哥本哈根鳳凰飯店(Phoenix Copenhagen)坐落於哥本哈根市中心,優越的地理位置使它成為哥本哈根一個令人嚮往的住宿選擇。 從距離飯店幾分鐘路程的Kongens Nytorv地鐵站出發,旅客可以很輕鬆到達城市裡想去的地方。在該地區觀光很容易,Christian X Statuen、Kadampa Meditation Centre, Copenhagen和J. E. Hartmann都在飯店附近。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。閒暇時間在飯店的酒吧喝上一杯,絕對是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Studio at the Standard(西餐)、The Red Box(西餐)和Kokkeriet(西餐)不妨可以試試。飯店設備優良,旅客可使用為您提供的按摩室等休閒設施。飯店配置有會議廳和商務中心,定能滿足您商務活動方面的需求。為了方便旅客,外幣兌換服務已為您準備就緒。入住飯店的旅客,可以使用飯店停車場。
Sanders Regent - Popular Three-Bedroom Apartment Near Central Square提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 在哥本哈根對於商務旅客或休閒旅行的人來說,Sanders Regent - Popular Three-Bedroom Apartment Near Central Square提供了舒適的住宿。飯店位置方便,距離Nørreport只有1km,凱斯楚普機場只有7km。 距離最近的主要公共交通Kongens Nytorv捷運站只有300m。 著名的當地景點克里斯蒂安堡宮,哥本哈根市政廳廣場和趣伏裡公園都可以通過步行到達。經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。
This accommodation is very good, clean, safe and very helpful service. I recommend this accommodation if you are looking for a warm and comfortable accommodation.🤩
Neat enough old hotel in the heart of Copenhagen near all things of interest, we enjoyed being able to walk out and find food, transport, parks and shops close by. The hotel itself is a classic old Copenhagen building which shows its age and while I'm sure some find it charming, I would say it's a bit below the standard you come to expect from more modern buildings. The staff was friendly and wanted to accommodate us although the cleaning staff seemed so into their own business that they wouldn't even notice us as we tried getting into the hotel's single elevator, rushing in before us so we almost collided as it didn't seem they were gonna come back inside the lift having just exited. No polite apologies either and on top of that the hallway was at almost all times we came through them, day or night, full of trolleys with used towels, jackets hanging on random hooks and generally just felt cluttered. Don't know if this was on all floors but it gave a weird impression disorder walking through the already-creaky hallway.
As for the room itself, it covered our needs and we didn't have issues with noises from other guests other than those walking through the hallway but at least the walls, floor and ceiling didn't cause disturbance. The beds were a little too soft for our liking and left us feeling sore the day after. Also a shame we didn't get the double-bed we had requested during the booking process. Somehow they mixed that up and reception staff didn't seem to know what our booking involved when we showed up. We decided the twin beds provided could be pushed together instead and leave it at that as we had been up at 4 in the morning and were exhausted. A final note on the room would be the weird furniture choices. You get these bed side tables that look like a school kid's wood working project, kind of rough around the edges and felt very cheap and sort of sloppy from a decorating point of view. In contrast, the reception cafe has a wonderful interior and is very charming so I was a fair bit disappointed that the room gave me this impression.
All in all, the hotel covered the features it should but I had really expected better from the impression I got when making the booking originally. Location is, however, enough of a pull to make up for the negative aspects. Perfect location for sightseeing and access everywhere.