迪凱特Residence Inn 酒店是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。 此酒店距離Cook Museum of Natural Science僅4.63 km。另外,它距離Blue and Gray Museum約4.93 km,距離Wilson Morgan Park亦不過是4.56 km。私人廚房設有雪櫃,非常方便。有空餘時間的話,不妨到室內或室外的游泳池暢泳。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。最近的機場是漢斯威爾國際機場,車程為32 min。 住宿設有停車場,歡迎自駕遊旅客入住。
Fuel up for the day and start your day right. We offer a healthy mix of delicious, fresh and free breakfast options. Choose from a wide variety of morning favorites like fresh fruit, omelets, mini waffles, sweet breads, Chobani Greek yogurt and bacon. Then, add your choice of toppings, ranging from shredded cheese and salsato sliced almonds and agave syrup. Everything you need to stay productive while on the road.
Great new hotel right in the heart of downtown decatur!