

4/542 評價
#推 #浴室乾淨程度,員工態度,浴室,附近商店令人滿意;我们两大两小定了四人间,到了酒店前台办入住礼貌微笑的让我们补一个人的差价,老公也是礼貌微笑抬杠到底,后来没补一分钱,房间不大,但是床睡着很舒服,走了一整天睡这个床很解乏。淋浴和厕所是分开的,给我们很方便。酒店位置离科尔马老城还是有距离的,自驾住这边挺方便,毕竟科尔马玩儿一天足够了,如果没有车不建议住这里。
4.6/544 評價
面對着科爾馬大教堂,街對面就是一幢如此優雅而華麗的建築,La Maison des Tetes,酒店的名稱翻譯為有着很多頭的房子。文藝復興結構(1609)是有名的。裝飾着很多雕刻着的臉,它的幾十個眼睛看着這條中世紀的街道。現在它是一家酒店,但幾百年來,這兒是一間私人住宅,住着各種富有的業主,如商人和至少一個市長。即使你不住在那裡(我們大多數人都這樣),就看看庭院和外牆和屋頂也是非常有趣的;這是一個可愛的老阿爾薩斯鎮的好奇而且吸引力的建築。
美憬閣科爾瑪L'Esquisse 水療飯店
4.6/516 評價
太棒了!!!!!!服務卓越!!!房間乾淨舒適。強烈推薦這家酒店!!! 所有工作人員都非常友善和樂於助人。我認爲這是該地區最好的酒店之一。 我們沒有時間享受健身房和游泳池,但環境也很棒!!
4.1/539 評價
Plus: - We reached easy the head-office and later, helped by a map provided by the office manager we found the parking. We spent 3 nights and we liked the large parking easy accessible by elevator, we liked our large room situated at the level -1, we had good wifi (paid at a very reasonable rate of 8 euros/3 days). - Location is very good - close to the railway station and the highways, close to the roads to the neighboring villages, close to the city center. - The kitchen was well furnished; the room and bathroom were very clean. Minus: - The 200 Euros deposit on my credit card hasn't been returned at a week after our stay although at check out I was promised that the deposit will be immediately released and although I wrote asking for it. I read on *********** that someone complained that his deposit hasn't been returned after one month !!!, and considering that my deposit hasn't been returned yet I wonder if this bad financial management is intentional. - We found several persons at the reception, of which only one gentleman was kind and efficient. - We found in our room rented for 3 nights only one piece of toilet paper and only one sac for garbage. We bought sets for each and obviously let them in the room. - The payment section of their website does not work well - it was impossible for me to pay the tourist tax or the internet wifi.
4.1/528 評價
Un bon sejour en suite Georges. L’hôtel est super agréable , très bonne localisation, des équipements adaptés à un séjour en famille (les enfants ont été content de pouvoir profité de la piscine), le personnel est accueillant et disponible. Nous avons choisi la Suite pour ses deux grandes chambres et pouvoir apprécier une salle d’eau parentale et une salle d’eau pour les enfants. Au plaisir de revenir.


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