

3.9/590 評價
I arrived after having travelled a long distance. I was greeted by the front desk lady, and I then proceeded to access my apartment. I unpacked my items and tried to connect to the Wi-Fi using the instructions, I also tried to adjust the air conditioning to make the room slightly cooler as it was warm and not blowing cool air - this did not work. I could also not connect to the Wi-Fi therefore I could not use the television. (The television required I connect to the wifi to use the chromecast, to watch anything at all). I messaged the front desk lady and she came upstairs and tried to fix the air conditioning (without much of an apology). She also advised me to connect to the Wi-Fi of a neighboring apartment. However I later discovered this meant the tv still would not work. She could not get the air con to cool down it was around 8:00 PM by this time, and I had not eaten any food since travelling, and as Sonder do not have any food in the kitchen for new guests she vaguely told me that she would get an engineer to come and have a look at it but said she did not know when this would be. Obviously I did not want to leave the apartment because an engineer may need to come and look at the air con so this was difficult - because she was extremely vague and said she 'didn't know' when the engineer was coming. At no point did she apologize profusely and clearly say that's fine you can leave the apartment, they will access anyway. I did go out in the end and no-one came to fix it. The next the next morning I reached out to Sonder on the app directly to ask what the situation was and when the engineer was coming? As I still did not have Wi-Fi or television and I was still unable make my apartment cooler. I had not slept very well that night because the room was not cool. Once I messaged on the app she appeared quickly, so I assume it is her management team that I reach when I message on the app? She later during the trip told me not to 'chime in on the app' if I have requests!! She then came back to my room and told me that I was moving rooms. Again no apology. She did not offer a bell boy or any assistance for all of my bags - bearing in mind all of the items I'd unpacked. She just told me where the room was an that she left the door open and that was all. I was obviously very tired by this point as I hadn't slept well and I had no apology. Disgusting service. Once I accessed my new apartment, the view through the windows of the apartment and saw that I was overlooking the swimming pool. (To my knowledge and from what I had researched I understood this was the 'Waterproof Dallas rooftop pool' which hosts late night DJ events from Thursday to Sunday every week.) To be honest looking back now I realise it was the community pool on the 4th floor which I was overlooking which is very quiet however I was very tired and I did not know this, so I messaged Sonder saying that I did not want to be in a room which overlooked a loud party pool, and obviousl
4/5111 評價
德克薩斯達拉斯 - 費爾公園 6 號汽車旅館
3/5101 評價
有一位員工總是讓我們很難找到一個房間,裏面有我的 DL 副本。在其他任何地方,我們總是能夠以這種方式進行檢查。我沒有看到每天退房的品脫,讓我們出去衹是為了在下午 2 點再次入住。
3.8/5102 評價
我們需要一個在德克薩斯州/ OU周末期間快速入住的地方,但所有其他酒店要麼已被預訂,要麼非常昂貴!我們能夠以優惠的價格找到這家酒店,其中包括早餐!我們擁有了享受住宿所需要的一切
3.8/575 評價
3.9/5101 評價
這是最新評論。周年紀念日,我們在Statler度過了一個美好的夜晚!周年紀念日之前,我曾在這家酒店住過幾次。在上次訪問中,我遇到了一些問題,這些問題使我重新考慮留下來,並引起管理層的注意。他鼓勵我們再試一次,他們對我們的周年紀念之旅再合適不過了。如果您想四處逛逛,逛街或吃飯,該酒店位於市區的絕佳地段。他們那裡也有一些很棒的餐廳。房間很乾凈。浴室真的很整潔,有一個巨大的浴缸/淋浴。我期待着我們下次達拉斯之旅。 。 。


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