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探索我們在Kirche Herz Jesu附近的熱門飯店




4.5/5102 評價


科隆|距離Kirche Herz Jesu1.58km
There was no air conditioning (AC) even though the hotel advertised as having it. Their excuses was that it was too cool at night to operate the AC for the hotel even though it was actually very warm outside. Translation: the entire hotel is either on heat or AC, they are too frugal to allow use of the advertised AC, or their system is outdated and does not actually work properly. Very hot and stuff room. The odd thing was is that the hotel lobby seemed to have AC. The hallways and room were uncomfortably hot. Upon checking in there was only a little bit of toilet paper was left on the roll. Fortunately there was an extra roll provided. Only a few sheets of Kleenex were in the box. Also, the hand soap dispenser was nearly empty. It seems not much care is given to the rooms between guests. On our last day the housekeeper knocks on the door early in the morning even tough the “do not disturb” sign was hung on the door. It was a basic room with furnishings that included a desk, a small round table, 2 small nightstands, a desk chair, and one sitting chair. There was no usable refrigerator, just a mini bar. The was only one suitcase rack situated in the closet. We had to use the sitting chair for our other suitcase. The beds were not too comfortable. Also the pillow case did not completely cover the pillow, so your head might rest upon the exposed portion of the pillow where the lasts hundreds of guest placed their heads. Bathroom was OK but a bit smelly. The shower had low water pressure. Some water will leak out under the shower door to the floor. Stepping over the high tub with a slippery shower floor is a bit precarious. Internet speed was 3.81 Mbps in both upload and download, with 8 ms latency. The location is near the chocolate museum and a good pizza and pasta restaurant is nearby. The cathedral is less than a mile away. At almost 400 euros a night, it was very expensive for a poor experience. Perhaps HN stands for “Not Happy.”
4.2/591 評價


科隆市中心 科隆|距離Kirche Herz Jesu1.84km
Definitely one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in and the best hotel from Accor Hotels. I had accidentally booked the wrong dates for my stay. As soon as I realised it, I contacted the hotel. The staff helped me to change my reservation dates. While on my trip, due to the strikes in France and problems with the train connections I had to postpone my meeting online. I sent an email to request to check in early since I will be having my meeting at 1 p.m. Ms Wulff made the necessary arrangements prior to my arrival. On my arrival I was able to check in early and able to proceed with my online meeting. Without her help I would not be able to conduct my meeting. On the next day, I had another online meeting. Her colleague made the necessary arrangements so that the housekeeping team could get the room cleaned before lunch and my next online appointment. Till date I have stayed in a number of hotels from the Accor Hotels group. In comparison to M Gallery am Konzerthaus in Wien, Hotel Mondial am Dom in Cologne exceeds my expectations. Professionalism The staff at the reception were not only friendly and good at what they are doing, they are also willing to help and went an extra mile to make things possible. I would not have been able to get my work done if they did not help me. Even when checking out, the staff was professional and showed interest to assist customers whenever they dan. Splendid Location Situation a few minutes walk from the train station and the main city area, is this hotel definite one of the most strategic location in Cologne. View of the Cathedral I managed to get a glimpse of the cathedral from my room. Dinner I had dinner at the hotel restaurant. It was not only affordable, the service was impeccable. The waiter even suggested where I could sit so that I can get the best view of the area. Awesome! I would like to thank the remarkable staff for making my stay in Köln memorable und unforgettable. I would definitely be staying in this hotel again when I visit Cologne. In German (Deutsch) Das Hotel Mondial in Köln ist mein Favorit und ist mit Sicherheit das Hotel von der Accor Hotel Gruppe. Ich habe bei der Buchung das falsche Datum eingegeben und musste meine Buchung ändern. Die Mitarbeiterin. hat mir geholfen meine Buchung zu ändern. Wegen Streiks und Probleme mit Deutsch Bahn musste ich meine Termine verschieben. Ich habe das Hotel gefragt ob ich früher einchecken kann um mein Termin online wahr zu nehmen. Frau Wullf hat alles für mich arrangiert damit ich meinen Termin online fortsetzen kann. Am nächsten Tag habe ich auch einen Termin online. Der Kollege von Frau Wulff hat mit dem Housekeeping-Team koordiniert damit das Zimmer von 13 Uhr fertig gereinigt ist. Dadurch könnte ich meinen Termin um 14 Uhr wahrnehmen. In diesem Hotel sind die Mitarbeiter:innen nicht nur freundlich sondern auch hilfsbereit. Diese Motivation ist leider eine Seltenheit auch bei den Luxus-Marken von Accor. Wenn ich mit M Gallery am Ko





正在尋找Kirche Herz Jesu附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.7/575 評價
I stayed here a total of 1 night. Room was very hot at night as no AC, not even a fan. There was one small window open but it didn't help much. I stayed in a 6 bed female dorm. Other guests were friendly and nice and respectful of each other's space and sleep. Our room had an ensuite shower and toilet which was very clean on arrival. Public areas including outdoor patio were relaxed, nothing fancy but no complaints either. Service was good; I didn't interact much with staff but no complaints. Location not as downtown as I would have liked but that's my fault. About 30min walk to main train station. Neighbourhood of the hostel - lots of restaurants around, bus stops very close by.
4/529 評價
3.9/522 評價
Im Rahmen eines Konzertbesuchs hatte ich die Gelegenheit, in diesem gemütlichen Hotel zu übernachten. Wie schon auf der Homepage zu erkennen ist, zeichnet sich das Hotel durch ein liebevolles und charmantes Konzept aus: die Gäste dürfen die Herzlichkeit und den Einrichtungsstil von Tante Alma bewundern und genießen; fast so, als wäre man bei seiner eigenen Großmutter zu Besuch. Das Mobiliar und die Deko sind dabei stimmig und hübsch ohne kitschig zu wirken. Die Zimmer sind sehr sauber, bieten ausreichend Platz und die Betten sind wirklich super-bequem. Sowohl das Kaffeekränzchen als auch das kleine Frühstück werden in Almas Wohnzimmer serviert, welches ebenfalls mit viel Liebe zum Detail eingerichtet ist. Allerdings kann es beim Frühstück schon mal recht voll und somit (je nach Sitzplatz) etwas trubelig werden. Mich hat das jedoch nicht gestört, da es weder hektisch oder laut wurde, sondern eher das Gefühl vermittelt hat, Teil einer Großfamilie zu sein, in der immer geschäftiges Treiben herrscht. Die Lage des Hotels ist dank der Nähe zum Dom/ Hauptbahnhof und den Kneipen/ Gaststätten und Geschäften im direkten Umfeld hervorragend. Positiv überrascht hat mich hierbei, dass die Geräusche von draußen kaum im Zimmer zu hören waren; so konnte ich wirklich komplett ungestört schlummern. Alles in allem kann ich dieses Hotel uneingeschränkt empfehlen und bedanke mich auf diesem Wege ganz herzlich bei dem durchweg sympathischen und freundlichen Personal, das einem sofort ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert! Sollte ich wieder nach Köln kommen, werde ich Tante Alma auf jeden Fall einen weiteres Mal besuchen!
4/541 評價
DO NOT BOOK THIS HOTEL. Booked through their website and received a ”payment failed” message and subsequent ”payment failed” email from the hotel. So, I tried again and this time it went through fine. I then discovered I had been charged for the first attempt. Presumably this company keep your card details and I assume must have processed a second payment attempt, using my card details, for the first ”failed” booking. A day later they took a third, completely unauthorised, payment of 370 euros from my bank account, which they have only partly refunded. STAY AWAY!
4.1/518 評價
3.8/558 評價




科隆是德國西部萊茵河畔的歷史文化名城和重工業城市,這裡高樓大廈林立,著名景點有世界遺產科隆大教堂、掛滿情人鎖的霍亨索倫橋、甜點控必來的巧克力博物館等。每年2月還有科隆狂歡節、暑假期間的同志大遊行、12月的聖誕市集等。準備來趟科隆旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門科隆景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開科隆之旅!


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1. 科隆大教堂

2. 霍亨索倫橋

3. 路德維希博物館


還沒安排科隆自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的科隆飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂科隆住宿!若預計前往科隆周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,並事先在 Trip.com 預訂歐洲火車票,旅遊更方便。
