

4/563 評價
首先,真的很漂亮,拍照的地方真多,而且私人海灘佈置得真好。 維護得很好,很乾淨,房間條件一般。 潮濕得嗓子疼。有三個泳池真好,景色太瘋狂了。早餐真好吃。這讓我下次想再次入住。 至於位置ㅠㅠ附近沒有什麼東西,所以我必須無條件使用Grab,但Han Market距離峴港市中心很遠ㅠㅠGrab費用有點高。
精品村莊峴港度假村 - 雅高飯店集團管理
4.6/552 評價
It was the first family trip to Danang. Compare to other hotel, it was a bit expensive but worth pay it. Before departure my dedicated manager(Mr. Randy Pham) sent warm messages, and welcomed my family. During stay, every staff was very kind and try to help us. The villa was cosy and modern with good facilities. While check-out, Mr.Khut kindly cared my family and luggages. I promised to Randy that I will come back next year. I hope he will be my dedicated manager again. Reccomend this resort, as it is best for kids and family!
4.5/570 評價
4.2/515 評價
我在二樓的會議室參加培訓酒店的部門從投影儀到揚聲器不細心準備,...投屏被拉高,必須將防滑線強迫,音箱準備從前一天的客人的飲料中發出振動,尚未調整(即使是時候),工作人員出來準備了麻煩,然後把東西放成玻璃缸,壁櫥。2員工租用培訓客人/h 課,但工作人員不注意,從準備茶休息到互相交談,聽到T,使DT鈴鐺等發出噪音。還有一個朋友在會議集中時,在客人集中討論時,他們喝着耳朵,發出響亮的聲音。3.由於與會議室共用牆壁,兩個電梯門一直打開(客人走錯了),影響學習。4.吃米飯,有一些非常鹹的菜餚,髒的杯子,不敢喝水。5.當我回到家時,我沒有在這裏,但是我的朋友曾經住過,他反映了預訂了房間,但發送錯了房間,沒有準備,在晚上入住時,缺少毯子,枕頭等。
峴港萬豪度假村及水療中心 - 努爾卡海灘別墅
4.5/5107 評價
很親切食物也很好吃環境也很好早餐菜單很多很好很乾淨。服務也很好Anh dao Bich phuong職員們很親切所以很開心我很高興我想再來。我愛你所有人。Many thanks Breakast so good tasty and i really like.Love
4/542 評價
My suite was G2. It was around 350~400 per night. The Pleasantries: The Outdoors: The public pool was a sight to behold, and the proximity to the beach was most convenient. One could spend a rather enjoyable afternoon by the pool, sipping a fine beverage and overlooking the ocean. Privacy and Convenience: The villa provided a good level of privacy, and its location offered convenient access to both the Da Nang city centre and the charming town of Hoi An. Staff Deportment: Though understaffed, the personnel conducted themselves in a professional manner, and their handling of complaints was quite civilized, I must say. The Unpleasantries: Absence of Amenities: It was most disconcerting to find that the rooms were bereft of televisions and that the air conditioning system was inoperative. For the rate of 400 USD per night, one would reasonably expect these basic amenities to be in good order. Inefficient Procedures: The necessity of waiting for staff to check in and out was an irksome inconvenience that could have easily been avoided with proper staffing or organisation. Disrepair: The villa exhibited a rather rundown appearance, with appliances in various states of disrepair. The fan, the hair dryer – all seemed to have seen better days. Design Inconsistencies: The logic of the design was puzzling indeed. Providing but one cup, yet two sets of toothbrushes, left us quite perplexed. The safe was curiously placed atop the closet, and the water pressure was disappointingly weak. Furniture: I would be remiss not to mention the furniture, which appeared rather worn and past its prime. In Conclusion: Ocean Villa, despite its appealing location and outdoor amenities, fell short of the expectations one might associate with a venue at this price point. Whilst I extend my sincere appreciation to the staff for their professionalism, I cannot in good conscience endorse this accommodation without significant improvements. Though our stay was not entirely without merit, the aforementioned shortcomings led us to seek a refund for one of our nights. It is my earnest hope that Ocean Villa might address these issues, for the potential for a truly splendid getaway does indeed exist.



最低價格TWD 613
最高價格TWD 94,803
平均價格 (週末)TWD 12,394
平均價格 (平日)TWD 12,598



峴港位於越南中部,為越南第三大城市,海濱沙灘延綿30公里,是理想的東南亞度假勝地!峴港市內的景點不多,有中世紀風格的粉色峴港大教堂、適合看海放空休息的美溪海灘等景點。從海雲嶺至靈姑灘的這段海岸線十分美麗,從順化坐巴士前往峴港時就會經過。峴港周邊的占婆島水質清澈見底,在這裡浮潛或潛水還能看到五顏六色的珊瑚礁。準備來趟峴港旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門峴港景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開峴港之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往越南峴港機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。峴港市區內,旅客可乘搭市區巴士及觀光巴士觀光遊覽。若想省時間,計程車價格亦相當便宜。峴港與會安及美山保護區兩個世界文化遺產相鄰,可選擇乘坐巴士或包車前往。




1. 巴拿山
巴拿山海拔約1500公尺,從前是法國貴族的避暑勝地,目前則是熱門打卡勝地,這裡有知名的佛手黃金橋,旅客可在此飽覽雄偉山景,或是前往受歡迎的巴拿山太陽世界樂園(BaNa Hills Sun World)及巴拿山空中樂園,更可搭乘全球海拔落差最大的登山纜車,度過充實的峴港一日遊行程。

2. 美溪海灘

3. 峴港大教堂


還沒安排峴港自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的峴港飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂峴港住宿!若預計前往峴港周邊的會安、世界遺產美山聖地遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。
