因爲廣告牌標誌和便宜的價格停在這裏。房間是禁菸的,很乾淨,價格是$30.48 TOTAL 咖啡廳的食物很棒,服務也很好。俱樂部三明治很好吃,啤酒便宜3美元。奇怪的是牀上的牀單在毯子上面,對我來說有點傻。它們很薄,我喜歡溫暖,所以我從卡車上抓了一個睡袋。******冒煙。煙霧瀰漫的酒吧只有一杯啤酒,然後回到我的房間。感覺像是我抽了一包煙。我會再呆在這裏。太糟糕了,沒有單獨的餐廳入口。
On a road trip to New Mexico we decided to bypass Las Vegas and stat here in Mesquite. What a great decision! The clerk at the desk was friendly and helpful. The room was well appointed and very clean. We could not have asked for more. If staying in Mesquite look no further for great accommodations.