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Aquarium Society Of Victoria Clifton


Quarries Park Dog Off Leash Area


Darling Gardens

4.1/527 評價


菲茨羅伊|距離Darling Gardens1.25km
Not recommended for those who value their personal data security and privacy. Not recommended for internati9nal travellers who may not have enough charge on their phones to complete 3 forms, then download and set up an app that requires constant internet and Bluetooth connections. Booking required multiple insecure methods of sharing credit card details and identification documents along with 2 forms to fill out with personal details and an app to download in order to gain access to the Building entrance, Elevator, and Apartment. None of this information was given to me prior to booking. I would not have stayed here if I had known the extent of insecure transmission of personal information and amount of admin and work required just to check in and stay one night. I work in this space and know the risks. Management is putting guests personal data at risks with the excessive documentation requests. FYI, requiring someone to send credit card PICTURES and ID pictures over email is completely insecure. This is bizarrely at odds with the excessive security to get into the building. The constant need to carry your phone everywhere or you'd be locked of the apartment or even the whole building was extremely stressful. In terms of the actual room, once I got in, the bed, kitchen, lounge and floors were clean but the toilet had not been cleaned in a long time. This was not nice. You could see parts under the rim had not been cleaned in years. Toilet had also been recently used and not flushed properly upon arrival. I did not take photos of any of this, it was too gross. I ended up buying paper cups as the glasses/cups as those supplied were not clean, tried to take a picture but it's hard to see. They were covered in fingerprints and fibres of some kind. The view was nice and loungeroom was great, study nook was extremely handy for remote work. Balcony tiles are moving and could be a tripping hazard. Laundry was well equipped but did not have time to use it.


Clifton Hill - The Esplanade park



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