37號拖車房Heart Land Hills in Noto提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 37號拖車房Heart Land Hills in Noto是您遍覽七尾市美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店位置方便,距離JR七尾站只有12km,諾特機場只有61km。 該區域內可看見多元活動,Iori - Heart Land Hills in Noto,下佐々波漁港和Kaimonji都在附近。 閒暇時,客人可以探索飯店的周邊環境。 這間七尾市飯店在網站上提供了停車場。
I prefer Nanao hotels to Wakuraonsen hotels as Nanao hotels are less expensive. Walkuraonsen itself is like Atami i.e. may high storied hotels nothing special to see. You can take a bus to Noto Island Aquarium whcih was very good from Nanao Station and you can also see Wakuraonsen area from the bus.Route Inn Hotels usually have a public bath which is the main reason why I choose hte hotels.