bersih. Overall, cukup memuaskan menginap disini 👌
住宿方回覆: Hi Merry Filiana,Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta...Sebelumnya kami sampaikan terimakasih telah memilih ARTOTEL Yogyakarta sebagai tempat menginap selama masa kunjungan di Yogyakarta.Terima kasih pula atas penilaian kamar dan pelayanan staff kami yang diberikan melalui CTrip ini.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke ARTOTEL Yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya.Hormat kami,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
入住於 2024 年 7 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 8 月 18 日
Great location, comfort hotel, breakfast OK, super great service! Will definitely coming back here when travelling to Jogja
住宿方回覆: Dear Rayhan,Warmest Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta...Thank you for staying with us during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thank for your kind attention by giving us your review to Ctrip during your experienced stay with us. Your Review will be shared with the team for giving you a delightful service and making a memorable experience.I personally sincerely thank for your kind attention and truly wish that you will continue your support towards ARTOTEL YogyakartaWe hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our hotel in the future.Best Regards,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
Ananda Fath
入住於 2024 年 8 月
3 則評論
發布於 2024 年 10 月 8 日
AC nya gak dingin
住宿方回覆: Dear Ananda Fath,Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaSebelumnya kami sampaikan terimakasih telah memilih ARTOTEL Yogyakarta sebagai tempat buka puasa bersama di Yogyakarta.Terima kasih juga atas penilaian yang di berikan melalui review Ctrip ini.Kami mohon maaf atas ketidak nyamanan anda selama berkunjung di ARTOTEL Yogyakarta,terkait dengan AC dikamar , untuk keluhan tersebut akan segera kami sampaikan ke departement terkait untuk segera di tindaklanjuti. saat ini kami terus melakukan perbaikan untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan mutu pelayanan kami sesuai keinginan pelanggan.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke ARTOTEL Yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya.Hormat kami,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
入住於 2024 年 7 月
24 則評論
發布於 2024 年 8 月 6 日
原文以 Google 翻譯
住宿方回覆: 親愛的客人, 來自 ARTOTEL 日惹藝術酒店的熱烈問候... 首先,我們要感謝您選擇 ARTOTEL 日惹作為您訪問日惹期間的住宿。也感謝您透過攜程對我們的食物和房間的評價。我們希望下次造訪 ARTOTEL 日惹有機會再次見面並提供更多服務。此致, Andre H. Binawan 總經理
入住於 2024 年 5 月
1 則評論
發布於 2024 年 7 月 4 日
Great experience stay here. Hospitality good and staf helpful
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest,Warmest Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta...Thank you for staying with us during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thank for your kind attention by giving us your review to Ctrip during your experienced stay with us. Your Review will be shared with the team for giving you a delightful service and making a memorable experience.I personally sincerely thank for your kind attention and truly wish that you will continue your support towards ARTOTEL YogyakartaWe hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our hotel in the future.Best Regards,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
adie mirza
入住於 2024 年 1 月
6 則評論
發布於 2024 年 2 月 25 日
location bery good…
along the road alot shop easy to find nice food & convenience mart…
room nice with "scary”decoration…
unique slide from level M to lobby…my kid really enjoy
staff very helpful 👏🏻👏🏻
住宿方回覆: Dear adie mirza,Warmest Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaThank you for staying with us during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thank for your kind attention by giving us 5 star to CTRIP during your experienced stay with us.I personally sincerely thank for your kind attention and truly wish that you will continue your support towards ARTOTEL YogyakartaHopefully we will have opportunity to welcoming you back to our hotel in the future.Best Regards,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
入住於 2024 年 2 月
12 則評論
發布於 2024 年 4 月 1 日
Very nice hotel, I like artotel in Indonesia in general, service is really good, the room are nice too
住宿方回覆: Dear Valued Guest,Warmest Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL Yogyakarta...Thank you for staying with us during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thank for your kind attention by giving us your review to Ctrip during your experienced stay with us. Your Review will be shared with the team for giving you a delightful service and making a memorable experience.I personally sincerely thank for your kind attention and truly wish that you will continue your support towards ARTOTEL YogyakartaWe hope that we will have the opportunity of welcoming you back to our hotel in the future.Best Regards,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
Indriani A
入住於 2023 年 11 月
3 則評論
發布於 2023 年 12 月 31 日
Satisfied with Artotel at jalan Kaliurang Jogjakarta.
We managed to get additional one hotel room, although it is quite expensive.
We love the welcome drink Secang tea :)
Room facility is good, including welcome cakes :)
Breakfast choices were also good & nice.
住宿方回覆: Dear Indriani A,Warmest Greetings from The Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaThank you for staying with us during your visit to Yogyakarta.With this letter we would like to thank for your kind attention by giving us your review to Ctrip during your experienced stay with us.However, as the most responsible person of the hotel, I personally sincerely thank for your kind attention and truly wish that you will continue your support towards ARTOTEL YogyakartaHopefully we will have opportunity to welcoming you back to our hotel in the future.Best Regards,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
入住於 2023 年 11 月
1 則評論
發布於 2023 年 12 月 30 日
cakep tema hotelnya gemes ramah semua pegawainya keren deh cuma lumayan jauh aja buat ke malioboro it's okey.. makananya juga enak sekali" main daging dirasakannya dong ehehe
住宿方回覆: Dear Vinna,Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaSebelumnya kami sampaikan terimakasih telah memilih ARTOTEL Yogyakarta sebagai tempat menginap selama masa kunjungan di Yogyakarta. Dan terima kasih juga atas penilaian melalui review Ctrip yang telah kami terima.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke ARTOTEL Yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya.Hormat kami,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager
Feritika Dwi
入住於 2023 年 9 月
2 則評論
發布於 2023 年 10 月 23 日
Merupakan pengalaman yg sangat menyenangkan menginap 1 malam di Artotel jogja pd tgl 14 oktober 2023. Pertama masuk kita sdh disambut staff hotel yg membukakan pintu di lobby. Hotel nyaman, staffnya ramah2, kamar nyaman, makanan enak, pelayanan chek in check out sangat cepat dan letak hotel yg strategis memudahkan kita untuk kemana². Banyak pertokoan dan pedagang kaki lima disekitar hotel dan dekat sekali dg tempo gelato. Pingin nginep disini lagi klo kita trip ke jogja. Terima kasih Artotel atas pelayanannya 🤩🤩🤩
住宿方回覆: Dear Feritika Dwi,Salam Hangat dari Artistic Hotel ARTOTEL YogyakartaSebelumnya kami sampaikan terimakasih telah memilih ARTOTEL Yogyakarta sebagai tempat menginap selama masa kunjungan di Yogyakarta. Dan terima kasih juga atas penilaian untuk staff kami melalui review CTRIP ini.Kami berharap mendapat kesempatan kembali untuk bertemu dan memberikan pelayanan yang lebih dengan kembalinya berkunjung ke ARTOTEL Yogyakarta untuk masa kunjungan selanjutnya. Hormat kami,Andre H.BinawanGeneral Manager